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I'm sort of half-deaf right now (one ear is having hearing problems due to some reason being full of liquid I cannot get rid of), I've been sleeping more than I'm supposed to be due to not wanting to wake up lately, AND a couple hours ago about 2/5th or more of one of my teeth just fell out. ...

good signs


also i think my anxiety has been rising over absolutely nothing and the fact that i feel like i don't think I have any actual friends anymore/nobody likes me anymore is sort of getting to me really badly and i really don't like myself to the point i don't wanna exist
(but alas I must) lovely.


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    Oh dear. I can't help with the teeth problems and I'm getting the sleep thing myself. But there are ways to get liquid out of your ear unless its an infection or in there super deep. You should probably see a doctor if that's the case. ;c; i wish i could help you darling.

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      I just have bad teeth and probably could do more to prevent these issues (but at the same time can't really) but at least it's a tooth that the dentist wanted to remove anyway...since....... it would suck I guess to have a tooth I'm spose to keep crack in half? And yeah the..ear issues happen more than they should, and, usually it goes away after a few days of tryin to plunge it out and layin on that side of my head, but it's really frustrating when you can't hear out of half your head......worst case scenario was when I had both ears clogged. At least I can hear out of one at least.

      But yeah thank you. It's okay, I'll be alright, just... could be better, lol. Thank you again.

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        I have problems with teeth issues so I get it. Uhm.. do you know if it's water or something else? Heat can help relax the ear and drain problems. ;v; i have to do that when i get colds and my ears clog.

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          I think maybe it's mostly water and maybe somethin else..? And oh? I didn't know that. Maybe after I sleep ill put myself by some heat somehow hhghg... Thank you.

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            Try using a warm towel under your head on the side it's clogged. Might help. ;v; just warm a damp towel and lay your head on it.

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    I randomly clicked in your journal, and I have to tell you that I have anxiety issues too, and I share your same problems. However, recently I began to feel better just unplugging my computer for several hours and going outside every afternoon, in my sapre time. The fresh air and casually meeting someoine (or having a music stroll with your fav music in your phone to accompany you) is gratifying. Also, I talk about how I feel with my family and I feel beter everytime I vent out. Everybody is different but I told you my tricks to feel better with myself. Froma random user, have a nice day!

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    I read this when I first woke up and I swore it said you lost 2/5th of your teeth all at once and I just laid there, face scrunched in horror because WHAT. I am glad it's only one tooth, but it's still shitty. :c
    I hope your anxiety calms down soon!

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    Oh my gosh that's terrible. I've had the sleeping thing recently too just not really feeling like I even want to face the day but damn all that at once is just horrible. I'm sorry I haven't been talking much on skype or anything though, mostly been busy or not feeling like I'm safe to others.