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alright alright alright (meme) by crovvn

bumpin down that journal with a MEME?? WHOA

What's your real name?
i just go by nicc since it is short for my real name!! but you can also call me crown \ o /

How tall are you?
i'm 5'2"....weeps......

What's your natural hair color?
blonde! it's dyed a much lighter blonde rn tho

What's your eye color?
a steel/gray blue! my right eye is a more milky white color though because cataract

What's your orientation?
i tend to be more attracted to people who present femininely or neutrally!

Are you single, taken or undecided?
taken!! yeah!!!

What do you do in your spare time?
i play games (usually retro or indie ones b/c that's where my main interest lies) and draw for myself! and dick around on the internet haha

also pokemon

What's your job or occupation?
i work as a tutor and do commissions/sell at conventions! eventually though i would love to intern at either penny arcade, rooster teeth, or laika studios, or just operate as an independent artist!

What do you like about yourself?
i'm a very good people person! i know how to project and speak to people and show confidence/competency even if i don't believe it some of the time! i'm also pretty laid back haha, i'm easy to get along with and don't cause much conflict!

What do you dislike about yourself?
i can lack a backbone sometimes...haha.......also my pride gets away from me sometimes, i can be insensitive without realizing it too

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
uhhhhh i dunno, you'd have to ask them probably! people tend to notice the way i speak/communicate though i think? also art??? WHO KNOWS. who even knows me? do i even exist??? big questions here, friends.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
i wasn't raised religiously so i don't have any religious leanings whatsoever! i don't really think of myself as an atheist because i don't actively NOT believe in a higher power, it was just...never introduced to me so i operate completely independent of the idea!

Do you drink?
hell yeah

Do you smoke?
not cigarettes, no! for other things though, i am open to the idea!

What are your major fears?
hospitals, churches, small brightly lit spaces (ex. elevators) ! i am also terrified of suffocating, going blind, and losing my memory.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
see my career aspirations above LMFAO
i would like to have my own webcomic someday, though! and be a well-known artist overall!

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
yes!! luckily i am still on good terms with all of my exes and crushes uwu

Who's your best buddy?
my best friends are beth and becky (elizertine and anendlessaria on tumblr) and playbunny !!!

What's your favorite dish?
cURRY....also feed me chinese food and sour candy and mac n cheese and i will be yours forever

What's your favorite drink?
i drink apple juice and milk like a motherfucker
alcoholic wise i fuckin love margaritas and most hard liqueur esp mixed with fruit drinks
fruity drinks are A+

What's your favorite color?
red! i like white/black/red as a color scheme a lot, also yellow, lime green and brown

If you had a super power, what would it be?
flying!!! owo

What's your favorite movie?
oh gosh aaaa dON'T ASK ME THAT I LIKE TOO MANY.....animated wise, there's oliver and company, how to train your dragon, wreck it ralph, the fantastic mr. fox, coraline, probably lots more lmfao
non-animated wise, i like documentaries and horror movies * v *

What's your least favorite food?
ava...cadoes.........most vegatables actually l m f a o ..........

What's the last meal you want before you die?
ice cream. lots and lots of ice cream. also probably a lot of pasta and cheese and bacon. i would just keep eating until whatever was decided my fate gave up and left

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
i drive a beat up toyota that belongs to my dad & i would REALLY LOVE a motorcycle or a mini cooper aaaaa.......

What is your most disliked bug?
i really hate crickets hdhdj
also ants????

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
probably just those of people who don't know basic social graces ah ;;;; i get secondhand embarrassment really easily so it's hard for me to be around people who don't behave well in public, regardless of whether they can help it or not...

What do you dislike in life?
a ha aa haha..........a lot of things really...mostly things that have to do with our current societal mindset but there's nothing i can really do about that in the long-run except to do the best i can and ignore what other people say or expect of me!

alright alright alright (meme)


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