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Get to know me meme by asdrubael

Stole this from thebeesknees and happysorry

What's your real name?
Ambrosia Sky Cain

mom was a hippy and anthropology major heh.

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Happily taken for 7 years and married for 1+.

What do you do in your sparetime?
running gaia auctions, school and drawing and too much tumblr. ahhh. Some times i just need to veg out in front of the tv.

What's your job or occupation?
I really wish I could freelance, but currently just a student, hopefully a vet tech soon! Want to be an animal rehab specialist.

What do you like about yourself?
If I really really want to do something, I'll do it. uh. not much other than that though.

What do you dislike about yourself?
my anxiety being crippling enough for me to not really be able to function in the world as well as I should.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
i was told I was tiny and really unnaturally good at hiding under blankets. I was sitting with a blanket over my legs on the couch at one point, and people kind of forgot my legs were there and started throwing stuff on the couch. kinda hurt.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
uhh non religious. i don't believe i need a corrupt organization to just be a good person.

Do you drink?
give me a good bottle of wine or some cider or mead or something and def. yes. wild blue is the only beer I'll touch with a 10 foot pole. tastes like juice. Also homebrewing is fun.

Do you smoke?
occasionally hookah but that kind of dropped out of existence because of how expensive it was. i do still enjoy it.

What are your major fears?
needing to take care of my mom for the rest of my life, and having to bury my sister before any of my other family dies. my biological family is the source of pretty much all my anxiety.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
i really want to own my own house (earth sheltered because i want to be a hobbit) and have a pack of dogs. I thought I wanted kids but I kind of realize i'm a really selfish person and I don't know if i have the stamina for it anymore. maybe later but not now. but yes, a pack of giant breeds would be best. and like... a bunch of owls would be cool too.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
no ex's. my husband is p. much my first for everything except crushes. I've had crushes on coworkers a lot tho, but mostly to do with the fact that I just don't about boys.

Who's your best buddy?
Ian, Emily and Savannah are prob. my best buds IRL along side my husband. I don't have like super duper huge internet friends because I'm strangely worse at socializing on the internet than irl. or at least making super lasting friendships. I have a couple a bros on DA that I like a lot, I just also don't use messengers a lot either cause I'm scared o' talking to people.

What's your favorite dish?
oh my god the um.. peanut sauce at tokyo joes is amazing. I don't like fish but they have chicken and water chestnuts and bamboo shoots and it's just awesome. not sure what my fav fav dish is though. still trying out a lot of food.

What's your favorite drink?
.... vanilla coke.

What's your favorite color?
I like most colors but blue is my fave fave and even better is like a bluish green. c:

If you had a super power, what would it be?

What's your favorite movie?
idfk. I like too many.

What's your least favorite food?
fish. anything seafood. can't handle it.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
TT_TT i really don't know. I would want to eat everything and then probably die from my stomach exploding.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a 2000 ford taurus wagon, and I really really really want to drive a tesla roadster or a chevy volt.

What is your most disliked bug?
bot flies. jfc those are the things of nightmares. I still dislike most bugs, but those aaahck.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
people not using their f'ing blinkers when they turn or change lanes. like seriously jfc I don't know you're going to turn if you're not signaling! THEY ARE THERE FOR A REASON IT'S NOT HARD TO USE THE SIGNAL. IT IS LIKE 2 MOVEMENTS.

puffwheeze that and like.. the not touching you game. that's some bs.

What do you dislike in life?
probably inequality. like i know i'm talking out my ass cause I'm white, but I really really hate that white superiority thing, and really wish I was born in a time where we are all equal. i mean, tumblr social justice can get ridiculously mean and I take it personally even though I try to be equal to everyone and not racist and stuff, but it's depressing.

and um.... probably willful ignorance. and people trying to take away my right to choose what I do with my body. that's some shit.

Get to know me meme


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