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My FA decision. by Slainmonkey

All this mess on Furaffinity has slowly began to grate on me, not just the fact a potential sexual predator like Zaush was put in a position of power, but also the fact that the morally loose overlord of FA Dragoneer sank low enough to not only put him in that position in the first place and stand by it. Also troubling is the fact that there have been a number of people I have lost a great deal of respect for bases on the grim realisation that I now know they are rape-apologists. With this in mind I have decided that if Project Phoenix is officially launched I shall be moving away from FA because who want's to live in the house that rape build? However if it fails I imagine I shall stay if not only to dance on the ashes to the Phoenix that hopefully never rises.

My FA decision.


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    I just saw that Yiffy Leaks, a website that archived a lot of leaked notes that include the ones that originally accused Zaush, has now been made to close down because of a cease and desist letter from fA. Looks like Dragoneer still hasn't figured out that trying to quiet down his critics will only result in more Streisand effect backlash.

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      I also saw that.....his like a fucking politician, he wants to cover shit up in a shallow attempt to shut everyone up.

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    I don't know if he actually sexually assaulted someone, I just think it's disgusting they went against the wishes of the users by keeping him on staff. If they really cared about the community, they would've removed him. Popular artists get special treatment.

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      Particularly when said person is a potential sexual predator who has been put into the position where he will be able to view members private information and notes.....people have every reason to feel uneasy about this.

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    Not sure abuot the rape, but it seems he was actually accused of sexual harrasment more than once before... so there's no way I'm liking him.

    Also, it's not living in a house made by a rapist, it's living in a condo made by a rapist who not only lives there but has access to all the rooms and the service areas and you most likely will never know when he uses and does what without your consent!

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    Pretty much agree witb you Paul.

    I'm only staying on FA for monies