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So I was a dork and posted a shout on my own page... by Murrahnithahn-i-ia

...Derp. No worries, just finding my way around here. >^--^< Already I've seen some interesting features that FA doesn't have and I'm kind of amazed that site hadn't done this stuff already. Is it really that hard to code a commissions-info page that works? Having a page for your fursonas is pretty cool. I'm going to have have some fun with that one. Is there a way I can fix the misspelling of my username? Derp moment, there.

Now, for why I'm leaving FA. The ethical climate is getting uncomfortable for me. A certain well-known artist with an unsavoury reputation is being given a position of importance in the admin and I'm not happy with that. But, the man hasn't been formally accused to the law, as far as I know, so that technically shouldn't be a bar to his being hired. But the admins should have foreseen the current shit-storm it caused. Duh. What REALLY bugs me is when someone does things like tell someone looking for help to keep quiet because of the potential backlash of the artist's fans. "Keep quiet"? WTF? No one should tell a possible rape-victim to be silent. EVER. Further, to spout bullshit like "she said no but went through with it anyway, so it's not rape..." (I'm paraphrasing, sorry) has no idea what the heck they're talking about. If any sort of coercion was used, whether emotional pressure, physical force or threats, it's still rape. It doesn't MATTER if she gave in in the end--she did it in fear and discomfort and it WASN'T a mutual sharing. Telling the victim to be quiet, then going on to hire the guy she's accusing is just insulting and repulsive. So, I'm done with FA and Dragoneer's nepotistic, spotty, fucked-up, rape-culture lack of ethics.

So I was a dork and posted a shout on my own page...


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