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get to know me me me me me, it's all about me by snoothorse

I really enjoy reading those about the people I follow, so here's my contribution!

What's your real name?

How tall are you?
164 cm

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Hazel brown

What's your orientation?
Heterosexual, I guess.

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
I draw cartoony animal people, mostly! I also read, listen to music, nap, etc. I almost always just chill in my spare time, since I don't get a lot of it these days (although I'm partially to blame; I'm terrible at managing my time)

What's your job or occupation?
Art restorer GUFFAW, but really, I just scrape layers of paint off/restore some old-ish stuccoart for the time being. I rather enjoy it.

What do you like about yourself?
I'm decent at seeing both sides of a conflict. I make a conscious attempt to get along with everyone around me (which should be a default setting, but seeing that a lot of people just don't bother makes me appreciate that small part of myself a lot more), but I'm also okay with letting things go. I think. I don't know. I'm also capable of finding amusement in almost anything, I'm pretty simple like that; I literally never get bored as a result. I'm pretty good at determining the difference between my "wants" and "needs", so that's pretty cool as well.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I'm currently angrier than I ever was, but also terrible at dealing with extreme emotions, as in, I will rarely act on them. And then when I do I just sorta explode and 9 times out of 10 it's an all-around unpleasant experience for everyone involved, and I end up directing even more anger at myself for being that way. Most of the time I'm not even sure what I exactly feel. I also hate my self-destructive tendencies that keep me from being excited about the things I do or pursuing anything new actively because I'm convinced that I suck anyway. I also tend to dwell and over-analyze things, involuntarily creating more problems for myself in the process. The ease with which I cut certain people off irl puts me off as well. And I strongly dislike the sound of my voice because I sound like a pterodactyl unless I talk in monotone. Blah blah, I don't know, there's a lot of things I dislike about myself.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
You'd have to ask them, I suppose.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm the closest to being a pantheist, I think, although I take the possibility that there's simply nothing out there into consideration as well.

Do you drink?
I enjoy the taste of alcohol more than I'd like to admit, yeah.

Do you smoke?
I want to say no, but I live and work with human chimneys so my lungs probably look like those of a casual smoker.

What are your major fears?
Not being able to 100% support myself financially despite having a job. Not having a job. Not being able to move on after certain and inevitable things happen. Missed opportunities. Not being able to connect romantically with anyone. Jadedness.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I don't think I have dreams anymore. As for goals, I'd like to move out sometime in the near future and fend for myself, and that's it for now; I will see how things go from there.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?

Who's your best buddy?
I have a tiny group of them, bless their souls.

What's your favorite dish?
Ooo rice and fried vegetables.

What's your favorite drink?
Mint tea. Unless you mean alcohol, then it's ouzo.

What's your favorite color?
Sometimes it's green, sometimes it's yellow and sometimes it's purple. I tend to prefer monochrome tho.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Social skills ahaha haha, eh.

What's your favorite movie?
Dragon's Heart. I love you, cheesy ass movie <3

What's your least favorite food?

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't drive. I get pressured to get a license asap but I just really don't want to; my tendency to space out during car rides would probably not be an asset if I were to become a driver.

What is your most disliked bug?
Flies and mosquitoes are the most annoying, but otherwise I'm pretty cool with bugs.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
I can't think of anything in particual, really. I guess it's the people who never let you do things your way because their way and experiences are obviously superior and should apply to absolutely everyone.

What do you dislike in life?
Life's pretty swell on its own, there are other things that have a way of making it kind of bullshit at times though.

get to know me me me me me, it's all about me


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  • Link

    Dragonheart! I totally loved that movie, cheese and all. Am I the only one who thought the ending was really, really sad?

    • Link

      Oh no, you're definitely not. I still cry when the Sean Connery dragon dies :c

      • Link

        Yeah... me too. The ending is just so sad if you think about it for a minute. Not what you would expect given the rest of the movie.

        • Link

          It made me so angry as a kid. Why couldn't they just keep the evil boy king locked up in a dungeon or something and have a cool dragon defending the kingdom?

          • Link

            LOL - yeah, I know what you mean. I think the only way Draco could redeem himself, redeem his mistake of sharing his heart with the (evil) boy, was to undo the mistake by killing them both. Had he not done that, a selfish thing just so he could keep on living, maybe he would not have been admitted to heaven. It was his self-sacrifice that gained him admission, I think he even referred to it at one point earlier. That was why he was afraid of dying up until the end.

            But then again I don't know, I didn't write the screenplay but that's the way I saw it.

      • Link

        Noooo, Sean Connery will LIVE FOREVER! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

        Also, angry Rifty is a mind explosion!

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          And haha, I really do try to contain it and it's very rare that I actually explode, but still. It's a relatively new experience for me.

  • Link

    I really need to watch that movie again. I so vaguely remember it from my childhood, and the fact that it was almost too realistic for me to watch as a kid also made it difficult for me to watch it twice. It really creeped me the fuck out when he pulled back his chest plate and there was his still beating heart there. :|

  • Link

    "Art restorer GUFFAW, but really, I just scrape layers of paint off/restore some old-ish stuccoart for the time being. I rather enjoy it." That's really interesting ^^ I've read a lot of interesting jobs in these journals, and some interesting views. I'm really enjoying reading all these :3

    "I guess it's the people who never let you do things your way because their way and experiences are obviously superior and should apply to absolutely everyone." UUUGGGHHH THIS. THIS SO MUCH. I love that weasyl has a "fave journal" option X3