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MFF Meme by Atramento

So, I guess it's time for a meme.

Because all the cool kids are doing it.

Staying at:

Not exactly sure yet. Between two rooms, at different hotels. xD

How are you traveling?

Via thirteen-hour road trip. Aw yeah. :3

Who are you rooming with?

Some folks I know from around here.

Who will you be with?

Probably Threvin/Derek/TailArmor or people whose furry names I cannot recall. I'm a terrible furry. x3

Where will you be? How is the best way to find you?

Best way to find me? Bob Marley cap with a pin or two in it. Probably going to be StupidFox pins.

What do you look like?

Some guy? Short hair, a bit on the shorter side.

What is your gender?

Manly man.

How old are you?

Age is such a relative term...

Are you mated/in a relationship?

Not currently mated, no, but also not really looking. Sorry lads. ;3

How tall are you?


Can I talk to you?

Yeah, sure. Unless I'm playing a board game. Then, I must apologize, but all my attention must go to obliterating the opposition.

Can I hug and/or snuggle you?

Not a touchy-feely kind of guy. If I don't know you too well? Probably not kosher.

Are you nice?

Of course! :D

Are you cliquey?

Not really. Though I do like to stick with my buds.

Are you fursuiting?


I can't stand being in such confining situations. I need AIR, damnit!

If I see you, how should I get your attention?

Walk up and say hello. Handshakes are wonderful. As are high-fives, fist-bumps, chest bumps (provided you warn me ahead of time) (and also provided you're a guy) (sorry ladies), etc.

Can I ask you to dance with me during the dances?

I... don't really dance. :<

Can I buy you drinks?

Thanks, but not this time around. Next year? Definitely.

Do you attend parties?

Yeah, sometimes. :3

Can I take your picture?

Ask first? Though I don't know why you'd be taking pictures. xD

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?

Pretty much just have a good time, and meet some furries. I don't socialize too much, so this is kind of when I go out and meet new folks.

MFF Meme


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