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FC, Fursuit, Art Soon! by Kiasha

FC was amazing.

Quietfire was one of the best hotel roommates I have ever had. And I have to say Cupricfox and Chancewolf really made FC awesome. Of course, my skunk made it the best but seeing cool people I don't see often is great! And there were plenty of other people I met that I would love to see again next year but I didn't get contact info.

You may have seen my suit, seen here - . You probably have seen pictures/video of me. Feel free to let me know! I now understand why fursuiters love photos. :3

If you don't know the maker, Huskypaws , you should definitely get acquainted with him. He is fabulous and made my character so perfectly and you can see the love he has in his work. If you are in the market or in the future could be in the market, or just love fursuits, watch him!

Art soon - I have been holding some sticker, tshirt, and YCH drawings with intent to post them soon. Probably next week when I have a few days off to get feedback and work on the YCH. No animations, sorry. I have been considering doing more YCH though. Comissions as a whole will only be sold by YCH style for a while.

That's where I am at for now. Link me to pictures of my suit if you spy me!

FC, Fursuit, Art Soon!


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