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As if You Didn't Know Me Well Enough [Meme!] by Psi

Considering this account is relatively new and all, may as well catch some new watchers up to who I am and all of that. And if my friends didn't realize some of these things, then two birds with one stone!

What's your real name?
If you know it, then you know me exceptionally well! If you don't know it, then you don't need to know it. ;3

How tall are you?
Six wonderful feet tall!

What's your natural hair color?
Dark brown. Used to be a lot more red as a kid, though, but the brown just won out over time. And let's not talk about any gray, thanks!

What's your eye color?
Dark brown, as unexciting as can be!

What's your orientation?
Bi, female preference. Not to say that I can't be swept off my feet by a guy, though, as if that won't be obvious enough in the next few questions.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken, by MilesRose. Equally swept each other off of our feet. Of course, doing so leads to some sore rumps as we both crash onto the floor. We need to coordinate these things better.

What do you do in your spare time?
I have spare time as of late? Well, if it's downtime at work, I get a good amount of reading in. If I'm at home and all, then usually a healthy amount of video games, killing off the old Netflix backlog, writing whenever I can, cooking whenever the opportunity arises (along with baking), still keeping up with practicing several of the instruments I own, things along those lines!

What's your job or occupation?
My primary job is one that good friends know offhand. Secondary, just to make sure the bills are paid, is mostly retail work. I keep doing secondary retail jobs on the side, at least over the past few years, since it winds up putting some more money in my pocket. At least my current one is one I've enjoyed for quite a few years, so it's little-to-no stress and a fine way to get some exercise. I move like a ~hurricane~ while there, I have to say! Also proficient in accounting, so looking for a job in that field instead for much greater financial security.

What do you like about yourself?
Boundless energy, for one! Thanks to years of training (or neglect, depending upon peoples' views), I can easily function for two or three days at a time with as low as 4 hours of sleep each night without any detrimental effects. No decreased energy, no slowing mental faculties, no inhibition to learning new information nor retaining memories. It's not something I like to employ often, but it certainly helps me get a lot of things done on the side! And since I can usually multitask quite well, I'm thrilled with that as well. Otherwise, there are many other things that come to mind, but I don't like bragging about myself much. I'm just happy to be social and outgoing whenever I can, helpful whenever possible!

What do you dislike about yourself?
Let's see...I'd still like to lose the Freshman 15 (and the Grad 15, heh!) for the most part, but at the moment I'm more concerned about getting a better job. Once I do that and spring hits, I'm pretty certain I can drop an easy 20 to 30 extra pounds by swimming every other day. I also wish I could be more organized and all, or at least in the mood to keep organized. Still, that's something that I have to start and keep up with. No one else can do it for me. Well, they could, but I'm not paying someone for something like that!

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Depends on which ones and from where! Online, it mostly seems to stem around my helpfulness, kindness, or humor, at least from what I've seen. Offline, for the most part, it mostly focuses around the very same things. For undergrad, though, it was mostly the same traits plus the fact that we all shared a lot of the same interests (video games, anime, cooking, movies, etc). Ahhh, shared interests...

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Reform Judaism, practicing. But I keep a very open mind, probably because my synogogues when I was growing up always stressed, "yes, ~always~ question faith! Question everything! It's how we learn and grow as people, both in actions and thoughts." So while I may follow all of the observation as expected, I still keep the open mind.

Do you drink?
Social drinker, pretty much. Otherwise most of my wine and liquor purchased go right into recipes (although I don't mind nipping a bit of the sake I use for my teriyaki sauce every now and again).

Do you smoke?
Nope, not at all.

What are your major fears?
It's been a long time since I thought about these. One that crops up every now and again would be the general fear of what happens to us after we die. On one hand, I can either dismiss it outright as just being a matter of it won't matter until it happens. On the other, I am moderately concerned that this one go is all we get and then there's absolutely nothing. Still, I usually just take that and just do the best I can every day. If there's only one shot, may as well make it a good, enjoyable one! Aside from that, nothing much comes to mind. Perhaps a minor fear of needles, but only for prolonged withdrawals of fluids and all.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I tend not to dream all that big, for the most part. My current goal is obtaining a better job so I can finally stop worrying about minor financial issues and the ilk. It also means that my mate and I can be together, so that's always a lofty goal! On top of that, save for living with Miles, I can't think of much else I'm aiming for, save for actually traveling elsewhere around the country and abroad when the opportunity arises.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes, but that barely counts since that usually still exists for a bit after an ex dumps you and all. Then it fades away and it's business as usual, at least for me.

Who's your best buddy?
I've never had just one, and I never answer these because, in the off chance that I do, I then have a dozen to two dozen friends I think fondly of immediately come to me and start yelling about why I don't value them. XD

What's your favorite dish?
Too many! I cook like mad, I eat out whenever I can feasibly do so, and the wealth of options out there are too many for a single choice. ^^

What's your favorite drink?
Same as the food, really! But, alcohol-wise, anything fruity usually suits me well. Hey, stop laughing!

What's your favorite color?
Light blue, if that wasn't obvious at any point!

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Teleportation, easy! Even if it's only localized, that's still fine. Being able to get to work or anywhere nearby in a matter of seconds instead of hours is fine by me! That and, hey, if I could be on the other side of the country with a single thought, that makes for a lot more fun and sociable nights!

What's your favorite movie?
TOO MANY. Far too many. Currently still thrilled with Silver Linings Playbook, although I really need to see Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle, and Gravity.

What's your least favorite food?
Utterly sick of mayonnaise and peanut butter, although I can tolerate the latter. Both suffer from bad single experiences as a kid, so that never helps. I can't stand

What's the last meal you want before you die?
I just don't know...I would probably opt for a few pounds of U-12 butterflied coconut shrimp, some roasted red potatoes, some exceptional mac n' cheese. Depends on my mood, I guess!

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I have an 2012 Altima, and I certainly love it so. For what I would rather drive? I leave that up to Miles. He's more of a gearhead than I am, at least in terms of memorizing what would be exceptional to drive and what they think of it on Top Gear and the ilk, heh heh!

What is your most disliked bug?
Most things that land on me and I can't immediately identify! Or, more to the point, anything that keeps ruining all of the herbs and veggies I try and plant.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Not too many things but I certainly know that I don't take too kindly to being yelled at by someone even though we both know another issue is bothering them. I'll take it in stride, though, but only up to a certain point. I am also not too much of a fan of being told to do something nearly a dozen times over when I understand after the first or second time. If I need more clarification, I'll ask, thank you. Things get done in time and on time!

What do you dislike in life?
In life at large? I think "willful ignorance" is a good one. I'm all for differing opinions, I'm all for reasoned, reasonable discussions between two diverging views and all, but with all of this information and useful tools in front of us nowadays I really hate hearing that someone can't be bothered to try and learn something new, or to bother looking up something for themselves. Granted, years ago you would have to hit a library, take out books, run research on your own, try and find friends who are experts...that all takes time. Nowadays you can have a dozen videos, four useful websites, two free e-books on the subject, and three dozen expert friends on-hand within 15 minutes.

As if You Didn't Know Me Well Enough [Meme!]


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