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Get to know me Meme! by Sekerys

hoppin' the bandwagon?

What's your real name?
Hailey, family calls me Hail. (Like the weather condition!)

How tall are you?
5'4" - 5'5"

What's your natural hair color?
I was platinum blonde till I was about 10-13 then it turned brown. :<

What's your eye color?
Blue-Green with color change

What's your orientation?
Pansexual for attraction, demisexual for actual relationship stuff

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Experimental stage? I'm kinda seein' someone atm

What do you do in your sparetime?
If I can remember to eat I eat, read, play videogames (I feel an obligation to with my current job IM just supah slow) draw, sculpt, do a number of creative stuff.

What's your job or occupation?
I just wrapped up a freelance children's book (I did illustrations for an author), and I work at Gamestop part time. ;v;

What do you like about yourself?
It depends on the day. On a good day I like most things about myself. (ahaha like Krio) I like my feet since I can paint and do stuff with them, I also like how ambidextrous I am, I haven't practiced in a while so working with my left hand takes longer but I can still do it.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I have trouble getting motivated sometimes and I've got pretty bad social anxiety that I'm trying to manage. And my sleep schedule is all over the place right now.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I have no idea. I think people have made analogies to small adorable animals though (puppy, kitten, bunny ect) THough I did accidentally hit one friend in the face with a pencil and that's how we met, I must have done something right since we're still friends almost 10 years later

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I believe in (a) higher power/powers, though whether it actually has anything to do with the dealings on Earth remains to be seen. All in all my beliefs are pretty squashed together from concepts in multiple religions, though I do believe in reincarnation ;v; <---- alskdjfk SO if you couldn't tell I copied the meme from Krio's journal and just some of her answers are so spot on in correspondence with my answer. So Imma leave this here since it's perfect add on my tidbit. Basically this ^ I usually say agnostic so I have ideas I like to believe in, but I don't ever actually presume to know.

Do you drink?
Yes indeedy! Not all the time, though I'm fond of an occasional glass here and there and I will drink if Im at a party where IM comfortable with the peeps there

Do you smoke?
No way the smell bothers me and sometimes it'll make me cough/gag or give me a headache.

What are your major fears?
Death of a family member (which happened once in my immediate family before I was born), not being successful enough or not seeing my goals achieved, and i fear fear (<-- which is why I don't watch horror movies, if you can trick me into thinking its not horror, I'll prolly be fine)

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I'd love to be in the entertainment industry. So I'd love to go to gradschool one that has all the disciplines I want to learn, and then work in either movies or videogames (I like to act, draw, sculpt, animate ect there's a lot I still need to learn though)

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yup! I have plenty of ex's some I don't talk to, some are okay some I'm still friends with. Some we just drifted apart. No super immediate noreciprocated crushes atm though

Who's your best buddy?
prolly the closest best buddy(ies) I have atm are a trifecta of 4 people. Starting with Jason, then Emily and Catey, and lastly Rachael. There's also TInni and Mel. I don't really have anyone at the moment who I talk to every single day without fail.

What's your favorite dish?
I don't really have a favorite? OTL Though I love chinese and japanese food. My ultimate comfort dish is my mom's homemade mac and cheese.

What's your favorite drink?
Apricot nectar, and birch beer are prolly some of my top drinks but again no ultimate favorites

What's your favorite color?
Teal is my immediate favorite with browns and peaches

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Hmmm. I feel like I wouldn't just have one. My ideal super power set-up (its a little silly how much thought I put into this) would be some sort of energy I could expel (like power/energy balls I can launch from my hands), teleportation, and shapeshifting

What's your favorite movie?
Tangled, Wreck it Ralph, and then super hero movies. Super mad right now since I can't find Wreck it Ralph anywhere

What's your least favorite food?
Black licorice Im sure theres more that I'm just not thinking of atm

What's the last meal you want before you die?
nope dont wanna think about it (preferably something yummy though, and ideally my mom's mac n cheese)

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
a 2000 mazda protege, Sephy is all beat up and he has a tire issue at the moment (me and a couple of my friends have all named our cars based on the color and ironically our cars are each named, Vincent, Sephiroth, and Cloud.)
Ahahah when I was younger I wanted cute cars like the little bugs, and the mini coop. I'd love a sports car now though. A sleek black camaro.

What is your most disliked bug?
common housefly/flies (krio also had this one) and ants and house spiders (the thin sickly lookin' ones since those evil things will climb into your bed at night and bite you over and over in the winter since they can't find other food.)

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
When people chew on their fingers. My dad does this and it's beyond annoying and as soon as I tell him to stop, he starts doing it again a few minutes later. That's the only one comin to me off the top of my head.

What do you dislike in life?
bigotry, dudebros, humanity's adverse effect on the planet and other life on it, humanity as a whole sometimes actually pfft;;; <-- Krio hit the name on the head again. THough I can be okay with some dudebros so long as they aren't bigoted misogynistic buttbums which I guess depends on your definition of dudebros.

Get to know me Meme!


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