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True Factss about the Mustang by mustangrevolver

What's your real name?
Maximillian. Max is fine too, though

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Straight. Women only, for me.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
I am SOOOOOOOO happily taken. Colleen is the best thing thats ever happened to me :)

What do you do in your sparetime?
I tend to draw allot, cook, play video games, tabletop rp like dungeons n dragons, paintball, firearms, etc.

What's your job or occupation?
Lead Sales Rep @ Bed Bath and Beyond. I am also a stand up comedian locally.

What do you like about yourself?
I am a crowd pleaser. I enjoy and crave making people laugh. laughter is the best medicine in my opinion. I also take pride in my optomism, and that 9/10 times, youll find a smile on my face, and a skip in my stride. I take pride in my art skills, that I am always working, determined to become better and better at what i do. :)

What do you dislike about yourself?
I am a fucking panzy when it comes to the rough stuff. I've dealt with too much death and suffering (blah blah blah emotional junk) and its left me scarred. I dont like how vulnerable and susceptable Ive become to other peoples feelings and opinions.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
annoying. as. shit. but fairly bold with decisions.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I am proudly christian. why? because it makes me happy. do I want to tell you about christ? I would rather SHOW you. actions speak louder than words. If you want to convert, cool, I am happy. but aside from that, my rule is if you dont force your opinions and beliefs on me, I wont either. treat others as you want to be treated. w/ respect.

Do you drink?
I appreciate quality alchohol. I enjoy drinking it casually. I am not one to chug 50 bucks worth of beer to get drunk....

Do you smoke?
used to. not anymore. I have too much to live for.

What are your major fears?
abandonment-being left behind. tight spaces. clowns. needles.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to be a film designer someday. I want to make movies for the love of it, and open up an indy film company. maybe even become famous for it. I want to make my mark on the world and be remembered forever by mankind.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
of course. Its how I got my lady hugs the bujeezers outta

Who's your best buddy?
Colleen of course!!!! <3

for friends though, I would have to say Keya, Kimmy, Cindy, and a few others. theyve all been there for me when ive been going through hard times to cheer me up.

What's your favorite dish?
food. anything almost. mostly chicken. always chicken. is there chicken? goes n buys McChickens oh and chinese/asian foods

What's your favorite drink?
Root Beer....

What's your favorite color?
Green. most greens atleast

If you had a super power, what would it be?

What's your favorite movie?
action/martial arts

What's your least favorite food?
tomatoes and olives. idk why. they just dont appeal to me YET.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
all the breaded chicken in the world. and a pint full of the best root beer. and all the chinese a man could eat...

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
oh boy, I drive a silver 4 door 1993 Mercury Topaz gags
I want a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 fastback in brittish racing green w/ the white racing stripes up the middle.

What is your most disliked bug?
Bee's. hate em. all of them need to die. Bee fursona's are cute, but IRL, all of them must die.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
I cant stand the fraise "nevermind" if you said it, you meant it to be heard. I also cant stand foot tapping or that leg seizure thing people do. tapping in general pisses me off. calm down, and learn you some patience.

What do you dislike in life?
I can not abide by and tollerate violent/cruel/evil/malicious acts. big or small, if I catch you doing wrong, I will intervene. doesnt matter if its my business or not. nobody has the right or validation to be enforcing their own ways upon others. nobody.

Im actually amazed if you read this. nobody does XD

True Factss about the Mustang


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