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Get to know me! Meme :3 by HyenaMikio

Just found this on a site. So if people want to know me more, they could just read this :)
Sorry for bad english sometimes XD

  1. How are you? - Right now, I am good I think. Just bored.
  2. Post a picture of yourself. - Nooooo. :)
  3. Do you ever wish you were someone else? - Sometimes I do. Not because I don't want to be me. Is just my problems can be too big for me.
  4. What is your entire name? - I don't tell you :D
  5. How old are you? - I am 23. Soon 24. In may :O Sooooon!
  6. Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality. - Metal horse and taurus. I can find many things that fits my personality.
  7. What did you do on your last birthday? - I had some friends over, drinking and then went out.
  8. What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? - It is really soon. But I wish to be done with a insitusion I am going to be in for 3 weeks.
  9. What is your hair color? - My natural hair colour is brown grey-ish.
  10. Have you ever dyed your hair? - Too many times!
  11. What is your eye color? - My eye colour is blue :)
  12. If you could change your eye color, would you? - I would love to have green eyes. Love green eyes :O
  13. Do you wear contacts/glasses? - I ear glasses :3
  14. Your opinion about your body and how confortable you are with it. - I hate my body!
  15. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? - I have, but don't want one. Or I think I have to take one if I loose many pounds.
  16. Say 8 facts about your body. - 8? omg... 1. Alot of fat. 2. Alot of fat! 3. I have almost perfect toes! 4. My foot soze is 39 (european size). Don't know what else I can write :/
  17. Do you have any tattoos? - I have two :3 An ankh with a rose and One Piece logo :D
  18. Do you have any piercings? - I have one in my lip, a medusa and tounge piercing. Also have one in each ear flip.
  19. Left or right handed? - Right handed
  20. Do you drink? - Not so much. Once or twice a year.
  21. Do you smoke? - I do when I drink. And sometimes when I want to. I do use snus.
  22. Do you have any pets? - two cats and one dog.
  23. Do you have any “rules” about food? - No, not really O.o
  24. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? - Too many. Draw, play instruments, and other crafty things.
  25. Are you a bad person? - I am both bad and good.
  26. Are you nice to everyone? - I try to be.
  27. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? - Yes. Manye times.
  28. Share 2 habits. - Biting skin around my finger nails. Thinking negative thought about myself.
  29. What is your ideal career? - I don't really know. Something with traveling the world.
  30. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? - Is pretty much the same.
  31. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? - Oh, many times.
  32. Say 10 facts about your room. - I can say 10 fact about my place, and not just my room. 1. My place have one bedrom, a kitchen, living room and a bathroom. 2. I have a fireplace (kind of). 3. It's always messy here. 4. I have alot of childish things, like dolls. 5. I don't have a fan over my oven, so my firealarm goes of all the time. 6. I have a christina cross necklase hanging from my cabinet, because I feel more secure. But I am not christian. 7. It's 22 february and I still have the christmas decoration in the living room. 8. My living room is too smal for all of my things. 9. It is a dobbel bed in my bedroom ;) 10. I live alone!
  33. Do you have any phobias? - I have alot. Spiders, social phobia/social anxeity, elevatiors, high places, beiing alone.
  34. Ever broken any bones? - No.
  35. Share something about yourself others might think is weird. - I have to take whater on my toothbrush before and after toothpaste.
  36. Do you have Facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? - I found this :3
  37. Quote you try to live by. - Don't have any.
  38. What’s your favorite band/singer? - End of Green, I think.
  39. Dogs or cats? Cats!
  40. What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? - Japan, USA, Egypt, Thailand, Korea, and many others!
  41. What are four things you can’t live without and why? - 1. My animals, because they are the only one that are with me all the time. 2. Anime, because it makes me happy and I forget my problems. 3. Music, it can make me happy and sad. 4. My family.
  42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? - Alot like my mother.
  43. Do you have any siblings? - One sister on my mother side. 3 sisters and one brother on my dad side.
  44. Are you going out of town soon? - No.
  45. Would you ever smile at a stranger? - I do sometimes.
  46. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? - Yes.
  47. Who is your most loyal friend? That is Chuziku and RoadHopestar.
  48. Have you ever felt replaced? - Yes, many times.
  49. Do you ever want to get married? - I do.
  50. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? - No.
  51. Do you get jealous easily? - My problem is that I get too easily jealous.
  52. Do you like to dance? - I do, but not when people are watching.
  53. What was the first concert/show you attended? I think it was The Unholy alliance in 2005.
  54. You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? - Something meaningfull.
  55. You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? - my mother or animal care.
  56. What is the first curse word that comes to mind? - motherfucker!
  57. Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? - Both?
  58. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? - My childhood and other things.
  59. Do you hate anyone? - I do.
  60. Are you good at hiding your feelings? - I hide my feelings all the time.
  61. Do you care if people talk badly about you? - I do and don't.
  62. One thing you’re excited for. - Nothing.
  63. Who is your celebrity crush? - Many! Jared Leto, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Jessie J, Michelle Darkness, Ville Valo +++

Get to know me! Meme :3


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