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A thing about stuff by kittendrumstick

I actually kind of miss doing these (hay guys remember livejournal), so here:

What's your real name?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Boring old dusty brown, but I've been dyeing it red since high school. People who don't know that think it's natural, I guess. I get a lot of "I love redheads/I'm so jealous you're a redhead" comments from people who have no clue, hahaha.

What's your eye color?
Some blueish, grayish color.

What's your orientation?
I like dudes and only dudes, a thing that has only worked out so-so for me thus far since I apparently exist in a sea of secretly gross men and cannot escape please send help

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
EVERYTHING. Taking care of/playing with my animals, reading, photography, going on adventures (though the midwest kind of blows for this since the nature out here is really lame), video games, watching the world's worst movies with my friends. Even if I spend a fair amount of time by myself I don't really get bored. There's always something I can be doing. I also volunteer with a cat shelter because kitties are awesome. It's where I got my cat!

What's your job or occupation?
Graphic design/web support/whatever my job requires of me that day. Also I do freelance illustration for children's books and local businesses.

What do you like about yourself?
I don't... uhhh... I guess that I'm not a total piece of shit. That counts, right? edit: That answer probably makes it sound like I hate myself. I really don't at all, but without going into too much detail I had a not so great upbringing and had a difficult time working past being angry and hateful as a result. But I did manage to recognize where I was going wrong and now go for empathy over anger in every situation that calls for it (and continue to try and change my behavior if I feel like I'm not being a decent person). So yeah, I guess I am proud of not being a piece of shit because I very easily could have ended up as one, haha. I also like that I'm still passionate about things and can be opinionated without being unreasonable. The jury's still out on whether or not other people like it, but that personality trait isn't going away any time soon.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I really like talking to people about pretty much anything but am terrible at opening up communication with people I don't know well (and even ones I do know well). This goes double if it's through IM programs. I'm on them practically every day to talk to people I know well but have no clue how to use them with strangers and feel bad for just dropping out of conversations/not responding to stuff or not initiating conversations. It's weird since most of my closest friends are people I met online, but we all talked through forums and LiveJournal first, so I guess having that level of familiarity helps a lot.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I had one friend tell me the first thing she noticed was that I drew cool things. This was when I was 12 though. I suspect most other 12 year olds probably wouldn't have known better, either.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Don't believe in anything, unless David Bowie counts as a thing.

Do you drink?

Do you smoke?

What are your major fears?
Stuff relating to messing up my life somehow, losing my job, not finding anyone who isn't terrible, being broke, etc. The money stuff is less important for me and more important for my animals, really. Also that the dude who lives in the apartment above me will finally snap for real and just unleash crazy hell upon me and everyone in the vicinity. God, that dude is insane.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to get back into doing comics again and eventually move out of the midwest.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes. At first I read this as "have you ever had a crush ON an ex" and was really confused.

Who's your best buddy?
A whole bunch of people who aren't reading this aaaaand my pets. Except my fish, since they don't care about me at all, haha.

What's your favorite dish?
SUSHI. Or curry, I guess, since I make a lot of that at home. It's easy and delicious!

What's your favorite drink?
If we're talking non-water drinks then tea. And Vietnamese iced coffee. And gin, if it's good gin. But few things are as refreshing to me as a glass of cold water.

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
to like make people not be gross assholes <--- I copied this meme from repoghost and want to leave this answer because it is 100% perfect

What's your favorite movie?
Nooo I can't do this, I can never pick. Edit: Ok, I thought about it some more and The Last Unicorn kept coming up every single time, so I'm gonna go with that.

What's your least favorite food?
just sad boring shit. things made with a can of cambell's soup, canned green beans, etc. iceburg lettuce is fucking stupid. getting really angry here about food. <--- also leavin' this answer. And adding olives. I have tried to like them but it will never, ever happen. Fuck olives.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Everything. Except olives.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
Honda civic, and I like it. I don't really like driving in general unless it's fun, aimless driving and I like doing that in cars that don't make it expensive. I also don't like public transportation, either. Basically what I'm saying is I kind of just want to be able to fly everywhere.

What is your most disliked bug?
Bedbugs. Fleas. Ticks. Mosquitoes (ok, most of those aren't actual insects but whatever). Anything that is horrible and bites and is the biggest pain in the ass to kill off. Otherwise I think bugs are rad as hell.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
bad dog owners stop getting a dog you can't handle/won't exercise/won't train/etc. <--- ALSO THIS except extend that to all bad pet owners because when people take an animal into their care and then refuse to be responsible for it, it makes me so mad >:| gettin' mad about pet owners. Also the fact that people can get away with racism/sexism/bigotry/being a terrible person if they're white enough and rich enough. America~

What do you dislike in life?
I feel like I answered that in the above question, but also getting up when it's still dark out is the absolute worst and I hate it so much.

A thing about stuff


Journal Information



  • Link

    Winter's a bitch cause it's permanently dark when I get up in the morning x-x and agreeing, I wasn't around in the hayday of LJ, more like its death-throes. But my best online friends were/are the ones I used LJ with as we were able to get to know one another more in-depth. it's awkward for me to message someone out of the blue, too.

    • Link

      Yeah, I love winter but the whole "darkness forever" thing makes it really hard to be completely awake at any point during the day, haha. And yeah, my friends and I all had LiveJournals from the beginning so I was actually really sad when LJ started dying off. I met so many of my close friends there (and one of my friends even met her now-husband there!) and used it as a way to keep in touch with people I wasn't as close to. Facebook is kind of similar in that respect, I guess, especially now that I've figured out how all the stupid filters and privacy settings work, haha.

      • Link

        Still, though, LJ was like...people were writing big long things about their lives and feelings and on facebook I feel I only get to see a little bit of someone. Although I've made friends through the site, especially my current partner...but I also saw them through tumblr and other sites so it was a mixture of things.