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Get to know me? by BlueNire

What's your real name?
Erin- although I use "Nire" (N-eye-er) irl too.

How tall are you?
I...I don't know? I think I"m in the 5'6"-5'9" area...I feel I'm taller than most women I guess?

What's your natural hair color?
Dirty blonde with weird little red highlights up close.

What's your eye color?
Grey. Well blue, but I have a yellow ring around my iris so the contrasting colors make them grey from afar.

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
Making horrible attempts at crochet, lots of video-gaming,, draw once in a great while, mostly browse webs and attend my internet sites...

What's your job or occupation?
I am a Heart Monitor Technician at a hospital. I interpret ECGs and bug the heck out of nurses if someone starts dying.
I've saved about 8 lives now.... I sometimes need to remember that. :)

What do you like about yourself?
(This question always makes me uncomfy...) I suppose...I like to communicate a lot, and I think I'm good at it.
Meaning: you'll always know how I feel about you. I'm pretty open about my feelings and experiences. I am transparent. (Some would say that's a bad thing..I dunno..) I try to be kind to everyone.

What do you dislike about yourself?
Everything. My mind...yeah... (Sorry! Depressing, I know :( )

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Shyness...A sickening amount of "professional" kindness. Very apologetic, and blushy...OH GOD I blush all the time.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Atheist: Although I'd really love to study Buddhism and adopt many aspects of it!

Do you drink?
Nope :) I am oddly enough a super duper light-weight. I get drunk off a glass of beer.

Do you smoke?
Nope! ..I've...tried weed before for my anxiety and that was awful for me.

What are your major fears?
Rejection. Judgement. People in general. People hurting me...
Not having any friends or loved ones.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
No goals... Dreams? I'd love to live on a tiny farm or live in a communal home with people who take care of a little farm. :)

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Lots of crushes on all sorts of people. I have 2 exes. One female one male.

Who's your best buddy?
My hubby? If that doesn't count...I have a hard time having "best" friends because I'm terrified of rejection.

What's your favorite dish?
Sushi!! or Green Tea ice cream!

What's your favorite drink?
Coffee, Green Tea...water...I don't drink much else honestly!

What's your favorite color?
Blue. A specific blue. It's weird. :)

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Shape shifter. For kinda depressing reasons haha

What's your favorite movie?
GOSH too many! I love all the Tolkien stuffs even the old-skool animation. I love animations in general uhm......
Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Willow, Princess Bride, Secret of Nimh, Legend...etc

What's your least favorite food?
Sauerkraut- The smell makes me nauseous. Anything with capsicum (hot)..

What's the last meal you want before you die?
OMG CRAB-LEGS- or sushi :)
With red velvet cake :)

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I actually don't have a driving license (crazy mix up involving vertigo spells).
I DO have a favorite car which ...looks like a Chrysler 300c CRD...but I'm not sure what it is.. XD

What is your most disliked bug?
Any bug that might really hurt me...

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
What pet-peeves do I dislike? Uhm..? .I guess.. I dislike people who have a pet-peeves against slow/defensive drivers?
If you're asking for what pet-peeves I have, I go a bit crazy when people sing aloud to their music when they have headsets on (share your music with everyone!). People who sing with the singer at concerts. People who don't respond or acknowledge you when you say "hello"....I start freaking out and thinking the person hates me (weird, I know.)

What do you dislike in life?
Inequality, unfairness, injustice, non-empathy, non-sympathy, pain (non-consensual), judgement, bigotry...
That everything ends or changes...
That as born biological female, I feel the constant pressure that my self worth is tied to how attractive I am, or if I have children...

Got a bit dark there...
I get happy over simple things? Like cute things and animals, food, pretty landscapes, kind gestures, kind people etc. :)
Like....blueberries recently make me do little dances when I eat them. o.O >.>

Get to know me?


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  • Link

    "I am a Heart Monitor Technician at a hospital. I interpret ECGs and bug the heck out of nurses if someone starts dying.
    I've saved about 8 lives now.... I sometimes need to remember that. :)" the most amazing thing I have read today. Good on you darling!! <3

    "What pet-peeves do I dislike? Uhm..? .I guess.. I dislike people who have a pet-peeves against slow/defensive drivers?" Lol I was a bit confused by this question too :p I THINK it was meant to mean "what are the biggest pet peeves you have" X3

    "That as born biological female, I feel the constant pressure that my self worth is tied to how attractive I am, or if I have children..." uugghh THIS.

