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F C 2 0 1 4 by Tai

OK FUZZES here's my quick recap of the FC highlights I can remember!


I left Vacaville for SF at 4AM, got there about 6AM. Did business, met some friends, reminisced about old times, realized that after waiting a year I was a week too late to save some stuff...ANYWAY. Important to me, but less relevant to furcon happenings that began when I got to SJ around 3PM.

Checked in (Had to use Procy's name since he was Room Master), got roomcards (I chose the one with the otter/squirrel), hauled stuff up. Power-napped till Procy/net-cat got close, then aaaaa coordinating with people all at once made it so I couldn't do anything sneaky. Snagged a couple buddies to room with at the last minute (Ootachi and Latte/Jay/Monstertime/0-ERROR/lattemonster) (after having to beat an answer out of Procy via net-cat) and we played "Ferry the stuff up to the room before the elevators have lines". I talk with Tachi and he remembers me because of my ninja star gift years ago :3

Procy requires internet, so I bestow ~free internet~ upon the raccoon for a bit. Procy then starts a room party with and net-cat and our roomies which attracts Monocerous (Monophylos?) and HKR who get into a good conversation with Procy, which includes SCIENCE (youve been warned):

So if I recall Procy talks about how there was a sky-shiny and a lot (five?) of peoplegroups saw the shiny with different things and wrote papers about it. Procy continues on to say that they're writing for Science, which means you're not really writing for science but Science so to get popufur. ANYWAY, since Procy also did a paper but for science and not Science, Science asked Procy to refuree the other papers but he was preoccupied so he did two. He found that one paper was gross and basically wrong and told Science this, and that the other was okish but publishable with some corrections. He skimmed the other papers too - one was boring and regurgitated, and the other two were kinda interesting but eh. ANYWAY - Science who claims to be awesome super-elite goes ahead and publishes four of these papers (the fifth being one of the boring papers) - including the gross/wrong paper - and made it the cover of the Science V:

ANYWAY at some point late at night Cami (Procyon) and I go DANCING \m/ At some point, Procy introduces me to Tenax, who started his whole spiral into furry - I feel as though I met Procyon's master, and waggle hardcore into the night >:3

Eventually we're danced out, Cami and I return and perform our efficient routine: as Cami deCami's, I efficiently shower so that by the time Cami is all hung to dry, I'm out of the shower.

I want EVERY MINUTE of my furcon with maximized utility.

So then I woke up FRIDAY

...and EVERYONE IS ASLEEP. I occupy myself with computerings but at the first signs of life I start pouncing Procy awake :| He drags me to the dealer's den where he's apparently commissioned me a Kipper badge - making me an official otter :333

I'd later end up at Hypnobeast's "become your fursona" hypnosis panel - I've studied hypnotherapy a bit and have found group hypnotherapy sessions to be relaxing, so I figure I'd give it a shot. Turns out, I didn't go all the way under (par for me), but being in a half-trance state and letting my imagination wander was relaxing fun in its own way (and totally served as a nap replacement for getting like 4 hours of sleep last night).

Followed Procy to a panel about how to commission (and how not to commission) - which included wild-caught letters to artists with great quotes like "Now that I'm commissioning you, you owe me a favor like a discount" and "So, like our tail costs 65 dollars but I only have 100, so if I bought it I'd have less than 50".

We eventually catch the ~Swinging Tails~ purrforming some jazz, since Procy is in with cool jazz dudes like Toki. They perform so well that one guy screams "I want to have your puppies". At some point we lllllobby where I see Ladyducky! We meet up with Astro at the bar and drink something fruity, then hunt down some fooood with Mono/HKR/net-cat. We end up going to pho 69, where they promise "something hot coming to your mouth". I derp out and think filet mignon is fish, pass by the Lady Ducky again, and Procy is the only one to finish the generous serving of pho given to us.

Back in the room, I have a Mike's hard something or other and pass out pathetically for half an hour (during which Procy tries to rouse me via text and foot).

Astro catalyzes a room party that grows a life of its own - something like 30 people show up, including everyone from the previous party, Durj/Dadaist Otter/Kaycee/OD/Ovenotter/scruff/nicoface/elliott bunny/Kiro/Dade/RC Mouse/teddyfoxcoon/Aurora Fox/Kai/steph/rileyy/duino/probably others but I don't know.

I catch up with Durj a bit and find out he's legally able to carry weed thanks to a trip to Hempcon - he can now carry two whole marijuanas with him (after an exam from a doctor that was literally eating during the exam)! He also regales the story about how he dropped his hat on a San Diego bus, and it just so happened that one of his buddies from out of town just so happened to take the same bus, saw the hat, and went "FREE HAT!!!oh wait this is Durj's holy crap" and returned it :3 Astro (and maybe others?) go digging in my pockets because they like my pawkets. DadaistOtter talks about the (muffled sounds) instrument on his badge, which are supposed to be a Dadaist attempt at music given that each box is sealed and has a hidden thing inside that makes some kind of sound. My talks with Kaycee revolve around SCIENCE and EFFICIENT PUBLIC TRANSIT, with OD it was about pixels, with Elliot it was about little bunnies and DINOSAUR PAJAMAS, with Aurora it was about hugs and popufurity, and with Teddy we just sorta blocked the hallway for a bit. Somehow Nico ends up with my hat? ALSO at some point telepictionary happens and someones graffiti a cereal box to read "CAPTAIN CRUNCH DINGLEFURRIES: YIFFATIZE ME CAP'N!" And Ovenotter comes by and called me infamous for some reason?? But then we hugged and it was great :3

BUT in any case Oven and I eventually headed down to DANCE \m/ I meet Victory and someone else, Procy comes by and we rock out awhile, then it was back to ~efficient showering and sleeping~

Alas at this point, Astro is passed out on the floor

goodnight sweet prince

what the heck happened on saturday

OK well we wake up eventually (I spare Procy a pouncing this time....). People do their own thing, Procy prepares for furparade and I go do computery stuff in the lobby. I see a guy next to me with 4 cellphones out - I go out on a limb and ask if he's a cell network tester and he confirms. I explain about furries, he tells me about being the sole network tester for Sprint in the bay area and how a degree in electrical engineering or equivalent would help to get a job cruising around with cell phones running network tests.

