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About Me: The Journal by Metonymy

Hey guys! I figured my profile info was getting WAY too cluttered, so I figured I could just lead the curiouser of you folks to this journal. Some of this data may be a little outdated, but is at least mostly true!

In case you were wondering, I am indeed the Metonymy found on FA (link here:

How to pronounce my name/origin of my name:

Metonymy (mɪˈtɒnəmi / met-tawn-ah-me):

definition: a figure of speech that takes the name of one particular thing and replaces it with the name of something that is closely associated with it. Metonymy in Greek literally means 'a change of name'. Thus, it actually stands for a transmutation or a misnomer. This figure of speech helps to indirectly refer to something. Examples include "sweat" for hard work, "crown" for royalty, "Hollywood" for a section of Los Angeles, etc.

NOTE: You are welcome to call me Met or Meto for short. Also Menomnom or any variation thereof works great too. :)

"Important" info!  

Gender: Female, XX, Boob form, Girl, Bearer of Cooties, etc.

Personality: INFP. If you don't know what that means, please read the following links, you will understand an astonishing amount about me:

Also, an easy reference to me:

Sexual orientation: Straight and asexual, no known fetishes. I'm just here for cute animal pictures, sharing my works, looking at yours, and to chat with friends. For serious!~ I know I am an awful "furry"

Abilities: I'm not dumb, I guess, I am a decent writer, can draw kinda sorta, I am fairly friendly, I blend in well, I am told I have large boobs.

Disabilities: I'm colorblind, that's about it.

Likes: science, reading, a good conversation, video games (especially puzzle games), blankies, my fox, taking naps, learning, exploring, cheering people up, fireworks, art, pasta, salty foods, history, music, children, cookies, pizza, honesty, languages, rugby, being made to think, being loved and accepted, satire, creativity, people being themselves, organized sports, people, climbing trees

Dislikes: dishonesty, people sacrificing their personal beliefs to be "cool", misuse of your vs you're, people looking down on others based on choices like religion, gender and/or sexuality, excessive cursing, being expected to be able to see color, people hurting other people

What I can do for you:  
  • FREE Tutoring! I am tutor trained... I specialize in Biology, History, Math (up to multivariate calculus), English, and editing papers

  • Check out your gallery, just toss me a link! :D

  • Chatter your ear off if you are lonely. I love talking to people, and I run off of good conversations!

Random things about me:

I love to think, especially about how things work. If you see me staring off into space or at a point on the ground, or if you happen to see me run into a wall... well, I was thinking.

I like World of Warcraft. A lot. I have to to keep playing as long as I have. If I start talking about it or trying to recruit you, I am sorry. It is just my substitute for television. Feel free to smack me (with something soft, not your fist, please) if I get too geeky for ya.

I don't watch much TV. To me it feels like I am doing worse than nothing while I gaze upon a screen mindlessly. I will on occasion get sucked into a show or a movie, but I'd prefer to read or play World of Warcraft or Spore or any other number of things.

If something around me goes wrong, it is my fault. Do not try to convince me otherwise. Obviously I just messed up again, give me time to fix it. :)

I hate that every sentence I have written so far starts with an "I". Seriously.

Shiny things grab my attention. Shiny things are good. We like the shinies.

Metonymy enjoys talking about herself in third person.

It really, really bothers me when people judge others, to the point of making me a little ill. I understand it is a gut reaction, but I like to think of meeting new people as a game: try to find all the good qualities first, and don't let the negative things dictate how you treat him/her/it.

I am a forgiving person, and it will probably be my downfall someday.

I hate disappointing people. If there was something I could put as my number one fear, this would be it.

I like fuzzy socks. Note: Fuzzy socks + slick floor = endless fun. Try it sometime!

I'll eat just about anything you put in front of me, granted it is actually food and not say, rocks.

I am much more amusing in text than I am in person. Yup. Try talking to me on AIM sometime versus actually talking to me. :) I am more "typeative" than talkative.

Metonymy is rather shy and will not contact a person and will wait for hours just puttering until someone drags her somewhere.

I am an optimist. Sorry all you pessimists of the world, it can't always go wrong!

Music. I love music. Especially rock songs with +5 minute instrumentals. Something about music allows emotions to be conveyed in a fascinating way. Try analyzing your favorite song sometime to see how the elements of music add to the mood.

