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Let me tell y'all about meme :U by Stormfruit

For those of you who know too much about one another already, here's yet another bit of info :D

-What's your real name?

-How tall are you?
About 6'4"

-What's your natural hair color?
Dark blond

-What's your eye color?

-What's your orientation?

-Are you single, taken or undecided?
Not sure who I'd wanna be taken by. :x

-What do you do in your spare time?
Some arting, a little composing, LOTS of gaming and eating and game-thinking

-What's your job or occupation?
Looking into that in a bit

-What do you like about yourself?
I like how far I've come with my art style--it used to be much weirder than what I have in my gallery here. (See FA gallery under same name)

-What do you dislike about yourself?
That I suck at phoning <.< I always feel so awkward when I talk on the phone. I'm also ridiculously withdrawn around people I don't know; it kinda makes me feel like a recluse.

-What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Probably my size :////x

-What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'd like to believe that it's worth it to hope.

-Do you drink?
I have trust issues with alcohol <.<;

-Do you smoke?
Don't have the lungs for it.

-What are your major fears?
That something or someone will end my life and nobody will even know

-Do you have any dreams or goals?
I'd love to make the first furry action rpg -3-

-Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Lots of crushes, not sure if not talking to somebody for a long time counts as making them an ex

-Who's your best buddy?
A religious black and white fox with a star on his chest (if you see this you know who you are :D)

-What's your favorite dish?
Cheese. All the cheese. Except Swiss.

-What's your favorite drink?
Fruit sodas

-What's your favorite color?
Watery blue

-If you had a super power, what would it be?
Waterbending :D

-What's your least favorite food?
Liver D:

-What's the last meal you want before you die?
A Hot Pocket

-What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
Nothing, but I'd probably drive a go-kart

-What is your most disliked bug?
Cockroaches <.<||| I hate them with a deep-rooted passion because of my bite scars.

-What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Looking over my shoulder when I'm doing something. I also don't like being tickled roughly; it hurts more often than it tickles, especially with long fingernails. .____.

-What do you dislike in life?
Any nasty business started by some stupid comments. It's pretty depressing how people can turn on each other so easily.

Any questions?

Let me tell y'all about meme :U


Journal Information




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    You get bugged out when people look over you're shoulders? Me too! :D

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      It's mostly because of the "eww" factor people, like my sister, might point out when they see certain furry stuff -3-

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        Aye, I know what you mean. @-@

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          I should probably get over that soon, though; just uploaded info about commission work x3

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    It's mostly because of the "eww" factor people, like my sister, might point out when they see certain furry stuff -3-