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Someone by Krio

come and give me a hand/finger massage because mine ache something fierce and I need to get stuff drawn;;;



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    I'll exchange a hand massage if you massage my hand. I'm experiencing the same thing. ; - ;

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      yes friend let us share our pain /pats laptop screen
      it sucks doesn't it /A\ ;;;

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    I get aches in my wrist all the time from drawing, I found doing stretches really helps

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      I actually have that video bookmarked ;v;! it really helps out the wrist aches but for some reason it's the space between the thumb and pointer finger that always gives me the most trouble even when I stretch it for a bit =A=;;;;;

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        Icing it might help, I know a lot of remedies for pain usually include heat but it's likely pressure on the nerve in your wrist that's causing it so applying heat will cause your nerves to swell reducing the space they have and adding more pressure. Soak your hand up to your wrist in cool water for a little while. Might take the edge off.

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          bless u omg I'm gonna try that next time before I start sketching! Thanks so much ;v;!

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    We actually learned special massages for this at vocational school (massage therapists end up with arching hands often). It might be the muscles in your forearm have tightened up too much, instead of just your fingers.

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      /sobs I need to exercise and stretch more OTL;;; ahhh massage therapy sounds hella lovely =v=

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        *aching not arching
        I got so spoiled in there. We practiced on each other so you got massaged daily. I miss it.~ I think we had a class youtube page, should I look for a video demonstrating how to work out your forearms/hands so they hate you slightly less? It's better if you can con someone else into doing it though. ;P and most people run chair massages at about 1 buck per minute, so there's that too if you ever have the opportunity~