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Colors Meme by BeefyRae

Invade my privacy. Do it.

Purple: 10 facts about my room

Blue: 9 facts about my family

Green: 8 facts about appearance

Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood

Orange: 6 facts about my home town

Red: 5 facts about my best friend

Pink: 4 facts about my parents

White: 3 facts about my personality

Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things

Black: 1 fact about the person I like

Colors Meme


Journal Information



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      They're eclectic?
      There are always too many to list because I can't pick true favorites, lol.

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      -When I was really little I used to take my mom's yarn or twine and wrap it around the entire kitchen to make a web. She would come home to me crawling and lurking around on the floor inside the "web" and would lose her shit.
      -I was trapped in a trailer during a tornado. I should probably be dead.
      -I used to concoct all kinds of weird shit because I was curious and bored. It didn't matter what it was; food, toiletries or HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS. The day I created a smoking mixture was the day I stopped. Needless to say, my mom was often not around to prevent this stuff and when she was... I did it anyway, lol. >.>;
      -I was a really stocky kid. I was one of the tallest girls in my grade group until about 6th grade, I weighed quite a bit more than the average kid my age during that time, had size 9 women's feet when I was only 8 or 9 years old and could pick up my 5 ft. 7 inch, 160 lb. mother under her arms and dangle her about. Dad called me his "little linebacker".

      -In Elementary I was in the office pretty much every day for swearing/being inappropriate, instigating shit and causing a disturbance.
      -I was in alt school from 7th grade until I was done. I had an opportunity to go back to mainstream school for HS, but after being treated like shit by a teacher for having anxiety, I refused and picked and alt school I liked instead.
      -I never did my school work. Through-out all of school I only ever did a tiny fraction of my work and no one could get me to stick with it for very long. I was a super, super senior before they finally kicked me out and sent me to a make-up program for alt school adults to do packet work, but I dropped out and got my GED instead. I barely studied because the anxiety of being there for prep was eating at me. I decided to just wing it and guess on what I didn't know. I passed.

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        So many awesome things, aside the tornado, and dick teachers. I went to an alt school too. Middle school was horrible and gave me so much anxiety. "Regular" HS probably would have maimed my mental state. That and home life at the time. But we survived yo!

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          (Actually, the tornado this is kinda cool, imo and it's not the first time I've had a weirdly close call with one!!!)

          Yeah, son. I'm a fuckin' proud alt school kid. I didn't wanna go back anyway because the sense of community and the actual CARE FOR STUDENTS FROM STAFF/TEACHERS greatly surpassed that of mainstream school. IT'S AS IF THAT'S WHAT SCHOOL WAS MEANT TO BE LIKE! WEIRRRRRRD!

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            thing, not this, lol.

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        Little Linebacker is fucking precious

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          Thanks, haha. When I was still hypersensitive about my body it used to really upset me, but now I'm kinda proud of it. XD

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    Green or White. Your choice. :3

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      -I am apparently above average height for women in my age group in the US? lol
      -My hair is cut into a weird punk rat tail/80s anime sorta thing. It has grown out to dark brown w/ pastel swampy green.
      -I have thick arched eyebrows.
      -My calves and feet are damn near identitcal to my father's.
      -My nose is a mixture between my grandpa's (mom's side) polish nose and my dad's; In fact, let's get it outta the way and say I pretty much just look like my dad only with bigger tits.
      -I have big, hairy hobbit feet. THIS IS A FACT. XD
      -My bottom lip is pierced on the right side. I currently am wearing a horseshoe ring w/ black balls (lol, black balls).
      -My eye color confounds everyone. On my birth certificate it says blue, but I've always considered them sorta grey-blue. Some people say they're green or hazel too. Idefk.


      -I've been told that I am very goofy, lol.
      -I'm intensely emotional.
      -I am unfortunately fairly needy. ;-;

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        I'm taller than the average femme, too - 5'8" - with big feets - 11w/12 (Women's) or 10w (Men's). My legs are hobbit hairy, but my feet remain hairless. ~.~

        I am also very much a goober with intense emotions. XD

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            SWEET! :D

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              Big ol' floppy footses. Let's go party in Hobbiton.

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                Hell yeah! We'll have a barefoot hoedown! XD