A. Let’s start with something fairly obvious; I like to play video games. My favorites are World of Warcraft, Starcraft (I suck, but great story!), Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon (srsly), Zoo Tycoon, Sim City, Rock Band (I sing and flail at drums mostly), Oblivion, etc, etc

B. Also on the likes list is my affinity for fluffy blankies, stuffed animals, shiny things, and my newly acquired electric blankie. ☺

C. I have a hard time focusing for a long period of time. If you try to talk to me when I am walking to class, or sitting somewhere by myself, and I do not answer, it is because I am probably ruminating about the problems of the world, what’s for lunch, how I can slack off even more, or somesuch. Just poke me or yell really loud and I should, in theory, snap out of it.

D. I love reading. A lot. I will pick a random book off a shelf and read it if I can. I cannot stand the Twilight Books (sorry Edward fans) for reasons I don’t feel like detailing in this list… romance novels and space operas also make it onto my “Icky” list.

E. I truly love my fambily.

F. I am far chattier and eloquent online than I am in person. As I think I put it once, more “typeative” than talkative, I guess talking face to face or on the phone is harder for me. So feel free to bother me if you see me on AIM or Facebook, I’m sure I’d love to type at you.

G. Relating to my point above…. I am really shy, especially body shy. I wasn’t touched much as a child (other than wrestling, which doesn’t really count), and if I don’t really, really know someone, I am nervous about hugs and all but really formal contact. Getting better at it, but still is tough. :/ Guess it is making this vow of chastity and abstinence until marriage much easier, though!

H. Even though I am partially color blind, I love painting. Give me a picture I have taken of a landscape (my other art-related hobby), and some brushes and oil paint… and I’ll be lost for hours.

I. Part of the reason I really like Rock Band is I love participating in music with people. It just feels great when every one is working towards a goal with such harmonic results.

J. If I am bored and alone during the weekend, usually I will just sit there and wait to be invited for something. I am really bad and shy about asking to join people in participating in social stuff. Figure if my presence is sought, people will contact me. This misconception has led to many weekends alone…. But I am learning slowly to be more outgoing and less introverted about this stuff. Takes me a while.

K. I grew up in a mainly male household, and the finer points of living with other females sometimes escape me.

L. For some reason I fail at blogging, go figure.

M. I have a little daily calendar on my desk that has the Philosophy joke of the day on it, and it sometimes cracks me up. Today’s joke was about “Deductive Logic With False Premise” and goes… An old cowboy goes into a bar and orders a drink. As he sits there sipping his whiskey, a young lady sits down next to him. She turns to the cowboy and asks him, “Are you a real cowboy?” He replies, “Well, I’ve spent my whole life on the ranch, herding horses, mending fences, and branding cattle, so I guess I am.” She says, “I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about women. When I shower or watch TV, everything seems to make me think of women.” A little while later, a couple sits down next to the old cowboy and asks him, “Are you a real cowboy?” He replies, “I always thought I was, but I just found out I’m a lesbian.” It is a great little thing that makes me laugh.

N. I always try to find at least one thing a day that went well. When I have a really bad day, I always am somewhat happy because without the bad days, you cannot fully appreciate good ones!

O. I truly appreciate all of my friends for putting up with me (ya’ll know who ya are!) and my strangeness and occasional bizarre references. I appreciate the effort and hope I can be that cool to you guys someday.

P. I try my best (it is hard with some people :/) to respect each and every person I meet. Even if they were the worst supervillian in the world, I would try to find something good about them. Almost like a game.

Q. I love trying to figure out how people tick. Their motivations, their actions, their beliefs, their willpower; each factor into how they act. Once I figure out the “cold” logic behind their actions, I usually cannot get angry with them.

R. I’ve always believed that revenge is a waste of energy, and that forgiveness combined with vigilance is the best way to go for both parties.

S. I love to lie in bed after I wake up and read. So relaxing…

T. Speaking of relaxing, sunbeam naps are where it’s at! Just ask my family. I will come home and drop my stuff on the ground, and collapse into the nearest sunbeam for a nappy before supper!

U. I love chemistry, biology and aspects of physics. I am amazed that God could put everything together so… neatly. The more I study science, the more in awe I am of God… ironic but true. I rarely feel joy that pure when I do anything else.

