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About Me---? by Pumpkipum

So I saw this around and stole it from aschenlux
Sorry Pastie //hides face//

What's your real name?
Karla, raaaaaaaather be called Pumpkin tho

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Excessively dark brown that people always mistake for black

What's your eye color?
Brown...//rolls in boringness

What's your orientation?
I find guys attractive but at the same time I'm terrified of them so--- idk, I'd say something between asexual, demi sexual and idksexual LOL cries

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Depends LOL ---On the pathway to being single again---How to relationship?

What do you do in your spare time?
Drawing, playing games, more drawing, more playing games---OH and rping~!

What's your job or occupation?
Professional Pimpkin

What do you like about yourself?
Does 'nothing' count?

What do you dislike about yourself?
//casually types 'everything'

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Proooooobably that I'm an idiot, actually---what DID You guys notice? reactionplz //has no clue

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Religion is not my thing, I use logic too much to be able to stick to the beliefs religions request of me so--yep

Do you drink?
Ain't nobody got time for that!

Do you smoke?
Ain't nobody got time for this either!

What are your major fears?
People, spiders, people, spiders, people, spiders, people, spiders fetal position Oh yeah and dying alone but that's pretty much a given that'll happen LOL continues chanting people, spiders, people, spiders----

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Used to~ until they were crushed, yay~!

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yeah and yeah---going on to my second Ex soon---wow pumpkin, you so lively, don't have so many relationships! Sloooow down gurl //shot

Who's your best buddy?
I try not to label them that way anymore because every time I do I lose them but I do have a close friend =v=<3

What's your favorite dish?
Fried chicken with boiled rice and beans =v=b

What's your favorite drink?
Coke, Strawberry smoothies and um---Pineapple Juice (though orange is awesome)

What's your favorite color?
Black, Purple, Red and Blue

If you had a super power, what would it be?
The ability to disappear / become invisible, staaaaars known I'd love that (I'm practically invisible anyway but it'd come in handy yaaaay socially awkward~!) Or teleporting, that'd be useful too

What's your favorite movie(S)?
What Dreams May Come

What's your least favorite food?
I'm a very picky eater so I can hate just about anything, lets start with anything that's green or looks ugly---and sauce--makes a face

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Any sort of junk food since I don't really allow myself to eat those much even though I love it //obsessed with my weight

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
My feet, a scooter

What is your most disliked bug?
//points at the major fear question

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
People tapping my shoulder / approaching me from behind, I'm a very nervous person so I have a heart attack every single time //facepalms

What do you dislike in life?
That we seem to be incapable of fully coexisting in peace---and that there's so many damn languages! Sure they're pretty but it'd be awesome if we all could understand each other somehow, idk I'm dumb sobs

About Me---?


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    Pumpkinnnn ffff what are you, my lost twin?? I have the same orientation and fears as you omg LOL Fried chicken with rice yesssssss =q=

    If I were to do this meme I wouldn't have to like wow we are so a like its scary --;;;

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    Pumpkin I'm tempted to fill this out too, I was too hipster before to do it but--

    Also spiders are horrid things for sure, uuughhgngghg