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Fursuit Help? by hoodlum

To my few followers and other people out there on weasyl with fursuit experience...I need your help~

Starting this summer I want to create a partial, only a head, tail and paws, of my fursona Hollis...bad ref at the moment but looke here
As you can see it's really not that complex of a character, but I have never made a fursuit before and need some help on what to use and prices and stuff. I want my suit to be kind of cartoony but also resemble somewhat close to my art style.

Here's an examples of some of my favorite suits and what I look at as inspiration:
Lamar by AlbinoTopaz
Bella by Autumnfallings
and basically anything from oneeyeddoe...sorry i dont know the names except for the last one which is Aisu

So first of I would like any tutorials you find/found as helpful because I need them. Basically on everthing, because I know like nothing. I have so many questions that it's crazy... like I wish I could just know all the answers,,, so I'm just gonna number them so it's easier to say which one(s) you are answering.

1.) Tutorials on the basics...eyes, paws, tails, foam head, etc.
2.) Does anybody know what Autumnfallings used for the noses of Havik, Bella, and Salt?
3.) If I want to make the tail stand up and not just slide around, should I use foam? Cause I want to make it kind of curly, but quite large... so will it weigh it down?
4.) Where's the best place in your opinion to buy faux fur and/or fleece thats nice quality but isn't super expensive?
5.) I want tight gloves/paws that go up to almost my shoulders... how do I get it to almost be skin tight?
6.) For sculpting the foam for the head, should I use and electric knife? And if yes, wheres the best place to get one?
7.) I know you can use just faux fur for hair, but I plan on buying a wig for the head... My sona's hair obviously is mostly just bangs, so does anyone have an easy way to maybe apply the wig?
8.) After making JUST a partial, not a full suit, can you give me the price everything probably was altogether and how long it took you, because I plan on finishing it from the start of summer to the end.
9.) Are there any gauges tutorials out there... like what to make them with and how to install them.
10.) Claw tutorials?
11.) I guess just anymore pointers for a beginner, if I come across more questions, I'll probably post another journal...

So I'll just go over everything I want,
-a partial with a head, tail and paws that reach past my elbow
-paw pads, probably just made from fleece or felt
-gauged ears
-a curly, long tail that stands up
-claws made from something I dont know yet
-A simple white wig for the bangs
-A tongue, probably made from fleece, that sticks out... cause have you even seen a kinkajou's tongue?

I think that's all, thank you to anyone that actually read this and if you ever find any tutorials for me or advice, that'd be helpful to the max! I really want this to be a perfect suit for my first try... so if you could maybe signal boost it or something too... aaahhh thank you everyone~
comment below with answers or just message me

Fursuit Help?


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    Do you know what kind of head base you'd like? Definitely do some research into the different kinds of heads so you can get a good feel for the kinds of materials you'll be needing. The majority of your money is going to go into foam (trust me that stuff is way more expensive than it looks like it'd be) so you'll need to calculate out how much you'll need so you don't buy too much and end up spending a fortune. If you can, I'd highly recommend purchasing Critter Costuming: Making Mascots and Fabricating Fursuits. It's hard to find, but if you come across a copy, definitely snatch one up!

    Here's a few websites and resources my fursuit-making friends swear by: (TONS OF TUTORIALS and one of the better resources out there) (A good thread with starting advice) (a slew of deviantart tutorials) (a tumblr that also helps a lot with queries and such)

    Other than that if there's anything specific you want a tutorial for you can 9/10 times find it on google. If not, there's a lot of fursuiting blogs on tumblr that can point you in the right direction.
    And my final piece of advice is this: Don't be disappointed if your first fursuit is a durrsuit. Shaving foam evenly, getting a good sculpt, trimming the fur properly, etc all take a lot of time to perfect. Just keep checking your work, making sure your head is symmetrical, and always reinforce your seams.