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How Much Is My Art Worth? by MulletLicker

People tell me I undersell myself but I can't even sell in the first place so how can I sell something that's already low ? Feeling really shitty guys ugh

How Much Is My Art Worth?


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    I think all art, intrinsically, is worth waaaaaaaaay more than what is charged. But I dunno, I can't answer your question... how much is my art worth? I don't charge much either and there isn't anyone interested in commissioning me, soooooo.... :p

    I'm starting to think... maybe it just doesn't matter and it has more to do with WHAT you make rather than how you make it... just my own personal thoughts on the matter. Like, draw a lot of furry porn, and you're going to get commissioned to draw more of that.

    For instance, there was a guy on FA who wanted to commission me, but "Oh, he draws Homestuck and not I'm not into that". And it's like... what? You know I can draw OTHER THINGS right?
    You and me both draw a lot of specific fan stuff, so maybe that plays into people's interest levels. It really sucks.
    Sorry I can't give you any better answers Meryl. :(

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      It's alright, pal yeah I'd hate to go to that side of commissions shrugs I just want to feel loved for someone other than my friends or boyfriend. Like getting random shouts on my page saying "wow you art is so cute! I can't wait to see more!" (is just being selfish v.v)

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        There's nothing wrong with wanting some encouragement for something that is a personal accomplishment.

        Like... my art... I work really freaking hard, usually for 6-12 hours straight with no breaks. I'm lucky if I get at least 1 comment, so I count my blessings, I guess. But I seriously know where you're coming from and what a strange crushing feeling it is to draw and feel alone with it. (save for friends and family, "but they don't count" :p )

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        Also I'm sorry about talking about myself so much. x.x I can only pull from personal experiences... but I'm not trying to make this about me. AAAA

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          psshh are you kidding me? I always like to hear how others struggle too (not in that way to hopefully you know what I mean) huggles

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    In terms of wanting comments and attention from people about your art, I've always found it to be really good to do that for other people first. Leave nice comments on drawings, something you liked specifically. A lot of the time, people will do like-wise and check out your stuff. :)