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Get to know Bayru the pink gecko by Bayru

What's your real name?
Bayru Gecko (all you're getting on that one sorry)

Names you go by?
Bayru, Bay, Gecko, Pink gecko

How old are you?

How old do you feel/act?
My body feels like it's about 50 ack >_<, but mentally it depends on who I'm around lol. I can be very silly around sounds friends, but can also be very mature when I need to be.

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Light brown

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your sparetime?
Draw, internet stuffs, spend time with my pet geckos, and stuffs.

What's your job or occupation?
I do not work currently.

What do you like about yourself?
I like that I am creative, I'm loyal to my friends, have a great compassion and love of animals (kind of a double-edged sword sometimes) and I guess that is it.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I struggle with debilitating mental illnesses (PTSD with Agorophobia, Generalized panic disorder, and Bipolar Depression) that frequently make it impossible for me to leave my house and sometimes even impossible to even function. I also struggle with Fibromyalgia which sucks balls too. I am overweight, looked tired all of the time, and sometimes that bothers me, but not all of the time because appearance only means so much.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
At first I'm shy, but then I never shut up! I talk a lot once I open up XD

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I have no idea anymore, it changes from day to day. I'll leave it at spiritual I guess.

Do you drink?
Rarely. I'm not supposed to drink at all with my meds, but I still sneak in a few on a rare occasion.

Do you smoke?

What are your major fears?
Heights, crowds, being stuck in a vegetative state and aware of everything around me but unable to do anything at all, and my house burning down with my pets inside it. I guess those are the main ones.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
-Paying off my car and then moving
-Building up funds for when my geckos have medical needs I'll be better prepared next time
-Dating and finding a mate
-Making more fursuits
-Becoming a dog trainer for service dogs for PTSD

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?

Who's your best buddies?
I have a good amount of buddies I chat with online, but the people in my life I would consider my best buddies are: Yuri, Tabi, my local friend Trent (I've known since I was in first grade), and my pets <3.

What's your favorite dish?

What's your favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?
Hot pink

If you had a super power, what would it be?

Name 3 of your favorite movies
Click, Perfect Pitch, The Lion King

Name 3 of your favorite shows
Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, and Futurama

What's your least favorite food?
Meatloaf or beans. Yuuuck

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a dark blue 2013 Toyota Corolla Sport. I really like my car a lot and honestly am very happy with it. A lot of people think it is an odd vehicle for someone my age to like but I'd love to own a 1967 Westfalia VW bus. I've wanted one for years.

What pet peeves do you have?
People who have no manners when they eat (excessively messy, loud mouth noises, eating with their mouth open). I have been known to have an anxiety attack from loud mouth smacking noises from someone eating, it is that bad >:(. Just rude, rude, rude. People who INSIST on standing super close behind me when I'm waiting in line to check out at a store. This is part of why I frequently cannot shop by myself because overcrowding can cause me to panic :(. Things like that.

What do you dislike about life?
I'd like my brain to not be a jerk to me, that would be nice and would also like the people who don't understand that someone can't always just "be happy" when they have mental illness, it is more challenging. I really don't like all of the fighting and hatred in the world and animal abuse. I also don't care for what people are doing to the environment. I try to do my part to the best I can, but I just know that unfortunately I am just one person, but I'll keep trying I guess.

What do you like about life?
I LOVE my geckos with all of my heart, my friends, that I have creative abilities, that I am blessed with access to the internet so that I can share my art, make new friends, etc., blessed to have food, a roof over my head, I can see (my vision isn't the best, but yes I can see), and I can hear.

Get to know Bayru the pink gecko


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