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i hope by aoki

weasyl gets rid of the thingy where you can change font size in comments bc people use it in such a childish way already.....

I WROTE UP AN ENTIRE RANT about how shocked i was about some of the entitlement and spoiled babies i've seen lately on fa etc and how i was sort of shocked because i haven't been in an "art community" in years and i don't remember it being this bad
but then i deleted it lmao
so i'll just leave that statement there....
but, some things people say to artists are so frustrating to me. an artist uses symbolism that you don't like in their own art? move on. they aren't drawing for you. they moved to a different site, their adoptables are priced highly? artists have to look out and take care of themselves also.
gurgles i just don't know

i hope


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    People seem to forget that art is a luxury. It is not a right everyone deserves. It is a highly skilled and time-consuming business, not to mention the personal aspects every piece of art has to the artist creating it--regardless of who it is for. Artists naturally want to share to get their stuff out there and be able to live off of what they love doing, and by doing so often do kindnesses to buyers and interested parties. But that doesn't mean they have to remain cheap, or cater to a buyer's every whim, just because they did at one time.

    Customers are naturally extremely important, but an artist is a person! If a buyer can't treat an artist respectfully, a seller certainly doesn't have to cater to them. :/

    It's really gross seeing people who feel entitled to getting art just because they have a little bit of money, or were past customers, or what have you. And then use that as an excuse to lord over an artist.

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      oh man I'm so happy I've never had to deal with people like that QAQ all my customers to date have been absolute sweethearts makes me feel hella lucky

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        I have only had a couple close encounters to things like this, but I've seen it w/ others and just people commenting a few times. It's really unfortunate when I see those types of attitudes. :/

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      just comments to say i love how you say things KEEP SAYING WORDS MAYBE YOU'LL BRING SENSE TO THOSE THAT HAVE NONE WEEP

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          FORREAL your comments on the journals and even i think you were on the forums just so much yes you p much sum up everything i want to say in a rational but firm manner /SALUTE BACK YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN JOTAKU

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            /laughs omfg
            YeAH I UH I get kinda really opinionated orz
            I was commenting a lot on the recent FA news posts too >>
            /spent several days p much raging at all the stupid, unhelpful comments and got nothing done orz

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              i feel you ugh i was tempted but i was like yeah i'm not
              subjecting myself to this amount of dumb 8( i was being triggered so hard by the shit people said hrgh like.. tHESE ARE
              real people in the real world in which we live

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                YeAH RIGHT orz
                That there are just so many people who don't know a lick of anything and don't CARE that they don't know. I mean, I can understand that to a certain extent. Like, I don't care that I don't know how the universe works. BUT WHEN it's something tangible, something that could affect you--when it's the right of your fellow man? ?? And you just don't care so long as you continue to get your furry porn?? orz;;;;
                I can tooottaalllly get not wanting to get involved. But oh man the much 'lol eats popcorn' comments infuriated me. 8(

                /oh no I got really off topic really fast whoops

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                  the LOLZ DRAMA LEMME GET MY POPCORN comments really pissed me off too /PAT;;;

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    I try and keep FA out of site and out of mind if I can
    though unfortunately it is a necessary evil for me bc of commissions
    but yeah, tbh dA doesn't seem that much better "art community" wise on the whole which is all kinds of depressing since it's p much the only other "popular" choice
    The last art community I was in (years ago) was all kinds of lovely, and though the site shut down bc of low traffic, I really had a good time and the ppl were chill as hell. For the life of me I don't understand why the more popular sites are just so ughhh =A=

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      speaking of dA my dismal opinion of it just shot up further recently wen and up and coming artist I've been following for awhile over there made a journal pretty much asking for advice on taking paypal commissions (instead of that on-site point money)
      and many of the comments were along the vein of "well I only take points" and so on bt what really took the cake was someone p much saying "I wouldn't pay money for good art, you should do chores around the house instead"
      and I s2g i almost rolled my eyes outta my skull I was that exasperated.
      I count myself lucky everyday that I left dA before I could ever start offering commissions there when I was younger or else I have a feeling i'd be charging 5$ for a fullbody full colord digital picture and still thinking I'm overpricing myself, what with the attitude the community seems to have concerning commissions :/

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        Oh my god thiiiiiiiisss!!
        Like, until you can get to the high enough/elite spot where you get the eye of the small group of respectful actually PAYING customers, dA is such a death trap. There are just too many people who don't care. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack trying to find the right customers! Points were a terrible creation, too. It cheapens artists there sooooo much omfg;;;
        those comments though uggghhhHHHH /hairpulls

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          yesyesyesss omg and they barely even respect those elite people on there! Half of the time in the comments for adopts/commissions w/e I see various repeats of "awww I'll never be able to afford something from you unless you lower your prices" coupled with heavy backhand "compliments" and just a tub full of whining and cajoling. Not to mention it's not even the safest place to post your art if you don't want anything edited/traced/just blatantly stolen. And the fact that it's suppose to be the "hub of artistic creativity" boggles the mind with how terrible it actually is QnQ
          Like really ppl pls ughh
          I just feel all kinds of bad for the artists so trying to make it there to begin with bc that road is paved with misfortune it seems /A\
          I don't even post anything other than a few commissions or trades here and there bc just no /guhhh

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            P much omfg.
            I hate those sort of 'I'll never be able to afford you!' comments. They aren't helpful. You're not going to persuade an artist to lower their prices for you, if they can get people who WILL buy at their current prices. Besides, trying to encourage an artist to cheapen themselves is so disrespectful! Especially when most artists don't even make minimum wage as it is. /huffs
            I think dA is one of those where the staff isn't great but not terrible, either, but it's mostly the too-big community w/o enough guidance on how to properly respect and view art that makes it a shithole.

            Unless you do an ungodly amount of fanart, or are touched by the artistic gods themselves, you're pretty much doomed to flounder in a sea of too many there.
            I post stuff there in chunks and have been there long enough (and gone through the fanarts enough) to manage to have an okay following. But even with a ton of people watching me there--I get more comments on Weasyl half the time!! It's just too big and overwhelming to really make a home out of. : /
            (And yeah, not to mention the let's just turn our heads and pretend we don't see the blatant theft side)

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              took the words right out of my mouth friend (and arranged them better than I ever could pfft)
              yes/exactly to it all