    • Link

      Thank you!! I mean ..ha the nurses save that many people every month, and the doctors every week! But, thank you thank you!

      Pet peeves question!! I'm glad I wasn't the only person confused!! haha :D

      Aaand the last statement- Yeah... :(.....I...I got nothing. ::sighs:: Your artwork is wonderful and you see like a nice person! I say that is worth a lot! <3

      • Link

        I think your job is still just as important though ^^ Amazing <3

        Lol guess I don't like extremist grammar nazis who if you slightly misspell ONE word in an otherwise grammatically correct post will get all up in your grilllll...or does it mean the worst of my pet peeves? XD

        I think the last part of it is what really got me. I don't know of you'll even get through mine without your eyes bleeding, but I've had so much pressure lately about children and I really don't want any, ever. So many people seem to think this is a problem, and a "selfish" life choice o.o Also my mum us SUPER shallow and judgemental about EVERYONE and I hate being with her in public or when she's watching the telly cause I have to listen to her obsessively criticising how every other woman goddamn, get over it. That woman can wear whatever she wants, and anyone that isn't stick thin isn't "fat". AUUUGGHHH!!

        Oh thank you darling! You've always seemed like such a sweetheart to me <3

        • Link

          "I think your job is still just as important though ^ Amazing <3"

          AAW!! THank you thank you it's...hard sometimes~! (Death is not easy.) but can be rewarding too!

          "Lol guess I don't like extremist grammar nazis who if you slightly misspell ONE word in an otherwise grammatically correct post will get all up in your grilllll...or does it mean the worst of my pet peeves? XD"

          ME TOO! Seriously... The grammar nazi thing...especially when I can tell it is a finger-slip.... XD

          "I think the last part of it is what really got me. I don't know of you'll even get through mine without your eyes bleeding, but I've had so much pressure lately about children and I really don't want any, ever. So many people seem to think this is a problem, and a "selfish" life choice o.o Also my mum us SUPER shallow and judgemental about EVERYONE and I hate being with her in public or when she's watching the telly cause I have to listen to her obsessively criticising how every other woman goddamn, get over it. That woman can wear whatever she wants, and anyone that isn't stick thin isn't "fat". AUUUGGHHH!!"

          Oh man! Sounds like your mother would get along with my dad!! haha They would have a huge criticism party, sounds like. Especially women so... I understand! I know I"m very fortunate to be able to live in another state! Hopefully there's somewhere you can go to relax for a while and take a deep breath. Children. Yes....LOTS of pressure especially when you get to my age. People are constantly saying "You're almost too old! YOU BETTER DO IT SOON!!" and "It's what you're MADE to do, women are put on this world to be mothers!". That upsets me. (Sounds like it would upset you too!!) Really? With the world as overpopulated as it is dangerous as it want me to bring in ANOTHER human into the world? Into this mess? riiiiiiigh that's REAL selfish....

          Ah well.. I hope we both find the strength to just be at peace and ignore people, and let that sort of thing just fall off our shoulders.

          • Link

            I imagine it's horribly tough, that's why you're amazing for doing it :3

            lol yeah XD There's been a couple words here or there where I got into the habit of spelling them wrong, but I slowly learned. Also, many people have things like dyslexia.

            Haha oh dear! Yes, it's a wonder I didn't turn out to be horribly shallow, but I guess I grew up hating how much she'd judge and criticise me and my friends. I grew up with a resentment for judgemental people who seem to care only about looks.

            Uuugghh yep yep, it HORRIBLY upsets me. I'll copy+paste what I wrote at the end of my meme:

            I don't want kids (unless they're the goat variety). I never have, but when I was younger I used to think "oh maybe when I'm older", but with each year that passes and I see my highschool friends have kids...the more I think "nope. nope, not for me." People don't seem to think I'd be happy when I'm older without having children. People seem to think my life is going to be empty and lifeless without them, or like it's not worth anything because I won't have any. We're over populated as it is, I don't NEED to have children. I would not be a good parent because I don't WANT children. I would probably not be a BAD parent, but I would have the worst case of "post natal depression" and probably get easily annoyed and angry at my kids because I didn't want them in the first place. I will be quite happy with my partner and my pets when I am older, thank you. I will have all the money to go places and buy things I want and won't have anything tying me down. And there is nothing wrong with wanting that, despite several people thinking this is "selfish".

            There's quite a lot of pressure on me in particular because I'm my mothers only child and she wants grandkids >.< Sorry mum, your grandkid is my cat.

