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Ask Me Anything? by Idess

Kinda bored and I've never done anything like this before (at least on my art galleries) so I wanted to try it :3 Sounds like fun!

Ask Me Anything! I'll do my best to answer. If you ask anything too personal I just won't answer, sorry! Some things I'd like to keep private :P

Ask Me Anything?


Journal Information



  • Link

    Do you like pizza? If so, from which restaurant, and what on it?

    • Link

      I do! I prefer local pizza places to chains, and it's been so long since I've eaten at a chain I don't think I know a favorite! I'm a fan of a basic combo (love me some veggies & meat!) but the last few times I've eaten pizza I've gotten that "old" type with just garlic and mozzerella and basil and ugggh they're always so good X3

      • Link

        Do you drive a car? Are you licensed to drive any other vehicle? What kind of car do you drive? What kinds of vehicles are you certified to drive/operate?

        • Link

          Yep I have a car! I am not licensed in driving anything other than commercial vehicle. My car is a 2004 Honda Civic :3

          • Link

            What kind of commercial vehicle? I'm a Class A CDL holder.

            • Link

              Oh sorry, by that I meant just a normal car (Passenger vehicle was what I meant to say! XD). I just have a Class D license and that's it ^^

              • Link

                Commercial vehicle stands for (mostly) semi trucks, dump trucks, and city transit. It's commercial, because it's company owned.

                • Link

                  Haha got it! I'm pretty terrible with words and didn't even realize which word went with what x) My apologies for the confusion! I don't think I'd ever be able to drive anything large; I feel weird even driving cars larger than my boyfriend's Jeep :P

                  • Link

                    It's only intimidating if you let it be. The only freaky thing is, if you try to slam on the brakes doing 60mph, even on dry pavement, it can take 3 football field lengths to stop.

  • Link

    Is there any subject matter you feel uncomfortable rendering? (ie, dead things, drug tools)

    • Link

      For art? Definitely! I mean, I've drawn some weird things on commission without realizing I was uncomfortable with it until during/after drawing it X3 I'm pretty OK with dead things but mutilation/gore not so much. Things like drug use make me kinda uncomfortable but I'd probably still draw it in the right context of the piece (it can be powerful). I'm very uncomfortable drawing fetishy things, even though I don't do adult I've been asked to draw very sexualized characters that I wish I never accepted x)

      • Link

        I know the feeling of being in a commission and while doing the research piece you realize your discomfort.
        Thank you for answering so honestly!

        • Link

          Haha yea the research is what gets ya! I recently did a piece containing a character with a broken leg, and while I have no real issues with broken legs, having to Google a reference of broken legs kinda squicked me out XD

  • Link

    Who's your favorite artist - and possibly, did you have someone that inspired you to become an artist?

    • Link

      Oh gosh I'm terrible at picking favorites of -anything-, there's so many artists that inspire me in different ways! I can tell you my favorite sculpture artist (Beth Cavener Stichter) and my favorite watercolor-based wildlife artist (Karen Laurence-Rowe), but as for fandom... I don't think I could pick XD

      Growing up my artistic drive was pretty unique in my family and I had no inspirations or teachers in my real life that I followed, besides animated movies and cartoon children's books. Pretty much all my growth and inspiration as an artist has come from the internet once it existed! I don't think there was one person that made me have an epiphany to become an artist, I feel like I've always been one and have just been guided by many inspirations and people along the way :3

  • Link

    What's your fav kind of music? =D

    • Link

      I love a LOT of different types of music! Not sure if I have a favorite genre, but my favorite musician is Jason Mraz and I'm a fan of that similar "alternative"(?) genre like Jack Jonhson and such :3 I tend to like various musicians/singers moreso than types or genres :D

      • Link

        Ah, nice =)
        Are you a gamer? If you are, what are your fav games? =P

        • Link

          I used to call myself a gamer but at this point I rarely play games anymore... I always feel too guilty for not-working XD I have and will always enjoy the Zelda games, however (grew up on Ocarina of Time and have been really enjoying Link Between Worlds!). Other favorites are Okami, the Fallout series, Pokemon, Portal, Tomb Raider, and Skyrim. I've played other games here and there (TF2, Quake, Half-Life) but don't really play those anymore!

