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Get to Know Meme by Buya

stole this from my chloe~

What's your real name?
Taylor, but i prefer Bu or Buya online

How tall are you?
still don't know if i'm 5'4'' or 5'5''

What's your natural hair color?
like a light brown i guess

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
pretty much a lesbian but i'm not fond of strict labels. if i happen to fall for someone who doesn't fit female, then i'll darn well enjoy it

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
reading, drawing, watchin cartoons and movies, vidya geems, and lots of internet. i also enjoy the outdoors

What's your job or occupation?
i work at the liquor store EYYYYYYYYYYYY

What do you like about yourself?
i like my patience for most things, and my hesitance to judge? i also got some really soft hair dude

What do you dislike about yourself?
my ever growing fear of people... and responsibilities, and growing up in general

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
probably the use of stupid emotes, and the fact i was an innocent forest nymph

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
i'm not a religious person, but i can be pretty spiritual. i want to believe in reincarnation and stuff. energy of the universe man

Do you drink?
every now and then, but not heavily. like to keep my senses

Do you smoke?
cigarettes no, the occasional joint sure. trying to cut back, stuff makes me anxious

What are your major fears?
not fond of water. i like swimming but i'm never totally comfortable in water. i'm also coming to realize i might have agoraphobia? my doc sure seems to think so

Do you have any dreams or goals?
dream come true, i'd lose my unease with people and get a job as a voice actor. or work with animals all my life. enjoy life really

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
a few crushes, haven't dated

Who's your best buddy?
my lovely girls chloe, catty and susi~ <3

What's your favorite dish?
i love thai food, and any kind of seafood(cept raw oysters). as for fav dish, it's a tie between my mum's chicken and dumplings, and these spring rolls with peanut sauce from a great little vietnamese place near my house

What's your favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?
purples, blues, and greeny-blues

If you had a super power, what would it be?
probably shapeshifting, or healing

What's your favorite movie?
okay i really like movies... like really like them, and my favourites are always changing but right now.... Kill Bill. for now

What's your least favorite food?
mushrooms... and tomatoes. i'm not fond of pork either

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
i don't have my own car yet, but i don't really care what i get. as long as it's trustworthy and gets me where i wanna go

What is your most disliked bug?

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
close-minded people. ignorance ain't bad if they're willing to listen and learn. also littering i guess

What do you dislike in life?
i guess the pressure to fit into the mould. i hate how we've all been convinced the only way to go through life is school and career and marriage and kids and grandkids. don't get me wrong, education is fucking important, but people learn differently. some people aren't even made for school. can't be content with a lifelong career. don't want one partner for the rest of their lives, can't handle kids. i hate the mould

Get to Know Meme


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