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PAYPAL by KitteaMutt

Alright! So I wanted to get a PayPal in order to start doing commissions for actual money and do adopts and such, because I need to raise money for a new tablet. That said, my mom won't let me get a PayPal because hers was hacked recently and she doesn't want to put me or the main account my card is attached to in jeopardy. Are there any good alternatives to PayPal? Seriously, I need to raise $75 bucks for a new tablet because the tablet I have right now isn't very well known and they don't sell pen nibs. The last nib is almost fully worn out...

Thanks so much for your help, if you can provide it!



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    Well for the most part Paypal is secure, though sometimes that does happen (even with banks), which is why you check it daily and have super strong passwords. :)

    I know that there's Google Wallet, Amazon gift cards (they also never expire, but the money stays on Amazon), annnd I'm not sure of other places. :(

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      Thanks so much for you help! I'll see if I can convince my mom.

      I know she's gonna be thorough, so, do you happen to have any solid proof that PayPal is secure? She's quite a hard person to convince umu

      • Link Is their information.

        Now, if someone accessed her bank account and that bank account was linked up to the paypal, then I can see how that info can all be taken. However, any big corporations, no matter their security measures, can be 'hacked' into. Target was one of the recent companies whose personal info was taken for Credit cards and more. You always sign up for email notifications on paypal and your bank, and I think that there may be texting alerts as well for when you make a purchase and such. I always log in a few times a week (if not once a day) to make sure everything is good. I won't say it can't ever happen, but the chances are usually low.

        I wouldn't hesitate to call Paypal and see if they have extra security features if it helps your mom feel more convinced. OR let her know that Paypal is being used in physical shopping centers now. If it wasn't that secure companies wouldn't chance it. If something ever happens to your paypal account (not your bank account), ALWAYS call paypal ASAP. They usually fix these things for you.

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          Thanks so much Joker! This is very helpful, and I'll show it to my mom. Hopefully it'll help convince her