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Design Commissions: $20, Four Slots! by gnostalgi

They'd be something like this, but a bit more cleaned up!

Once you're approved and you toss over the money to paypal, you'll type up a small paragraph describing what you want.
Because of how rambly and detailed tend to get, and because of how hard it is to allow for some traits to be specified, I'm limiting the word count to 25 words. So fit what you think is important within that!

I'm really hoping to sell all these slots here rather than having to go FA for them! Fingers crossed!

Design Commissions: $20, Four Slots!


Journal Information



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    i claim yonder commission slot FOR THEE


    is it thee or me whatever i claim it

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    hhhg if i wasn't tight with cash right now i would snap this up
    i hope that these sell for you!

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    aAAAAH I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO COMMISSION YOU (like I've really wanted to for a while) but I have no idea what I'd order omg

    LIke?? I'm getting into drawing anthros more (although I haven't been posting stuff) and I want more anthro characters to draw so I can practice a wider range of stuff (body types and things like that) but I don't know exactly what I want! like you're the perfect person for me to commission for this sort of stuff but /gosh/ I can't actually think of anything specific to ask for other than the body type. ):

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      awww ;v;

      well! you can always forego the rest and leave it up to me, if you trust me that far! if you don't like what i come up with, i can do a change or two, or just sell the design and try again? maybe if you don't like the first design, it'd help you have a better idea of what you want if that happened, if that makes sense?

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        That sounds really great, thank you! I've actually managed to think of some stuff in the last half hour, but we should talk about it, yeah. I really need to go to bed right now, so I'll send you the stuff I've thought about along with the money tomorrow.

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          not a problem! rest well!

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            Money sent!
            Ok so.
            Any of these: Okapi, Oxen, Bongo, and (basically most) Bovines, Wildebeest, Rhino. Female! Colours and markings: I'd like something natural and close to what the animal looks like, but please feel free to be creative! E.g. add unnatural colours and/or markings in a subtle way so that they fit in with the natural stuff nicely, and help make the design unique. A basic item of clothing and/or jewellery could be nice too? In case the design isn't unique enough without them idk?? Body type: slight pear shape, but also like something in between and maybe? Iā€™m not really sure how to explain that.

            sorry if that's really long but I'm not always too great at explaining things v.v
            I hope I didn't forget something. oh gosh I'll just stop typing now.

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              well that's 100+ words, not 25 words, but i think it's simple enough i can let you skirt by uvu
              also, payment received!

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                haha, sorry. I wasn't confident with my wording of things and I kind of dragged it out. :/

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    I'll take one <3

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      alrighty! just toss the $20 to, then give me the words uvu

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        nnnng well I guess it's more of a re-design? I'm not sure. payment sent though!

        I have this character that's a bunny. She's a princess, hourglass figure, selfish yet passionate. I guess just sort of use that and create a new, more out-there design based off of her old one? :-D

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    Still have any slots open? I'd love to commission you...