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Know Your Fuzztail by Midnight Hyperion


I figured I'd do this, to get my new watchers acquainted with me, and learn a few things about how I work.

What's your real name?
I answer to "Valerie Valens" or "Arche Kruz"

How tall are you?
Around 5'7" last I checked.

What's your natural hair color?
Jet black with strips of silver.

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
22.2783° N, 114.1589° E
Oh, you meant sexual orientation. I would definitely say Pansexual with a moderate leaning towards the female form.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
I am a Polygamous person who is currently in a Monogamous relationship with one of my best friends.

What do you do in your spare time?
I consume internet videos, usually about gaming, let's plays, atheism, anti-bigotry, maths and science. I also often find myself watching snark, either by internet celebrities making fun of video games and movies, or the snark that started them all, MST3K. I also compose music, draw and maintain a set of dedicated servers for various PC games like Killing Floor, Doom and Serious Sam Classic.

Lately, I have been trying to get into modding for ZDoom and Zandronum, both Doom ports for modern systems. The coding side is easy enough to learn, but the proccess of generating graphics has been excruciatingly slow.

What's your job or occupation?
I'd like to think that I am a freelance illustrator and composer. I have yet to be commissioned for my music though, it's all been freebies so far.

What do you like about yourself?
I don't hold on to grudges, I'd like to think that I have a sense of compassion and love for other people, I have a steel emotional constitution. I am also capable of picking up a skill fairly quickly.

What do you dislike about yourself?
That I thrive on hostility and spend more time in toxic environments than I have to. That I cannot commit to an idea for a project fully without being obsessed with another set of creative ideas. That I am more meticulous about details than I should be.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
It's either my emotional constitution, or my adherence to my personal moral principles. Usually.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Religiously, I subscribe to no existing ones. I am an Agnostic Atheist.
Politically, I am a Socialist Libertarian.

Do you drink?
I have an addiction to sodas that I am still struggling with.

Do you smoke?
Given the opportunity, I definitely wouldn't object to smoking Marijuana/Hash/Pot/Cannabis. Nicotine? Nope.

What are your major fears?
Centipedes, I am very squicked by them. Strangely, Millipedes don't have that effect on me.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Yes, I would like to have at least one story, one graphic novel, one music album, one game published in my lifetime, and I would like to try my hand at starting a heavy metal band as a drummer.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Crushes? More than there are grains in the sand, haha. I have a bad habit of developing crushes on every one whom I would call or would have called a close friend. As far as exes go, I have had a couple, and looking back, they were pretty ill-adviced decisions. The first one admitted to being a compulsive liar, which I couldn't really deal with, and I simply grew distant with my second one as there really mush holding it together besides the initial infatuation.

Who's your best buddy?
There are a few. There is my boyfriend, with whom I share so many things in common and enjoy just hanging out with. i would also consider BudgieBin among my best buds, as we go back almost 8 years, and she has been there for me when I needed someone to talk to. We shared plenty of good times, and some bad times together. There's Lumi and her girlfriend iTragedy who I recently met on Twitter, and who I simply adore for being charming, witty, compassionate and supportive individuals. I really hope that we would stay friends for a very long time. Finally, I would name John Carter, aka Louva-Deus from the Serious Sam fan community Seriously! for helping me deal with a few rough patches I had during my stay at that community, and for remaining my friend all this time despite our differences.

What's your favorite dish?
It's hard to say. I am very partial to spicy food as long as the food itself is flavourful enough without being overwhelmed by the spice flavour. I find myself enjoying peppery foods a lot, as well as curries and Thai/Indonesian cuisine.

What's your favorite drink?
My addiction to sodas kind of destroyed any reliable palate I have for good drinks. However, I had a milk mocha drink of my own concoction a while back and I liked it a lot.

What's your favorite color?
Teal, Cyan, Vermillion, Spectral Violet and Purple

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Transformation, for personal reasons.

What's your favorite movie?
Right now, Shin Hokuto no Ken, it is a 3-part OVA set after the conclusion of the original Hokuto no Ken manga series, and based on Jubaku no Machi by Buronson and Tetsuo Hara. If you're talking live-action, then it has got to be a tie between Army of Darkness and funnily enough, Spaceballs. As far as western animation goes, my top choice would be Secret of the Nimh.

What's your least favorite food?
Bitter squash, I find the bitterness too unpalateable for me, even when cooked with egg or other ingredients to soften the bitter edge.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
An everlasting gobstopper, because years after I am long gone, someone is gonna try to dig up my grave, and in my mouth, they will find that invincible fucker of a confection mostly intact.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't drive, public transport here in Hong Kong has made personal transport vehicles more of a hassle than its' worth. I am also not a gearhead by any stretch of the imagination, so all the Corvettes, Vipers and Ferraris are lost on me.

What is your most disliked bug?
Parasitic blood-sucking bugs like mosquitoes, ticks and bed bugs.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
YouTube constantly changing and fucking with the layout of the site. Often for the worst.
People who litter the streets with their spittle and their dog's turds. That shit is gross.

What do you dislike in life?
The fact that there are so many -isms that society as a whole subscribe to that dehumanizes certain minority groups just for being the way they are. The recent debacle is an example of this, where it is shown that rape-culture is so prevalent in society at large. Other examples include classist capitalism, racism, transphobia, ableism and psychophobia. It is very disconcerting for to see that such things are so common and accepted in society, and I hope that I would be able to do something to at least alleviate some of it.

Know Your Fuzztail

Midnight Hyperion

Journal Information



  • Link

    Mind if I take from this?

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    The gobstopper idea is brilliant!

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      I always felt that it's a healthy practice to have a sense of humor about your mortality, because one day we'll all be dead. :P

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    Faving some favorite details about my favorite person, fav'd ;3 Love you darling.