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Getting to Knooooow Yooooou by DenaliLobita

I'm doing this too, YAY

What's your real name?
Lauren, but my real life friends usually call me Growly anyway.

Names you go by?
Growly, Denali, Lobita

How old are you?

How old do you feel/act?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
90º from the horizon

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
Neopets, drawing, Pokémon, being bitten repeatedly by a cat, going to the dollar theater

What's your job or occupation?
Fursuit builder and plush artist.

What do you like about yourself?
I'm good at figuring people out and physically I'm pretty cute.

What do you dislike about yourself?
Lack of drive... I work hard but it's never hard enough. I am the kind of person that purposefully slid by on low B grades. Just enough work to not get hassled by teachers and parents. Also lol social anxiety!

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I don't know... maybe some of my friends can answer this part!

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Indifferent, it doesn't change anything to know or not know.

Do you drink?
Yeah, I like beer, wine, and spirits. Not super picky, but my favorites are gin and milk stouts (not mixed together, of course!!!)

Do you smoke?
Not so much anymore, even at my peak I only smoked maybe one or twice a month. I don't really miss it.

What are your major fears?
Stupid crap from when I was a kid suddenly resurfacing and being thrown in my face. Being abandoned by my friends because I'm weird and hard to deal with sometimes.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
To start and finish a comic. To have some kind of stable, lasting career.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
A million crushes over the years, the only exes don't really count because they were from when I was a kid.

Who's your best buddies?
My husband and my kitten :3

What's your favorite dish?
Enchiladas molé

What's your favorite drink?
Green tea frappuccino, taro milk tea with boba

What's your favorite color?
Purple and chartreuse

If you had a super power, what would it be?

Name 3 of your favorite movies
Amélie, Unbreakable, Coraline

Name 3 of your favorite shows
The Office, Firefly, Arrested Development

What's your least favorite food?
Canned vegetables, octopus, squid, mushrooms

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a PT Cruiser. I'm not really interested in cars other than the occassional flight of fancy ("it would be so rad to have a Jurassic Park jeep or a delorean!") Like, I decided I want my next car to be blue. Yeah.

What pet peeves do you have?
Passive-aggression, people who take for granted things that are given to them freely*, people dictating how others should live, people discussing other's private lives at length.

*This is just a condition of being a kid and I don't blame anybody for it, we all do it... you can't know what you have until suddenly it's gone. But it still frustrates me, I wish I could show people things from my perspective.

What do you dislike about life?
Our current system really doesn't work anymore, feels like we're all beat down and can only survive, not thrive. Too many damn people.

What do you like about life?
There's a lot to learn and perfect, as well as do and see (if you have the means)... there's really no reason to be bored ever. ESPECIALLY in this age of information, where you can learn new skills just reading and watching stuff online. Amazing stuff.

Getting to Knooooow Yooooou


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    "taro milk tea with boba" Agreed! :D

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    Mmm yes, octopus squid and mushrooms (not all together lol) but oh man. So good.
    also green tea frappachino ahh <3