          • Link

            Aww you shouldn't feel guilty, it's nice to have some time to yourself doing whatever you feel like it ^^
            Ocarina of Time was the first LoZ game I've played (and only one sadly).
            Fallout and Skyrim are pretty kick ass as well =D

            Last question (don't want to pester you too much haha), what's the story behind your nickname and main character?

            • Link

              Haha no worries!
              The name Idess was actually created by an old friend of mine from middle/high school. My friend was really into Lord of the Rings and was writing her own fantasy book, and she had a notebook with pages of character names she made up. One night when she was sleeping over I drew my very first fursona (at the time, a wolf), and I needed a name for her so I looked through my friends' name list and chose "Idess" :P Not much later when I joined DeviantArt for the first time, I made my account name "Idess" after the character and it stuck as the character became my fursona!

              As for my corgi character/fursona, as mentioned she started out as a wolf; changed to a folf (red wolf/grey fox) for many many years. It changed to a corgi a few years ago because at the time I was going through some big life changes and I was no longer attached to the folf character I had as a teenager. I've always been really attached to dogs; my life basically revolves around them and I know how they communicate and act, and I always felt more connected to dogs than anything else. I also seem to have dog tendencies; I'm loyal and happy and live in the moment:P So I figured I needed to change my fursona to a dog. The choice of a corgi for the breed was less personal and more physical; I am short and curvy and have a big butt, and I thought a corgi would fit perfectly XD I don't match a Pembroke Welsh Corgi so much in personality, but just "dog" plus physical characteristics made me choose my current corgi character :D

              • Link

                Awesome, I like hearing/reading the story and idea behind it all =)
                Does the name 'Idess' mean anything or was it just random?

                • Link

                  Yea I enjoy that, too! :D
                  The name was just random. My friends and I were all into Lord of the Rings and other fantasy-things, and we all made up names a lot x) I just randomly chose "Idess" from my friends' list of names because I liked how it sounded; it didn't have any meaning and was just created by her!

                  • Link

                    Still, it's a very lovely name and it sticks in your head =)
                    Are you curious about my nickname and character?
                    (not really a question about you, I'm just wondering how curious you are =B)

                    • Link

                      Sure! I'd love to know more about both your name and character :D

                      • Link

                        Haha alright, well I was 16 years old and wanted a gaming name, so I combined my love of Need For Speed with the fact that at the time I was obsessed with dogs (because I never had one).
                        so Speed and dog, made Speeddog, the 001 (which is much more recent) is for "the one and only" haha

                        As for my character which can be found here:
                        I was also roughly that age and I wanted a character that represented more the bad side of me (anger/frustration) because I've always been a bit of grumpy teenager.
                        The fact that I was a HUGE Slipknot fan didn't help lol
                        Now the metal fangs themselves was because originally I wanted tusks on him but at the time tusks were very popular on DA so I decided he needed metal ones.
                        He pretty much hasn't changed much over the next 9 years (I can't believe how much time flew haha).

                        Since you wanted questions, I think you would like asking your own as well so I got an idea for a game, in case this is as entertaining for you as it is for me =P
                        I'll ask you a question and then it's your turn to ask me something, how's that sound? (we can do this in notes so we don't clutter your comment section haha)

                        • Link

                          Haha that's awesome! Gotta love that teen stage when we have to make everything 'cool' lol!
                          I'm -terrible- at asking questions, that's why I did this because I love answering them lol! I don't mind chatting though or anything so if you'd like to send a note or whatever that's cool! n.n

                          • Link

                            Haha yeah but I did have good moment too ;P
                            To be honest, it was a bit of an excuse to "get to know you better" but I tend to feel like a creep when I ask xD
                            It could be pretty fun to actually have a casual chat with you =)

                            • Link

                              Lol fair enough XD I don't mind chatting with cool people! I mean I don't have any chat clients (I tend to keep to myself a lot lol!) but I've seen you around enough to be acquainted and know you're not a creeper! x)

