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Help: Scanning Images? + Scanner Recommendations by Bluegrass

Does anyone know any tutorials for scanning drawings properly? Or any suggestions of their own? I have a few drawings saved up from the last month that I've tried scanning over the past few days, but I can't seem to get a good scan of any of them. I've tried fiddling with the settings and trying to adjust the colour by I can't seem to get it right.

Failing that, could anyone recommend a good scanner? My current one is a printer-combo and quite bulky, so I've been thinking of getting one that would fit more nicely in my work area.

I could try photographing the images but that brings with it it's own set of problems.

Help: Scanning Images? + Scanner Recommendations


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    Canon has some good scanners, and I suggest you edit the settings in PS since scanner options are limited. :) I used to know a good tutorial, I'll try to see if I can find it again and I'll send it to you.

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      I'm planning on fiddling around with the settings a bit more tonight to see if I can get something more accurate and clear. Though I think I'll probably end up editing the colours aha. Thank you for your suggestions, if you do stumble across the tutorial I'd be interested to see it! :)