V. Um…… I wear size 9.5 shoes on my left foot and 10.5 on my right?

W. I always have at least 2 songs stuck in my head at once, and if I am not thinking about it, you can prolly hear me humming one, two, or all of them under my breath. The only way to get a song unstuck from my head is for me to write the lyrics down correctly at least once.

X. I like collecting quotes, and have a fairly sizable collection now!

Y. I like to make logical decisions. I usually have a logical basis behind everything I do, even when I act mainly out of pure emotional triggers. Sometimes the logic is faulty, but I am not really a believer in “the one right answer” to things, so I can afford to be flexible. This sometimes leads to misunderstandings when I cannot understand the full reason why some people do what to me appears idiotic things… they use a part of the brain that I usually try to suppress, for better or worse.

My signal patterns:


You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested. With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.

You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.


You appreciate art, beauty, and design; you know that they are not superficial but absolutely crucial to living the good life. You have good taste, and you're proud of it. Those with a high score on the "aesthetic" trait are often employed in literary or artistic professions, enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about the arts, reading, and travel.

You don't think it's pretentious to be moved by art and beauty. You're not one of those who believe it doesn't matter what something looks like as long as it does its job.


You are good at solving problems, coming up with original ideas, and seeing connections between things, connections that most other people miss. People with a high score on the "creative" trait often are employed in such fields as finance and scientific research, and enjoy avant garde and classical music as well as literary fiction and scholarly non-fiction.

You do not shun abstractions and concepts in favor of the concrete and tangible.


You are thoughtful, rational, and comfortable in the world of ideas. People find you interesting to talk to. You're the living embodiment of the saying "You learn something new every day." In general, those with a high score on the "intellectual" trait are employed in such fields as teaching and research, and are enthusiastic about reading, foreign films, and classical music.

You do not avoid abstract conversation, experimenting with new ideas, or studying new things. It bores you to stick to the straight and narrow of what you already know.


You have a knack for knowing what's going on in the hearts and minds of those around you, without their having to tell you explicitly. People tend to turn to you with their problems because they know you care, and that you will likely offer good advice and a helping hand.

You do not feel that people with sad stories are just looking for attention, or have brought their problems upon themselves.


You are constantly coming up with new ideas. For you, the world as it exists is just a jumping-off place; what's going on inside your mind is often more interesting than what's going on outside.

You don't feel that the road to success is to be a realist and stick to the program; you never stop yourself from coming up with new ideas or telling the world what you're thinking about.


You like to get to the bottom of things. You're not content knowing what someone did; you want to know why they did it.

You don't simply take things as they are and move on; you're not content skimming along on the surface; you don't feel you're wasting time by digging for the meaning of things.


You're comfortable expressing yourself in words and actions, with no self-censorship. You believe that if someone doesn't like what they see it's not your problem, but theirs. A high score on the "accessible" trait suggests that you have a lot of friends, socialize often, and enjoy rap/hip-hop music.

You don't see the need to keep your thoughts to yourself, or to have a zone of privacy that encompasses only yourself and a small circle of friends and relatives.


You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort. Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.

You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.


You enjoy being around others and others enjoy being around you. You have a "live and let live" attitude; because you know that no one's perfect, you are forgiving and happy to give the benefit of the doubt.

You don't feel the need to be controversial or express contrary opinions all the time. You see no reason to go around rubbing people the wrong way.

If you read all of that... wow, thanks for thinking of me as an interesting person!

About Me: The Journal


Journal Information



  • Link

    Holy crap this is long! I've read part of it, at least, and I'm going to leave my thoughts before I forget them!

    Interesting. You seem very comfortable talking about yourself.

    INFP - why is it that people tend to be INFP and yet it's supposed to be really rare? Is it cause I hang out with artists? Or is it because INFP types are drawn to personality inventories, or perhaps find more meaning in this particular inventory than other types?

    As a kid, my brothers and I would slide over the linoleum floor in the rec room during the winter olympics and pretend we were speed skating. Fuzzy socks + smooth surfaces definitely = win.

    You're cool.

    Are you on AIM more than you're on Skype? Cause I'm on AIM too if this would be a better way to chat. You're fun to talk to.