                              • Link

                                You know, I was actually just thinking if you were aware of who I am (I guess I know now haha)
                                It actually made my day knowing you think I'm cool, you're pretty awesome yourself ;D

                                Oh that's fine, just notes sounds good enough to me, I'll drop you a note this weekend!
                                Thanks for taking your time answering my questions and being fun =)

                                • Link

                                  Aww haha of course! Look forward to chatting with ya, sorry if I come off as awkward or shy, I LOVE meeting new people but can be more shy talking with them x)

  • Link

    What sort of beverages do you enjoy? I love root beer... though sometimes orange juice just really hits the spot!

    • Link

      I'm -really- weird in that I don't like carbonation and I don't like alcohol and I'm REALLY boring in the drink department lmao! I don't like citrus or orange anything haha! I honestly don't drink much beyond water and whole milk, besides things like milkshakes and smoothies x)

      • Link

        Very unique! I've gotten out of carbonated stuff lately (other than the really rare root beer), and I don't really miss it. Smoothies sound great, though. What are your favorite flavors?

        • Link

          Yea I've never ever liked soda! No idea why x) I mean it's awesome because soda is so gross for you but I just never liked it lol!
          I love almost anything with a base of banana and/or strawberries! My staple at home is banana, strawberry, and blueberry smoothie, sometimes I throw some spinach in there if I have it; it adds more healthy-ness and you don't taste it, which is pretty awesome! XD

  • Link

    What are you afraid of? :3c

    • Link

      I'm not afraid of many things in the traditional sense! I mean I -dislike- things but it's harder to say I'm afraid of something XD I guess I can say I'm afraid of tragedies happening to my friends and family/loved ones, and I'm afraid of abandonment.

      • Link

        Okay then, what do you dislike? And those are good things to be afraid of :U

        • Link

          Hehe! Hmmm well I dislike (ok maybe you could call if a fear) the idea of a large amount of bugs (like... swarms. ew. omg), I don't like being alone in the dark after watching/reading something scary XD And I'm not a fan of tight spaces, either!
          Of course I could expand onto pet peeves and things I don't like but that'd be a huge list I'd have to think a lot about lol! Those above are more like close to fears but I wouldn't say I'm actually "afraid" of them, just would rather not have them happen to me haha!

          • Link

            eww bugs are the worst :C
            omg I'd butt in on your post up there but I don't want to be an ass so I'll just say it here
            Zelda is the best! ; U ; I love OoT, it was my first too! <: Have you beaten LBW yet?

            • Link

              Haha XD I don't mind bugs normally but like the image of swarms just freaks me out lol!
              GOSH yes I love Zelda so much! It's like my childhood in a game series x) I have not beaten LBW yet... I've gotten to the final "go into the castle for the final battle" part but I've been working on getting all the maiamai and heart pieces x)

              • Link

                I just hate bugs in general :c a spider once laid eggs on my shower ceiling and they hatched while I was taking a shower... Buuutt that's a tangential horror story :v
                Yes! Aaaaaaa LoZ is the greatest ; U ; I absolutely adore it! Which is your favorite? If you are capable of choosing xP
                Oooooh yay! <: Yeah, I never got all the heart pieces. I found the Maiamais actually surprisingly easy to find compared to the little things in the other games, like the golden bugs in TP and the skulltulas in OoT :U

                • Link

                  Oooohh my god that's really freaking scary ;o; Yea that's super creepy! XD
                  Haha nice! Gosh favorite LoZ game... so hard to choose! It would probably be between OoT and MM, partially because of the nostalgia aspect (I played OoT with my brother when we were kids and my old best friend and I played MM and got -really- into the side-characters' backstories!) and also because they're pretty timeless! I've played both multiple times!
                  I'm not sure if I'll be able to get all the heart pieces since I didn't start from the beginning of a tutorial so I've found some but not others but I figured I'd try! XD And I agree, the maiamai's weren't all that difficult but that was kinda nice, just a fun side quest n.n

