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Where is Verdauga's Content? by Verdauga

So, in case people are following me and wondering where the content is...

I am waiting for Weasyl to update the way Collections work, which has been talked about for nearly a year now. I want to be able to put my own description on Collections I add to my gallery. I have been told this is a feature that will be implemented, but for some reason it keeps getting pushed back. I like to add short stories to the commissions I upload (most of the time) and right now Collections don't allow me to do this.

So, I'm not dead, just waiting for things to get fixed up here so I can use the system correctly. I might just give up and count this as Weasyl's first "FA-style feature" (i.e. vaporware) and ignore the Collections system and just upload everything myself, but not ready to do that just yet.

Where is Verdauga's Content?


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  • Link

    Collections are all kinds of awkward right now. Like, pieces can be offered as collections by the artist who did them, but there's no way for the commissioner to request permission to put one of their pieces in a collection of their own, so far as I can tell. That's what annoys me.

    • Link

      Yes, that is also a problem, too.