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Terms of Service (TOS) in a Nutshell by RottingRoot

Why hello, hello, hello!
Welcome to my journal, I hope you are all ready to hear some things, 'cause I'm going to write some stuff!

Date: January 25th 6.37pm(EST)

# TOS in a Nutshell

Okay, so I do not have a full TOS (terms of service) posted anywhere, I normally go over it with the client before I do a commission, I'm currently working on writing it all out and putting it up on my website BUT seeing how in the past week I have seen some comments and direction with some of my commissions from people that have been rubbing me the wrong way... and I need to put some rules down that you call can see it...

  1. If you commission me for a line work you DO NOT have permission to color it, have someone else color it, trace it, or tamper with it in anyway.
    You paid for clean line work that is all you will receive, if I find that you have done any of the above I will kindly ask you to remove the colored piece or stolen artwork and if you do not comply I will take legal actions. I will also contact the other artist whom you have gotten to tamper with my work and tell them to remove it, along with question them why they did not contact me to first.
    -You are however allowed to contact me later to get the image colored BY ME as part of a color commission. You'll be charged a discounted price since the image is already drawn but you will still have to pay for colors.

  2. I, the artist, will always SIGN all of my work. You DO NOT have permission to remove my signature from the piece of artwork, if I find that you have done so I will contact you and ask you to fix the issue, if I find you will not legal actions will be taken.

  3. You do not have permission to tamper, trace, or recolor any image I create, original or otherwise. This is called art theft and will not be tolerated in anyway.
    If you want to practice you art skill and use one of my images please CONTACT ME FIRST! I will gladly talk to you and inform on the right way to go about things, or I will simply say NO.

  4. I, the artist, retain all rights to any and all images I create. (The only way I do not is if you buy FULL rights to the image and that would be something talked about in the contract to make the project. This also will not happen often or with small commissions.)
    I do not claim rights to any characters I draw (unless they are my own).
    I am only claiming rights to the piece of artwork I am making. This means I still retain the right to use the image in portfolios, promotional pieces, website ect.
    (I am very polite and if I do use a commission for any of these I will contact the client first so they are aware of the situation, remember I don't really have to do that but I will.)

  5. I have all rights to turn down any commission I chose.
    If I feel a reason isn't needed I do not have to give, however if you ask I will kindly explain the situation and whys and why not. This is mainly so I am not stuck with work that I will not be happy doing, if I do not like a project I will not put my full effort into it thus not creating a worthy piece of art. I rather produce work that I am proud of rather than work that does not reflect well on my business.

  6. If you want to post the image anywhere please inform me.
    I would like to keep track on where my art is going, so please give me an e-mail and a link to where it'll be posted.
    Also if you post it anywhere else DO NOT post a full resolution, that is how art gets stolen! Put the DPI down to at least 100, nothing higher. (All images posted on the web should be at 72dpi at the lowest).

# Adoptable TOS in a Nutshell this includes the normal TOS as well

  1. Adopts are made for your personal use, NOT FOR PROFIT.
    You DO NOT have permission to resell a character with out the consent of me first. Once allowance is given seller can not resell the character for a higher price they originally bought it.
    -this does not include if they are selling other art along with the character, however this must be talked about first before I give allowance to resell.

  2. You DO NOT have permission to claim original work as your own, all rights are reserved to me and can be used for promotional reasons. Buyer gains rights over the character, NOT THE ART.
    Failure to comply will result in legal actions.

  3. Upon buying a design you will receive a full resolution image of the design with out watermark. You DO NOT have permission to remove my signature, it must be present at all times.
    You DO NOT have permission to upload the full resolution image online ANYWHERE. You must re-size the image to be 100 DPI or lower and no larger than 1000x1000 pixels.
    This is to keep the artwork safe and lowers the chances of the image being stolen.

  4. Upon re-posting of the image you must inform me of where you are posting the piece. This is so I may see where the artwork is going so I may keep tabs on where it's at, and what kind of place it's being published on. Failure to tell me and credit me will result in me reporting you.
    -If you do re-post the image anywhere YOU MUST give credit back to me.

  5. You DO NOT have the rights to trace, recolor, or use my designs, bases, or images for personal or non personal gain. All artwork belongs to me.
    -If I state a base is open for free use, then and only then may you use it.

  6. Adopts may however be used in art auctions that will feature the character such as "Date my 'Sona", "Your Character Here" ect. as long as you inform of the situation first. Again this is to show me that the character is being used, not sold for profit, or anything else that goes against the TOS.
    -This is all alright as long as the design I created stays in the buyers possession.

That is the basic information that you all need to know, like I said I will be working on posting a full TOS on my website within the next few weeks and you will have to read it before I except any commission. This is to protect you along with the artwork itself.
I do not want to have my work tampered with or even stolen that is not a good thing. Please be aware of all of this, because if I find that you are going behind me and doing shit to my work with out my permission I will do something about it.

Terms of Service (TOS) in a Nutshell


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