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anthrocon room get! by obliviousally

Reserved our room at the Westin for AC2014! The Passkey system is so nice and watching people complain about supersponsors getting first dibs and the Courtyard selling out has been entertaining.

I also think I'm NOT going to do Artist's Alley this year. I'm going to enter some stuff in the art show and then spend the rest of the con enjoying myself and drawing with friends instead of being stressed about making money and simultaneously not wanting anyone to commission me at all because I loathe drawing art I'm not interested in and dealing with clients and just ugh, the whole commission process makes me want to shrivel up and die now.

anthrocon room get!


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    My friend was very lucky to get a room at the Westin too! He must've been up at midnight watching the website like a hawk and hitting refresh every thirty seconds, because he said the entire hotel sold out in seven minutes!

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      Double rooms at the Westin sold out in the first three minutes, which is what everyone goes for. I think the entire hotel sold out within the first half hour, but I haven't seen any solid numbers on that yet. I was aiming for a single room, so I wasn't caught up in the double room rush, since my fiance and I don't room with people anymore.

      The Courtyard was sold out over the weekend, since supersponsors get first dibs at hotel reservations. Which is sad, cause I love the Courtyard, but they only have seventy rooms to offer to the convention due to corporate policies by Marriott.

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        Wait, the supersponsors went for the Courtyard? Why? The Westin is the main hotel, isn't it?

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          The Courtyard is a bit more low-key. Issues with the Westin are primarily that it's the main hotel, so there are often frequent parties, but moreso, the elevator lines are atrocious. Fursuiters (and those who are handicapped) get first go into the elevators (there's usually a separate line for them, which is totally cool because being in suit for hours can be rough, and folks with issues standing or in wheelchair should get priority anyhow) and the regular waiting line can be a 20+ minute wait.

          The Courtyard has the advantage of no elevator lines, less attendees in the hotel (only seventy rooms at the Courtyard are available) and it's actually marginally closer (no skybridge, stairs, or second set of elevators - which are also have fursuiter - and handicapped - priority). You can just walk under the convention center and take the escalator up and be right next to registration/dealer's room.

          So, while Westin is the main hotel, it suffers the same issues the main hotel at any convention suffers. The Courtyard is just as close, just a quieter/nicer experience.

          (i've stayed at, i think, five or six of the current hotels so far, courtyard is by far my favorite for proximity, but the omni is a beautiful building)