            • Link

              I'm a bit sorry but your comment of "Sorry mum, your grandkid is my cat." made me snort and giggle!
              I've said that to my own parents many times....They'll bug me about kids and being able to buy things for the kids and I'll say " Oh really? Well Sootaa could use a new leash!" Which is really kinda funny if someone happened to read the messages without knowing the context!!

              I am really sorry there is so much pressure on you though.. I just hope that you can find a place to escape from all that and one day they'll just have to accept it. This is your life, now theirs and you need to live it the way that is truest to yourself. <3

              • Link

                haha i've told that to her too :p she got her grandkid when I turned 10! hehe X3

                Yeah that really sucks. They say choosing to not have children is selfish of you to not give someone else life, but really I think parents who want to be grandparents so bad that they nag and pressure you is more selfish. "well /I/ want grandkids that I can spoil and buy things! so you need to have kids because /I/ want them!" o.o IF YOU WANT MORE CHILDREN IN YOUR LIFE GO TO AN ADOPTION AGENCY AND GET THEM YOURSELF XD

                I don't live at home or anything and I think my mum is finally coming to terms with the fact that I am not going to have kids. When I visited a few days ago she was talking about a friend of hers in town who has 2 kids and another on the way (this one was an accident) and she was saying how this woman complains all the time about having no time or money to do anything and my mum was like "well she should've thought about that before she had kids! If she didn't want them she shouldn't have them, and now she's having another!?" and I'm like "Yeah mum. Exactly. More reasons for me to not have children." I think she clicked then that instead of being like her who having a child gave her life more meaning, I would be like this woman who would be unhappy and who treats her kids like crap cause she didn't want them. I already have so much meaning and fulfilment in my life without children. She didn't really have anything. So yeah, I think seeing that woman behave has kind of opened her eyes a bit to how I feel about having kids.

  • Link

    I never knew ya saved 8 lives! Congrats, Nire! You are a hero!

    • Link

      Aw shucks! Kinda I guess so!.. I mean, the nurses save that many people every month, and the doctors every week!...
      I've got nothing on them...but I guess...for people who don't work in healthcare I guess that's something, yeah? :)

      Thank you!

      • Link

        True, but still amazing that you also are in the field to care for people who are in need! :3

        You're welcome, Nire! <3

  • Link

    Nire, you're so sweet and amazing and adorable.

    • Link

      oh my goodness gracious ::blushes!!:: Thank you eeeep XD <3 <3

  • Link

    Your openness is what I find attractive about you as a person. Being transparent is important to me. I dislike when people just gloss over what's really going on in their lives or feel a need to put up a wall, pretend they're something they're not. I know what you mean about body image and trying to feel attractive, like your worth is attached to it....I've been struggling with this immensely over the past year as a medication made me gain weight (not even a lot of weight, but it was right after I had finally gotten thin and it's been stubborn) and it's been really upsetting me; I just wish I could deal with it and know that numbers don't matter, the worth of a person is determined by more important things or should be, anyway. Also I'm gonna guess you like grey-blue? :3

    • Link

      "Your openness is what I find attractive about you as a person. Being transparent is important to me. I dislike when people just gloss over what's really going on in their lives or feel a need to put up a wall, pretend they're something they're not."

      Why THANK YOU!! Gosh thanks! Yeah I...I am really really open about my feelings and past experiences heh. I am not a mysterious person XD So I'm super happy that you find that a GOOD thing! :D

      "I know what you mean about body image and trying to feel attractive, like your worth is attached to it....I've been struggling with this immensely over the past year as a medication made me gain weight (not even a lot of weight, but it was right after I had finally gotten thin and it's been stubborn) and it's been really upsetting me; I just wish I could deal with it and know that numbers don't matter, the worth of a person is determined by more important things or should be, anyway."

      I've found's a feeling that's sort of ingrained in me. Logically I can stand back and go " It's not important! What's important is that I'm good to my friends and loved ones and try to do my best!" but....those weird little feelings wriggle in there. I hope for both our sakes that as we get older it'll get easier to just put those worries aside. I've heard that it does get better-which is really hopeful :)

      "Also I'm gonna guess you like grey-blue? :3

      HA! Yes-Pretty much! Well it's complicated-more complicated than it should be. Like....Hmmm...I don't like purple-blue or teal-blue so it has to be like...right smack dab in the middle between those two hues. I'm weird about it! It's the only OCD-ish thing I do I think XD..Ah well we all have our little odd traits! :D