    • Link

      I am mainly on Skype, actually! I am just bad about checkin in everyday, especially when I work, because I wander around my house quite a bit. :) If you have texting, that is actually the best way to get in touch with me. I am tempted to get an AIM simply for me to be online and accept SMS through it, since I keep my dumb phone on me most of the time. I'll let you know if I set that up. :D I enjoy talking with you as well!

      And yeah, this is really long! Some of the info (like the ABC meme, haha) is outdated, but most of it is pretty good. Many introverts do like taking personality inventories (although mine was "forced" upon me by my school's career search service), so you do see that. INFP's tend to be into more of the fantasy aspect of life, so you'll see a number of them as artists and writers. Somehow I ended up being a scientist though!

      • Link

        Well, if ya do set up AIM to pass along SMS, let me know and I'll add ya!

        I've never taken the test properly myself, but I imagine I'd be INFP or ENFP - I'm pretty much an ambivert myself. Well, when I looked into it, I think I might have been borderline on a couple of them. : )

  • Link

    Ok, I've finished reading it all now!

    1. You are an interesting person!

    2. I'm a little scared that I might be a lesbian...

    3. I only played RockBand once, but I felt the same way. A really special memory, oddly enough. And it has forever made me like the song Wonderwall just because of the feeling of playing the game during that song and cause no one failed out during it.

    4. That shoe thing must be massively inconvenient - how do you buy shoes? I've sometimes feared I'm the same way, but by a quarter or half size or so.

    5. Writing down the lyrics to a song gets it out of your head? That is so weird. You're a Vancian song wizard!

    6. I am completely the opposite of you on Y. There is usually an emotional basis behind everything I do. Interestingly, this came up on our Patterns meme too...

    7. Wow, your patterns really seem to describe you. Lots of Scientist! and Domestic! in there too, funny enough. Sounds like you.

    8. Here are my patterns:

    9 Time for some comparisons!

    Patterns we have in common:

    Aesthetic (2,3) - Our most similar trait. And we met on an art site and we both like to commission pictures. Funny, that.

    Creative (3, 8) - We both are writers of one sort or another.

    Intellectual (4, 9) - B.S. - well, we both have one, anyway. ; )

    Original (6, 4) - Yep.

    Patterns that only you have:

    Understanding (1) - This is so you. I try to be this way, but am probably too judgmental, at least on the inside.

    Sympathetic (5) - Yep - similar to above.

    Curious (7) - I should hope so given your field of study! I like to think I'm curious, but somehow it didn't show up back when I took this.

    Accessible (8) - I often yearn for this, but I also like my privacy. Do you like hip-hop? : )

    Warm (9) - Definitely seeing a pattern to these patterns. I feel like such a cold person now. : (

    Upbeat (10) - I am drawn to upbeat people, I think. I am not one myself....

    Patterns that only I have:

    Passionate (1) - Ya know what I said earlier about making decisions based on emotion? A-yup.

    Pessimistic (2) - Just call me Eeyore. OK, I'm not sure why this shows up this high, but there is a darkness about me, certainly.

    Rash (5) - "You get excited easily, allow yourself to react without censoring your feelings, and sometimes blurt out the first thing that comes to mind." Guilty as charged.

    Volatile (6) - ". Whether you're happy or sad, you show it, and when something upsets you, or you're feeling stressed out, those around you will know it right away." Definitely fit their definition to a T here as well.

    Innovative (7) - Finally, a positive one!

    Loose (10) - "You feel that a clean, orderly desk is the sign of a person who doesn't have enough to do." Oh dear. Yes, though I also can be manic about organizing a few things. But generally I'm kind of a mess.

    • Link

      1. Thanks for thinking so! I think you're very interesting too!

      2. Haha, oh you :P

      3. I just go to my shoe store. They let me buy two separate sizes for retail price, so it isn't a big deal. If they are fancy shoes I just go with 10.5 and deal with having a loose shoe

      4. somehow I get clean results out of a lot of personality tests. I guess if I am something I express it strongly.


      Oh Hip Hop. It is catchy, but the lyrics hurt man.

      And I am such a mess too. organization isn't my strong point, haha

      I don't tend to get super negative things on personality tests for some reason, maybe because I internalize so much? Personality theory is strange like that.

      • Link

        I need to resume my quest for hip hop with good lyrics.

        Here's one that's good, though: Guante - Dragons