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Get to Know Me -- Meme by prannon

What's your real name?


How tall are you?

ANSWER: Somewhere around 5' 7.5" - 8.5" ()

What's your natural hair color?

ANSWER: Sort of a light brown to dirty blond-ish. In the sun it shines a nice coppery color. :)

What's your eye color?

ANSWER: Light brown to Hazel-ish.

What's your orientation?

ANSWER: Ah, I switch around! Sometimes I like the idea of gay, and sometimes I prefer the idea of straight. I haven't really settled on it, and my real life experiences haven't helped all that much.

Are you single, taken or undecided?

ANSWER: Single, and rather hopelessly so! XD That's not to say that I don't want to be in a relationship. It's just that I'm not very good at them. I worry too much and don't relax well, and tend to force things rather than let them develop. I'm also very shy about relationships and don't take the initiative on them confidently.

What do you do in your spare time?

ANSWER: Most of the time, I'm listening to music and either reading things online or chatting with people online. If I'm not doing that, then I'm spending time with my roommate, Jay, or reading a book, or playing EVE online. Other times I'm working on my server at home, where I host a website and a few other things personally. Sometimes you'll catch me drawing a bit, though that's an uncommon hobby these days. I really need to get back into that.

What's your job or occupation?

ANSWER: I am a security administrator for a major webhosting company. I fight abusive behavior on our hosting platform by removing malware and stopping spam, and I'm responsible for enforcing our TOS. I have an LPI - 1 certification.

What do you like about yourself?

ANSWER: Quite a few things actually! I like that I've managed to find success in what I'm doing. It's a big confidence booster to find your place. I like that I'm responsible with what I have and that I live within my means. More abstract, I like my intelligence and insight into stuff. I like that I can pretty much grasp almost any concept or technical thing, abstract or physical-in-your-face. I like that I can look at a person and honestly say "I can learn and/or do anything," because I can. I like that I'm a generally nice guy who wants to do right by anyone, and that I have the empathy and sensitivity to appreciate others' point of view. I like the way I look (most of the time). God, a lot of this sounds so superficial. O..o I like the confidence that I've managed to develop in most social situations that has helped me to become much better adjusted -- I used to be so boxed in and shy and awkward..

What do you dislike about yourself?

ANSWER: I'm still kinda shy and awkward in some situations! I really don't like that I can't approach relationships with anything like confidence or comfort. It's kind of an occasional wo-is-me sort of thing at this point, though. Still, it's frustrating for someone who can say "I can do anything" to admin "I don't know how to relationship." I care waaaay too much about my reputation. I'm very much too sensitive a lot of the time and I have a tendency to apologize when it's not necessary, or to ask people "Are you ok?" when all they are is tired.

Also, I worry a lot. Like, way too much. I don't like how much I tend to agonize over decisions sometimes, particularly if it involves a confrontation of some sort. I don't like that I can rub people the wrong way sometimes, because I really don't mean to. I'm one of those people who has a hard time dealing with someone who doesn't like him. :c I've been told that I'm overly condescending at times, too, and I don't like that I give people that impression.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?

ANSWER: I think it depends on who's meeting me. One friend said that I was smaller than he expected. Beyond that, I can't really say what most people notice. I'm sure that most random people who meet me notice my massive freakin' sideburns. I get comments on those a fair bit. Beyond that, it's always been my personal opinion that you won't notice the things that actually matter until you've been my friend a while; those more subtle, appreciable things.

P.S. If you're a friend and want to tell me what you noticed about me first, good or bad, please tell me.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?

ANSWER: Former Evangelical Christian, with emphasis on former. I'm not an atheist though. If anything, I'm fairly agnostic. Apathetic is probably the best word in combination with that. Religion is a very private thing that I share with friends and family, and no one else if it can be helped.

Do you drink?

ANSWER: Yeah. That six pack I bought earlier today? I drank it all already. I love all kinds of alcohol and I drink daily. Don't put cheap, mass produced shit in front of me though. I will NOT drink it.

Do you smoke?

ANSWER: No. If I ever do, it's because I'm in a social situation.

What are your major fears?