  • Link

    Your job sounds awesome! I bet it feels great to know you've saved peoples lives :) Other than that you sound a lot like me XD The blushing thing, I do that too... Ill blush If too many people listen to me when I talk or even like 'auto blush' if I'm saying something potentially embarrassing or naughty, even if I'm not embarrassed at all! Also, your favourite movie list is full of awesome choices! Dark crystal and Labyrinth are fantastic and secret of nimh, I LOVED that movie when I was a kid and the book was awesome too :3

    • Link

      Your job sounds awesome! I bet it feels great to know you've saved peoples lives :) Other than that you sound a lot like me XD The blushing thing, I do that too... Ill blush If too many people listen to me when I talk or even like 'auto blush' if I'm saying something potentially embarrassing or naughty, even if I'm not embarrassed at all! Also, your favorite movie list is full of awesome choices! Dark crystal and Labyrinth are fantastic and secret of nimh, I LOVED that movie when I was a kid and the book was awesome too :3

      Oh my gosh YOU DO SOUND LIKE ME!! I'll blush at random sometimes!! I especially blush at times that you've mentioned! It kinda sucks too because people sometimes think it's always dirty things that make me blush but I'd say that only accounts for like...10%!! Usually it's just my crazy shyness! XD I blush when acquaintances./strangers talk to me too and I hate that because I can feel it! I can't imagine what they think when I do that either!!

      Also yes I loved LOVED "The Never-ending Story "too!!

      • Link

        Haha, yeah I know what you mean! I always think they must imagine I'm thinking hideously pervy things and that just makes me blush more XD I used to work with someone who would deliberately talk to me for too long' about things I was interested in because he knew eventually I'd have a face like a tomato and he thought that was hilarious! -.-

        Ahhh the neverending story... that was the first movie I ever bought for myself (vhs bought with pocket money! XD) and g'mork was my biggest childhood fear, my dad used to have to come upstairs with me to the bathroom and wait outside incase G'mork was waiting to get me when I opened the door...! Haha! I was such a wussy child XD

  • Link

    If you're 5'9, your about the same height as me :P If I'm wearing my rabbit fursuit... I'm like nearly 7 feet tall lol. Giant buns

    • Link

      GIANT BUNNY!! That would be neat to see!! Also I bet you're a major hug-target which depending how shy you are could be a bad or good thing! :D

      • Link Here's a good example xD Although it seems Louisiana girls tend to run short, I'm a non-native lol! I don't mind hugs, as long as I'm in fursuit lol!! It's kinda funny, but in a full suit it's like they aren't actually able to truly -touch- you, so I'll give out hugs left and right. Out of suit, I'm like... Do I know you? I've gotten better over time heh.

  • Link

    Your dream is my dream! Communal farm living is something I've been obsessed with for most of my life. :3

    • Link

      I AM TOTALLY SERIOUS! I'd love to do a communal farming thing! I've even tried to look up communities...Most are in other countries and the few that are here in the states are really huge on vegan-no technology-etc...Which is great for the environment but I love my technology and I love to eat eggs and dairy sometimes so.. :(

      • Link

        I feel ya on that! Plus, where do you draw the line at technology? Digging a well with a metal shovel could be considered using technology. Anyways, I know there are quite a few pretty solid communities around in the US. The one that I've looked into most is called East Wind, but they're on the other side of the country for me. I wish I could just start one up on my own, but I lack 90% of the skills and money required to take on a project like that. Oh well... just gotta keep on learning!

        • Link

          Well if you ever find anything (or create your own) I'd totally very seriously consider it!! :D

  • Link

    Heart monitor technician? That is wicked cool 0.0 You're also taller than me apparently xD I so envy you right now haha.
    kids with headphones in yet the music is literally BLARING D: I don't get how that doesn't hurt their ears not to mention it's kinda rude.
    I hear ya on the rejection thing (it took me a couple days to even send you a friend request gosh;;), and yeah when people don't acknowledge you or smile back it's kinda disheartening. But yanno I'm ok on my own I guess.

    • Link

      Heart monitor technician? That is wicked cool 0.0

      Why thank you!! It's...a thing! It gets rough sometimes. You're around death a lot...but..I'm also around life too. Y'know? It's very odd when I step back and think about it!

      ** You're also taller than me apparently xD I so envy you right now haha.**

      Ah sorry! ha! I wish I was more normal size..I tend to be taller than most biological womenz... Which is sometimes awkward...

      kids with headphones in yet the music is literally BLARING D: I don't get how that doesn't hurt their ears not to mention it's kinda rude.

      WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! I know! I just want to politely reach over, pluck an earphone out and say " It's prolly not a good thing if I can hear your music too" ..but Yeah, I'd never do that in a million years XD

      I hear ya on the rejection thing (it took me a couple days to even send you a friend request gosh;;), and yeah when people don't acknowledge you or smile back it's kinda disheartening. But yanno I'm ok on my own I guess.

      Oh my gosh really?!?!?! HAHA! So funny! I"ve been thinking of sending you a friend request since you've been here but...I was way too afraid to! WAY too afraid and...yeah! SO flattered and happy and just all sorts of giddy! I do hope you're really doing alright :) You just seem like a wonderful person and I adore your artworks ^.^

  • Link

    Being transparent is not a bad thing. Some people don't like it because it makes them uncomfortable, but the truth is, they have to get over it. Being transparent means there are no secrets, no miscommunications or misunderstandings, no unspoken issues. It's one of those cases where people can't fix a problem if they don't know it exists. Y'know? It's a good thing, don't worry <3

    • Link

      SO thankful you think so!!! I have some women (I hate to differentiate by gender but- it really is just the women who seem to react this way.) Who hate-HATE- that I will (-all blushy of course-) be blunt and ask if they have a problem with me. They hate it....I guess they find it rude to be so open about it....They'd rather just talk about stuff behind people's backs.
      I only know this because they've told me...

      Blah...anyways... I find it all interesting, really.

      • Link

        That's because women are taught to be seen, not heard, and to keep their thoughts to themselves. So when something challenges that they get uncomfortable. But that's a very unhealthy social habit.

        And don't feel too bad, stereotypes exist for a reason.

  • Link

    I think you are one really cool person.
    I actually prefer people that will be honest about their feelings, it makes it easier to have an actual conversation about things.

    • Link

      Aw Thank you so much I really appreciate that!
      I'm also happy you like my transparency! :D Some people don't...but I'm glad you do!

  • Link

    A lovely shire <3 ! Also your job is heroic, never forget that ;___;

    • Link

      AAW!! What a wonderful thing to say! HOW KIND AAW!! THank you so much! <3

  • Link

    You're a very cool shire and your job is amazing, you make a difference! even though you can't see it sometimes!

    • Link

      Aw Thank you so very much! I really appreciate that! You're right I really do need to remember that sometimes!! :D

  • Link

    "Your openness is what I find attractive about you as a person. Being transparent is important to me. I dislike when people just gloss over what's really going on in their lives or feel a need to put up a wall, pretend they're something they're not."

    Why THANK YOU!! Gosh thanks! Yeah I...I am really really open about my feelings and past experiences heh. I am not a mysterious person XD So I'm super happy that you find that a GOOD thing! :D

    "I know what you mean about body image and trying to feel attractive, like your worth is attached to it....I've been struggling with this immensely over the past year as a medication made me gain weight (not even a lot of weight, but it was right after I had finally gotten thin and it's been stubborn) and it's been really upsetting me; I just wish I could deal with it and know that numbers don't matter, the worth of a person is determined by more important things or should be, anyway."

    I've found's a feeling that's sort of ingrained in me. Logically I can stand back and go " It's not important! What's important is that I'm good to my friends and loved ones and try to do my best!" but....those weird little feelings wriggle in there. I hope for both our sakes that as we get older it'll get easier to just put those worries aside. I've heard that it does get better-which is really hopeful :)

    "Also I'm gonna guess you like grey-blue? :3

    HA! Yes-Pretty much! Well it's complicated-more complicated than it should be. Like....Hmmm...I don't like purple-blue or teal-blue so it has to be like...right smack dab in the middle between those two hues. I'm weird about it! It's the only OCD-ish thing I do I think XD..Ah well we all have our little odd traits! :D

  • Link

    Ahh, your name is Erin? Mine is Erica, but my mother very nearly named me Erin. X3

    Ooh, you crochet? I'm a terrible crafter, so I always admire the "do-it-yourself" people. I crocheted about half a scarf in highschool, but I've since totally forgotten how to do it. < A>; I still have that unfinished scarf. too.... Also, you play videogames? What kind? :D

    I remember you talking about working at a hospital! ;______; Ahh, what an admirable profession! I'm really amazed by folks that work in the medical field. You always came off as a very compassionate person, so I'm not surprised you work at a job like that.

    • Link

      Hello Erica, and potential other Erin!!! ( Ha that's funny! :D )

      I'm....not so much a crochet-er as a person who has a crochet needle, flails and rolls around in yarn and how something happens!! XD hehe There was a period in time where I could only crochet triangles!