                  • Link

                    Yes! Haha, I played OoT with my brother too x3 And I loved MM! <: That was a really great one! I'm tied between OoT and TP; the former for nostalgia and the latter because the art and the story are just sooooooo great ; O ;
                    Eeee I haven't even tried to get the rest of the heart pieces... I think they're pretty hard to get in that game :c

  • Link

    That sounds fantastic! I like spinach, though I've never tried adding it to a smoothie. My smoothies are usually either strawberry banana, or cherry. Even though it's a blizzard outside, I really want a smoothie now. :3

    • Link

      Haha I know right! I miss smoothies a lot because I rarely have them in the Winter. I can't wait for Summer, smoothies for breakfast erreday! x)

  • Link

    Favorite Michael Bublé song? ouo
    Also, when did you discover the furry fandom?

    • Link

      "Lost"! It moves me every time! :D
      I officially discovered it, I believe, around 2003. I was drawing animal/were art before that but someone who later became a friend saw my art and invited me into his furry IRC group where I met "actual furries" and was introduced to the fandom and such! I was on the fringes long before though when I was posting art on Elfwood and becoming part of the fantasy/animal art culture there X3

      • Link

        Ah, we share that in common! I honestly think I cried the first time I heard it, because like you said, it's such a heart rendering piece. But I also really adore his covers of the songs "At This Moment" and "Always On My Mind". My friends used to always make fun of me for listening to him and Josh Groban, since I'm more or less of a rocker, but damn his voice is just too gorgeous to not admire x3

        Oh wow, so you've been in the fandom longer than I expected! I got into it about the same time I joined Mweor, if you can believe that, so about 2009. To be honest, it was your artwork for the site that made me realize that the stuff I see on Neopets and other SIMS and etc. are actually drawn by people, and don't magically appear on the screen by some form of magic xD And then seeing the other players talking about 'fursona's and 'characters' made me curious, and that lead me to dA, and here I am!
        From when you first joined the furry community, do you think the fandom, or any aspect of the fandom, has changed? Or evolved at all?

        • Link

          Ooh that's awesome! n.n gosh I love Always on my mind as well! I'll admit I'm kinda disappointed in his newest album, it doesn't have the same feel as the others? I think my favorite album of his is "It's Time" or "Call Me Irresponsible", as I'm more a fan of his jazzy-Sinatra-like songs moreso than the pop ones he seems to be doing recently! But I still love all his work and yes, his voice XD
          I used to be a huge fan of Josh Groban too! Not so much anymore as I kinda fell out of his new stuff but he still has an -amazing- voice ;o;

          Wow that's cool! I think you're the first person that's said they've found furry through Mweor haha! That's really cool though n.n I'm glad you like it so far! :D
          Hmm that's a good question! It's hard to say because -I've- changed and evolved so much, my view of furry has definitely changed so I can't really say if the fandom itself has. I definitely think the fandom has changed in some ways though; it's gotten younger and it's gotten more women. When I first found it as a 13-year-old girl I was like the white unicorn; most of the fandom was middle-aged men and women! As I've gone to conventions over the years I do feel that the demographic is changing; there are a lot more younger people now and people who enjoy things like dancing and having fun, which I think is cool :3

  • Link

    What is the privilege of the dead?

    • Link

      Sorry, never heard of the movie so I had to google it, "To die no more"
      Or, if you're a fan of haiku's, "Only the dead know true peace"

      • Link

        Haha, yeah you caught me, I got the idea and question from Jean Luke Godard's 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her. I thought it may make an interesting question to see what answer may come of it.

        • Link

          grins When I first saw it I thought about it and my initial thought was similar to the "true peace" answer! But I had an inkling it was a reference to something so I Googled it out of curiosity X3

  • Link

    I'm looking to get back into art either in the next couple of months or over the summer, Do you have any tips or resources that could help?

    • Link

      I'm not the best with great resources and such, but you really cannot go wrong with just drawing from life (pets, scenery, people)! If you're looking for class-like settings, figure drawing is one of the most beneficial things an artist can do to learn! It can seem weird at first for some people to be drawing a live nude model but it's really not that bad and is sooooo helpful!