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Get To Know The Dragon :P by Gale Smilax

What's your real name?
Nathan but most people call me Nate or Gale

How tall are you?
5'5" and 145lbs

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
In a relationship with mah whuff :iconwizerdwolf:

What do you do in your sparetime?
Spare time? what is this spare time you speak of? but really I hike, draw, do photography, mess around on the computer etc.

What's your job or occupation?
Professional Student. Although I have worked as a tutor, after school assistant, landscaper, and babysitter. My current degree is Forestry with a focus in Wildlife Management.

What do you like about yourself?
I am intelligent. I am extremely honest, and I am loyal to those I trust.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I am not that good at showing emotions. I am bad at telling if people are joking. I am also not extremely creative.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Probably that I am weird. certainly not my body or anything

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I believe in a God but not in organized religion and their beliefs about God.

Do you drink?
rarely, and never to get drunk

Do you smoke?
no never

What are your major fears?
failure in general, especially academically.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
yes. My dream job would be to work as a habitat ecologist in Colorado. One day I want to live at least semi-comfortably. Nothing extravagant

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
I have an ex. She is a crazy, bipolar, psychobitch. i had a crush on my mate before we got together.

Who's your best buddy?
I have lots of them! I care about all my friends equally.

What's your favorite dish?
Steak is always good... mmm

What's your favorite drink?
cranberry juice :)

What's your favorite color?
Green or Blue. depending on my mood

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Flight would be great.

What's your favorite movie?
idk... i love comedies... Death Race 2000

What's your least favorite food?
idk... i like most things. I guess i dont like Sushi

What's the last meal you want before you die?
I would want to come up with the most expensive meal i can, though it would have steak in it. mmm

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a 2003 Ford Taurus SES. I want a 2013 Ford Escape

What is your most disliked bug?
Mosquitoes for sure.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
people who over-complicate things.

What do you dislike in life?
Ignorance, laziness, and the unwillingness to work toward removing those two things.

Get To Know The Dragon :P

Gale Smilax

Journal Information



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    You don't like sushi?

    That's a first amongst furries XD

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      naw. i know furs who dont like it