      Videos games!! Gosh where do I start! I ..used to play MMO's a lot (dedicated like...10 years to World of Warcraft I think?! jeez!) Still looking for a new MMO to commit to and have been really eyeing "Wild Star" for just that reason! I love playing games with a strong narrative/character development focus like Dragon Age series, Mass Effect Series..uuuhm.. Although I have this weird love of farm simulators.(Harvest Moon) Also, I was big into the Final Fantasy series uhm.. I'm just all over the place really although I'll admit that I"m terrible at First Person Shooters!! Just awful!

      What about you?? :D

      Also, thank you thank you for your wonderful compliment! I honestly wouldn't recommend healthcare to everyone, but sometimes it can be very rewarding! :D Thank you thank you!

      Gosh thank you so much for commenting eeee I'm just beside myself! Thank youoooouuu~~ :D

      • Link

        I haven't played many MMOs myself- I got into Ragnarok Online yeeeaaaars ago, but recently I've been playing Guild Wars 2 a bit! I like it a lot- it's one of those MMOs you only have to pay for once (which is great for me), and you get your own unique storyline for each character, kind of like a "main quest" thing. It's very pretty looking and I loooove the style. The character customization is great too- aside from skin tone, faces, and hair, you can also customize things like height and body type. They're also one of those rare MMOs that does sexual dimorphism with non-human races well- the Charr are FANTASTIC: <- a male and female.

        And ahhh, same same! I love RPGs. The Elder Scrolls series is one of my faves (MORROWIND<3), I ADORE Mass Effect (still haven't played 3 tho), and I just started playing Dragon Age Origins! :D I love the Dwarves so, so much. I'm also really into simulation games- Sims, Viva Pinata, Minecraft. I've only played Harvest Moon 64 but damn even to this day I'll occasionally whip out the 64 and play it relentlessly! I'd love to try some of the modern ones. I've never gotten the chance to play a FF game outside of X and X-2, but I'd have to say my fave JRPG series is probably the Tales of games. Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia are sooooo goooood.

        Haha, sorry I can kinda yak on and on about game stuff. @u@; It seems like we have really similar tastes though!

        • Link

          AAH I LOVE THE ELDER SCROLLS eee!! I've had every game Bethesda has put out so far.. I even have been in the beta for the new MMO coming out! I've actually played Guild Wars 2 as well!! I love the CHAR! LOVE THEM Love them yes! (Sadly I stopped playing because I'm strange and am a mount collector...also the lack of specific classes (healer,rogue,tank) kinda threw me off :()) but I did enjoy it for a while! Seriously tho, the Char, love them.

          OH MY GOSH YOU WILL LOVE DRAGON AGE! ...also.. Alistair is second to Garrus as like....I love them so much, it's creepy and I'm not proud of it! HAHA! I LOVE THE DWARVES TOO! I love the little girl dwarves! It'd be neat if they had little beards like Tolkein's universe but ah well, I still like them! Still can only play through as a dwarf lady, to be honest! XD

          OMG DON"T GET ME STARTED ON SIMS. Seriously I've god...::counts:: 10 of the expansions to Sims 3 and I still play that occasionally. XD I'll spend about 4 hours just making a person. I also have minecraft and dabble in that, as well as loving Viva Pinata, even though I consider it one of the weirdly most graphic games ever. (Beating an already unconscious little animal to death until it bursts into candy and the other little animals eat it!?! JEEZ) Still love it though..

          I'm playing the Harvest Moon : A new beginning and it's alright! Not as good as Another life or A wonderful life, or animal parade but it's still fun ^.^. I'll have to try the Tales of Vesperia and Symphonia!! I've heard of them but hadn't given them a try yet!

          oooh look I ranted eee!

          Oh well, YAY ALL THE THINGS! XD

  • Link

    Thanks for sharing, and I think being "transparent"/open is a great trait; it means less pretentious behaviour in this world. :3

    • Link

      Thank you thank you!! I really appreciate it! I think my transparency is always a subject I fret about, so it's really nice that some people may actually like that trait!! hehe :D

  • Link

    Yay for saving lifes! yay for wanting a tiny farm! yay for all the movies you listed! boo on the hating Sauerkraut, but that's o.k. seeing as I don't like crab legs. We're even. lol

    • Link

      hahaha We have an equak exchange of food dislikes!! That's okay! Sounds like we have other things in common! :D YAY!