I wander aimlessly for awhile, see a few people and exchange a few words, and laze around. At some point Cami takes me out and teaches me to be a better handler; we run into Astro and Cami negotiates, pleads, and outright begs Astro to stay to no avail from the cold-hearted (sick and busy) duck. The duck leaves, to bide his time and recover for next con...

Anyway afterwards this was PARTY NIGHT - we stop by Klingon party where I ask for an Honorable Death but only receive an honorable wound ;_; Procy teaches me about stars here, but he wouldn't identify the blinky star that floated across the sky :| THEN we stopped by Otter Party filled with sushi that actually wasn't there (maybe it was made to order but I wasn't interested that night), then some other party I forget about. I stop by Pony party and Gaymer party...overall I guess I wasn't in the mood for those kind of parties or maybe it just wasn't my night BUT the company was good >:3

I forget what happens after, something something then DANCING then exercising handler authori-tah because someone decides to crawl around in a dark room full of fursuiters. We meet Kiva Roo and a light comes on - she's somehow affiliated with Hoshi, I recall. Kiva confurms, introduces herself as a professional badass and the one that keeps Hoshi in line, and we party on \m/

THEN... upstairs > EFFICIENT SHOWERING > sleep.

sunday (technically since we've been going to bed at like 2AM each day)

wake up in the morning feeling like tree fiddy - but also discovered that I've been drawn by Jay in the past! Y'all should (re)check it out because it's totes adorbs :3c

Go to Pita Pit with net-kitty and Procy, discussing the awwdorableness of net-cat's badges (of which otters keep up with thank you very much), and stop by a boba place, discussing my discontent with California boba :T

At some point I go with Procy to watch him voice bid on art - he seemed ready to lay down the law over Twitter, and did not disappoint when it came to outbidding cute things he wanted - everyone he bid against was entirely shut downnnnnn :V We stayed for the end, one vicious looking wolfgirl painting started at $666, and closed at $777 :B

AFTERWARDS we talk around a bit, I see Durj for the last time and give him a goodbye hug for the road and say hi to Elliot again :3 Piggybacked Ovenotter around by random passerby's request (and forgot to get pictures of it :< ), then climbed 23 stories of stairs because Procy and I couldn't decide which floor was our lucky floor. I thiiiink Procy suits up so he can scamper around (and teaches me how to handle fursuits in the wild), that or we just hang around I don't know anymore 9_6 BUT we climb up the stairs again at a breakneck raccoon pace that makes my legs scream for mercy.

ANYWAY at some point I am told there will be Ethiopian food so I tag along with Procy with a few others including Kyash - we talk about fursuits and music a little until we get to the restaurant where Procy expertly helps us select fooood. Dadaist otter pets his injera (oh murr) and considers an injera fursuit. There's talk of astronomy and tying antennas to the bones of old antennas and of naked times with coworkers who said "I thought they'd send someone more important" and all that good jazz.

Food ends, and as we get back I am summoned to our room to let in a Tachi and Jay so they can leave (I'll drag you guys to the dances one day :| ) I head down to FC Unleashed, enjoy the show - and had the brightest flashlight by far when flashlight-con started : |

I drink oodles of caffeine in preparation for alcohol to Astro's discontent over twitter, then it was onward to ROOM PARTIES, where I get carried away trying to talk about cell-signalling with kuisbright. Then the fire alarms start, the evacuation starts (then stops while people are still evacuating, and triggers a third 23 story climb anyway), then fursuits again and DANCING.

I get bounced from dancing on stage in favor of two people behind me in line (not bitter at all, stage-left security dude), but hell if I'm letting that ruin my night - I waggled my heart out ANYWAY. Durj shows up and I give him a second-final goodbye hug ;-; but we DANCE our hearts out (he danced a little more than his heart out :3c )

We pass by DUCKY again - who has a the-William-formerly-but-still-presently-known-as-Hoshi in tow! I mention Kiva and Hoshi says she keeps Kiva in line and I'm left feeling horribly conflicted for the rest of my life. I'm feeling giddy so I spin Ducky around a little >:3 We talk a little , I get carried around by Lutris a little (Ducks still owes me the picture 3: ), and someone spills a little on Hoshi (but I have paper towels on-hand and save the day).

We visit grilled cheese party one last time and hang around a bit; I leave a little early to go pack, Procy comes by a little later. I have to leave early to catch my flight, so I pounce Procy one last time and say my goodbyes ;_;

And then I woke up a few hours later and left a sleepy raccoon sleeping. Oh and give Durj a third goodbye hug, and introduced him to Hoshi the vamp..dhampir who literally stayed up the whole night because Hoshi.


F C 2 0 1 4


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