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Get To Know meme by weweameme

What's your real name?
e3e Only lil sis an' some dA peeps shall know, but I go by Coon, Beccoon, Becky, etc. :Y

How tall are you?
5 foot
dies Soshort, I blame it on my diddy. ;3;

What's your natural hair color?
Right now? :B

Black. But my hair has migrated from blond to light brown to brown to dark brown to black, so. Y:

What's your eye color?
Broooown. e3e

What's your orientation?

I'm Panromantic though, if this meant that-- shotdead

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Forever single. e3e

Relationships suck. :Y

What do you do in your spare time?
Drawing, Animating, bla bla bla, writing, catching any and all infections (up to 5 whenever I get a lot of 'em at once, omf--), being sick, eating, playing Zafehouse: Dairies, annnnd watching documentaries while I multitask. o3o

What's your job or occupation?
Freelance artist. ovo

...Then again, I'm a freelance middle schooler, so I suppose that doesn't count--

--Or am I in highschool...?

I forget. :Y

What do you like about yourself?
How I have a good sense of humor, I can write pretty well, I'm confident in most of my art skills, an' how I draw for fun, not perfection. :Y

Besides that, I like my hair--shotdead

What do you dislike about yourself?
How I easily get sick 24/7, how I've managed to maintain the same infection for over a year despite trying out multiple perscribed anti-biotics, that I'm manic-depressive with depression and anger management issues, along with some other issues. :Y

But other then things like that, there's not much at all I hate about myself, I'm pretty much self-satisfied. o3o

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Apparently that I'm funny an' 'sweet', accordin' to 'em. :Y

Oh, along with I'm one of the oddest people that they've met. :Y

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
None. Though, I respect other's religions, I just personally haven't ever believed in any of them. o3o

Do you drink?
Water and gatorade. e3e

Too young to die of alcohol poisoning-- shotdead

Do you smoke?
I can't due to asthma, an' I don't wanna. :Y

What are your major fears?
Thanatophobia, and that's jus' 'bout it. o3o

Do you have any dreams or goals?

I'm not really shootin' for the stars, I live everyday by its moment, so everyday comes with new dreams. o3o

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
An ex. He guilt tripped me into dating him. :Y

...He ended up sexually assaulting me. e3e

And that's vhy I can't be guilt tripped into relationships anymore. :Y

Who's your best buddy?
No IRL ones, but I have Tasha an' Princess. o3o

They're both special in their own ways, so I can't really pick a best best buddy. u3u

What's your favorite dish?
Anything with really rare cooked steak/red meat<3<3<3

Jesus, I love meat. eve

What's your favorite drink?
Liquids. :Y

What's your favorite color?
White, it's all colors at once.

Besides that, I personally don't like red/black as much as I should. :Y

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Flight, or the ability to recover from anything. o3o

What's your favorite movie?
...The Human Centipede. eve

What's your least favorite food?
...Anything I can't digest. :Y

I'm really not picky. o3o

What's the last meal you want before you die?

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't have a car, but diddy really wants to teach me how to drive a mini. o3o

What is your most disliked bug?

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
People chewin' with their mouth open, an' botherin' me/attemptin' to talk to me whenever I'm already busy listenin' an' writin' somethin' else. :Y

What do you dislike in life?
Um-- Infections. :Y

Some are awesome though, jus' not to have 'em. |'D

Get To Know meme


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    Your use of emoticons is cute. :3

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      e3e Shhhh pets face

      They're not cute. e3e shotdead