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I Realy hate said cut paste MEME so um no. So about me. by Divitus

  1. Im old… in my 30's so yeah been there done that got the friggen T-shirt and have been to and forgottene more places than most people.

  2. I work for a living.. sold my ass to Uncle Sam and joined the USAF this keeps me busy. now on my 3rd deployment to the sandylands. I bust my knuckles every day wrenching on generators and sucking diesel fumes or am arms and elbows deep in there gears.. when im not doing that its the Typical grind of paperwork. and overlooking troops. this that and other crap.

  3. Im single. there i said it. but not like its gonna make a huge diffrence..

  4. I fursuit. own 3 suits and 2 partials .. My main is my green wolf Divitus.. others are a Blue dog, a Purple mammoth (retired and pending a V2) and a Pink plush ellephant.

  5. I have a College degree in Studio art and design ..that didnt go over to well so ended up as stated above in the military but i do try and keep up with the traditionals when i can drawing painting sculpting making pottery stained glass windows and such..

  6. I have a small collection of 70's and older american cars. curently own a 51 plymouth 77 454 bbl powerd C-10, a 69 chevelle sedan and a 55 oldsmobil. working on getting a 59 pontiac stationwagon for my con cruiser.. So this means i also wrench on cars and the like.

  7. i live in brumfruck nowhere North dakota and i love it. Why becuase people leave me the hell alone i got good freind a small group of great furs and a great gaming group.

  8. I am a professed ecclectic nerd. who loves old school consols fighting games DnD, Pathfinder, Warhammer 40k, Rifts, Shadowrun, Deadlands, and many other tabletop RPGs.. Avid MTG player and such

  9. Practicing spirtulist and collecter of occultic items.

  10. I own my own house it was built in 1901 and its has a great eclectic 50's 60's 70's and steampunk feel with all the antiques i've collected over the years. I share it with my two roomates and my Hypno Derp dog Ivan.

ok I've devulged enough information.. about my life.. so there. and well theres enough more about me to fill Tomes of lore .. or one helluva dinner conversation and some great off the wall stories.. BTW i can be found on youtube twitter and FB… if you know where to look.

I Realy hate said cut paste MEME so um no. So about me.


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