ANSWER: Annoying people. Oh god, annoying people. This one will sound weird, but causing a break up in a relationship. Getting fired. Annoying people. Getting entangled in drama or an unwanted commitment. Letting my emotions get the better of me and hurting people out of spite like I did some years back.

Do you have any dreams or goals?

ANSWER: The dream that I'm striving for at the moment is to live overseas again, hopefully permanently. The plan is and was to get more education in computer science, find work with something technical and with computers, and then once enough experience was gained try my hand in the computer-tech field overseas until I found something. Seems that I've been able to jump past getting more education (beyond the LPI certification I got) and right into working with web hosting and server administration, so I'm fairly pleased! Right now I'm on my "get experience with computers" phase, and this is the long phase. Might be a few years until I feel like I'm ready to try getting work overseas, but I've already learned that there are lots of opportunities even here in Austin. International companies like Dell and RackSpace offer big chances when I'm ready to try at them.

Other dreams involve finding the love of my life (lol...) and getting even closer to the wonderful friends that I already have.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?

ANSWER: Oh yes. A few bad relationships, or good relationships that ended badly, so a few ex's. Plenty of crushes that I won't act on.

Who's your best buddy?

ANSWER: I keep some very close friends that matter all the world to me. When I don't know how to relationship, they ground me and show me what genuine friendship really is. I wouldn't be who I am if I didn't have them. You guys know who you are.

What's your favourite dish?

ANSWER: I don't really have a favorite dish. I have a see-food diet.

What's your favourite drink?

ANSWER: BEER. All kinds of beer! Well, I used to think that I liked all kinds of beer, until I tried oak aged beer. Blegh!

What's your favourite colour?

ANSWER: Blue and green!

If you had a super power, what would it be?

ANSWER: Making more time. You can't stop the march of time, but if I could make more time inside of what time there is... that would be an awesome super-power. I think that you can understand why.

What's your favourite movie?

ANSWER: "Children of Men" is pretty high up there. That movie is practically perfect. "Gettysburg". "There Will Be Blood". "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan". More recently, I really enjoyed "Looper," though elements of it were just plain creepy.

What's your least favourite food?

ANSWER: Cheese. By itself of course! Most cheeses just turn my stomach.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?

ANSWER: Right now, I drive a 2001 Ford Focus ZX3 Hatchback, 5-speed manual, black, with 2.0L DOHC. I am a BIG fan of this car. It has served me reliably for almost 3 years without any major hiccups, and I treat it like a king as far as cars go. I want to get it repainted and install a new radio system in it so that I can enjoy it even more. I don't anticipate buying any new vehicles for some years yet, so this investment is worth it to me. The only things that I don't like about it is that it lacks cruise control and the gas mileage is kinda lame for a car its size (av 27).

If I had a different car, and if I could have ANY car, I'd probably get one of the new Focus'. With as few bells and whistles as possible. And still a 5-speed manual, cuz fuck you automatic.

What is your most disliked bug?

ANSWER: Crickets. I hate crickets. They're noisy, they jump, they stink, and they die. And when they die, they're messy about it. VERY messy. I hate them with the fire of a thousand suns.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?

ANSWER: I'm going to quote my personal introduction thingie that I have on my main profile page: "Drama; People who Don't Listen; Being Interrupted; Close-Mindedness; Displays of Self-Righteousness; Irresponsibility; Extreme Opinions; Religious Bigots; Liars; Mean People without Reasons to be Mean"

What do you dislike in life?

ANSWER: I really dislike being so far away from most of the people that I care about. I'm really blessed to live with one of those people, but I just wanna have all my friends around me all the time! I dislike feeling lonely at night. Most of my friends are around when I'm not, and the ones who matter the most I usually only get a chance to chat with during my weekends. I dislike uncertainty when it comes around. "Uncertainty" can kiss my ass.

What do you love in life?

ANSWER: The opportunity to gain experiences. Not just work experience, but worldly experience. To see different parts of the world and learn to appreciate them, and be more than just some Texan or just some American. I love the people that I meet and just how awesome the world can be when it needs to be. It's almost too much to grasp, really.

Get to Know Me -- Meme


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