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Get to know me~ by Atroxi

What's your real name?
Kayla Renee. OH GOSH. I never tell anyone my middle name. Q AQ

How tall are you?
4'11" I'm a super shorty

What's your natural hair color?
Black-brown. Reaaaaly dark.

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Humans. :P

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Very happily taken

What do you do in your spare time?
I draw, play WoW, snuggle with my honey and watch movies, play other video games, brainstorm story worlds, but never commit anything to paper because I'm lame, read books and comics, do other artsy things like sculpting and needle felting, hang out with friends. I do too many things.

What's your job or occupation?
Lame ass walmart stock person.

What do you like about yourself?
What's not to like? I mean really. I'm a pretty cool person with a level head and I'm friendly and maybe a little too generous...

What do you dislike about yourself?
I do eat too much, so I'm a bit heavier than my frame can handle and have pains a bit often. So I guess that's it. I dunno. Oh, and my anxiety issues. They're not nearly as bad as they used to be though thankfully. I hate feeling out of control of myself because my brain wants to go off and spaz out without listening to its logical side.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Most of my friends are guys. And I have really big boobs. So you can imagine the things they've said to me. Anything else, you'd have to ask them. xD I'm pretty dense.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm an Atheist. Was raised a christian, but when I was a kid I decided to read the bible because that was the christian thing to do. Well, I read it twice in a row and called bullshit on it. I was an odd kid, all the fake stuff never sat right with me.

Do you drink?
Not nearly as much as I used to. Recovered alcoholic. I still enjoy the occasional group of friends and drinks and games on my days off of work, which those days are tuesday and wednesday, so not too many things to do xD

Do you smoke?
Once in a while I do smoke hookah at a hookah bar, the atmosphere is amazing.

What are your major fears?
Bees, injections, failing horribly at life and being left entirely alone with no one to love. xD

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to go back to college, but not for digital animation again. That was a nightmare. Traditional animation would be amazing though. Or create some comics, or, the dream I've had since I was a little tyke, author and illustrate little kid books.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
I've had way too many crushes to remember. And dozens of ex's oops. I dated a lot in high school. Most of the time it was ladies, and they were just "curious" about trying the bi thing. But, that was never what they said up front. So, if you only count serious ex's, I'd say that number is more like 4.

Who's your best buddy?
Korth! And of course my man-love.

What's your favorite dish?
Mmm eel sushi. And my guy cooks some really amazing things. I just like food ok? Japanese, Mexican, Pizza, seafood. Mmmmm

What's your favorite drink?
Blue raspberry lemonade koolaid is tasty. Also Jaegermeister is nomful too.

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
I have no idea...transformation maybe?

What's your favorite movie?
Hmmm, I have too many of them. My Neighbor Totoro is a good one. Anything Miyazaki touches is magical though.

What's your least favorite food?
Spicy things. They leave blisters in my mouth. I also really hate olives.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
A platter of all the best Sushi and freshest Sashimi

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't even have my license...and I'd loooove to drive a '50s or '60s car that I personally restored from the ground up. Oh man. Some of those cars have such artful curves oh man.

What is your most disliked bug?
BEES. Nope, just nope. Well, I guess wasps would be more accurate, because honey bees and bumble bees don't freak me out, but wasps are just out to fuck up your day. Especially yellow jackets. I also don't like spiders, they just like to drop from ceilings and get all in your face. Oh gosh, I hate that.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
As in what are my pet peeves? Or ones that other people have that make no sense? I get annoyed the most by people who take something you told them then blow it up, spin it out, and turn it into a fancy lie filled story that they swear nobody told them. Ones other people have that I think are ridiculous, my ex. He would get annoyed with me for interupting him. Only, I'd not be interrupting, he'd pause in a conversation, and I'd put in my two cents, but he'd look at me, growl, roll his eyes and refuse to continue talking. It just pissed me off like wow.

What do you dislike in life?
Um...that people are so hard to understand! Sometimes I'll be getting along great with someone, but then one little thing I say can ruin that. And it's usually something silly. Or people aren't blunt enough sometimes. Like this friend of mine. I was hanging out with her and her boyfriend. She kept saying she was tired, so I was like, ok, her boyfriend was the same, told her to go to bed, we were playing rock band, and she got all in my face and pissy the next time she saw me and asked me why I didn't go home when she said she was tired. Like what? I guess I was supposed to read her mind. HAhaha people are silly.

If you still have burning questions this thing didn't answer, just ask! I'm a very open person!

Get to know me~


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  • Link

    Heheh "humans" is a good orientation. Also that must have been kind of obnoxious, having girls who just wanted to "try it out" with you. x_x

    • Link

      It is the best orientation. With one rule. No one under 21. xD

      Also, don't get me started on that. Sooo many ladies claiming to be bi or fully gay have ruined many a day for me. Even as an adult when I was looking for a serious companion I found ones who revealed after the first date they were only looking for a fuck buddy and either already dating a guy or holding out for one. The women around here suck. But I'm very happy with life as it stands now.

      • Link

        Hahaha that's a good rule to have. XD

        Ugh I can imagine. :/ That's one thing, at least, that bi guys don't have to put up with. I'm glad that you're in a happier relationship situation now, though. :)

        • Link

          I replied...TO MYSELF! just read below xD

          • Link

            Ahahah that happens every now and then!

  • Link

    Heck yea. I mean, even though I probably shouldn't keep alcohol around at all with my history, I still enjoy indulging now and then, and don't need any kids around getting in trouble.

    A very much happier situation. The past few days were the first rocky patch we hit and wow. I've never met a dude so willing to communicate. Sorry if I'm gushing haha!

    • Link

      I indulge a little bit with the alcohol every now and then too. Last night I probably indulged a little too much. Can't make THAT a habit.

      And man a partner who's willing to communicate (REALLY communicate) is worth their weight in gold. Glad you have one!