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that thing people are doing (get to know me) by Jackal Salad

What's your real name?

How tall are you?
5'9" ish?? tall enough to be an elf apparently :V

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Green, though they can look pretty dark depending on the light.

What's your orientation?
I'm mostly attracted to male-identified people, but not entirely? It's kinda wishy washy lately. I mostly just tell people I'm gay.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Dating a loser

What do you do in your spare time?
Spend way too much time on tumblr, watch bad tv shows, play games. I should draw more but im trash

What's your job or occupation?
hahAHA AH A HA.............

What do you like about yourself?
my hair is pretty? I'm pretty good at seeing the good in other people, and I feel like I'm a good person to talk to and give advice.

What do you dislike about yourself?
my feet are hairy and really big so i cant wear cute high heels. Also I'm really bad at taking my own advice and am incredibly negative towards myself, and am bad at getting motivated

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I have a funny face.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm agnostic, i think?

Do you drink?
One or two glasses of wine every other night, sure.

Do you smoke?
Nah, it's not for me.

What are your major fears?
Being isolated from others in a way that's beyond my control. Really big, empty spaces that are enclosed. Mirrors in the dark. And all those things most creative people are frightened of like failure and stuff.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to be recognised and appreciated for what I do. And I want to feel happy and comfortable doing it. I really want to get to that point where I actually like the art I make.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
hides chest full of pictures of cartoon animal people and cool internet friends, sweats

(also i have one ex)

Who's your best buddy?
I got a few!

What's your favorite dish?
Ahaha shit I wouldn't be able to say, I love a lot of food! Umm, a good japanese curry make me pretty happy. Also japchae bap, pad thai, errr... I really enjoy a lot of asian dishes I guess

What's your favorite drink?
Really big on pearl milk tea and freshly squeezed juice at the moment.

What's your favorite color?
Pastels, hahaha IM REAL GAY

If you had a super power, what would it be?
if i had to pick one, i guess i'd go full furry and wanna be a shapeshifter?? i mean that'd be rad as heck.

but i mean realistically i wanna be a witch

What's your favorite movie?
Um, probably Fantastic Mr. Fox? I really liked the character building and Wes Anderson's use of colour to create his worlds is really charming. Also i recently watched REDLINE and that was pretty great too

What's your least favorite food?
Most seafood really doesn't appeal to me all that much, particularly shellfish. I'll eat fish most of the time, and i do really like squid and octopus, but shellfish 80% of the time is just not for me.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
an entree of cauliflower and blue cheese soup, followed by prosciutto wrapped chicken breast stuffed with brie and cranberry, served with gratin dauphinois and asparagus.

or like, a big ass bowl of shoyu ramen with extra bamboo shoots

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
lmao i don't even have my learners permit.

What is your most disliked bug?
anything that's going to fly into my face. also loud ones. also centipedes.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Assuming you mean what my biggest pet peeve is, I really hate not knowing what's happening or where I'm going. like, you get into the car and ask where we're headed "wait and see" UGH NO DONT FUK
also people trying to read over my shoulder (which i am guilty of doing to people too sorry friends)

What do you dislike in life?
the fact that we live in a white supremist patriarchal society that purposefully disadvantages minority groups. The fact that I can't feel safe in my own family expressing my gender identity because i risk making them 'uncomfortable'. The fact that will likely make little money in my life time for working hard creating visual work that is necessary for businesses while some fat old white dude will make quadruple my salary just by owning something.


that thing people are doing (get to know me)

Jackal Salad

Journal Information



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    I was going to list capitalism as my pet peeve.

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    You'd look super cute in pastel colors :3c