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Get to Know Me :) by Robo-Shark

What's your real name?
Jay! Not legally yet but yeah!

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Hazel green

What's your orientation?
Asexual but I'm not much for labels

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken by my partner-in-crime

What do you do in your spare time?
SPARE TIME HAHAHAH THAT IS FUNNY nah but I play video games or go to the beach sometimes!

What's your job or occupation?
Graphic Designer and Senior Illustrator for Feld Studios. I work mostly on Disney and Marvel brands. I do commissions on the side.

What do you like about yourself?
I'm sexy and I know it.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I can be a dick especially when I'm impatient. Working on that.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Usually that I'm a tease and make weird sounds hahah.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm agnostic, I believe that those who treat others with kindness and live their lives without selfishness are in good hands either way.

Do you drink?
Once in a while I like a cold beer or some frufru drinks. Bailey's in coffee is the best.

Do you smoke?
No and I can't stand to be around smokers.

What are your major fears?
I'm emetophobic and I'm terrified of pregnancy. I'm scared of losing my family when I come out next month. Deep down I'm always afraid I'm not enough.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
For my comic to make it big so I can live off of it. Can barely find time to work on it as of now though.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
2 exes. No crushes. I don't experience that sorta thing.

Who's your best buddy?
My roomie/brobutt Zeta, my pal Steph, and my buds from SCAD.

What's your favorite dish?
SUSHI SUSHI AND MORE SUSHI UGH I FEEL BAD ABOUT HOW MUCH I LIKE IT. Especially tuna, which I've cut back on substantially considering how threatened bluefin is becoming.

What's your favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?
Lots! I like natural tones and bright green though!

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Transformation I'D FIX MY BODY PERMANENTLY YAY. I also want roboparts. Interpret which parts however you want. HURR.

What's your favorite movie?
Tekkon Kinkreet.

What's your least favorite food?
Eh I don't like pickles.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
ALL THE SUSHI and some hot green tea.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
2000 Chrysler 300M. I like my car a lot actually. I'd love to take a Lambo Aventador for a spin someday though. Too bad I can't drive a stick hahah.

What is your most disliked bug?
Infestation types (roaches, ants, etc) and asshole types (wasps, killer bees, etc).

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
LYING. Selfishness. The YOLO lifestyle.

What do you dislike in life?
How little time there is to do what I wanna do. Heh.

Get to Know Me :)


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    Fff I wanna go to the beach in my spare time, that's so neat! Nearest one is like an hour away and it's not like you can have fun and be all YAY WAVES cause the water here is all icky. D:

    But seriously Baileys in coffee. Now, I dislike coffee, but love Baileys. I may need to try this. o:

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      I'm really fortunate to have moved 15 minutes from the beach! I love it here, it's been a life dream for me to live near the ocean :) I used to live in the desert and it really affected my mental health badly >_> I'm sorry the water where you are is icky |D Baileys in coffee is awesome. IT BURNS ALL WARMLIKE AND I SLEEP LIKE A BABBY.

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        Oh wow, that's so neat! I'm very jealous, I do love the ocean. c: Aww, that's a shame! I'm glad you're better where you are now though. 8D

        Omg Baileys is like my most favourite drink ever. (Even though my friends hate it but that's ok I get the whole bottle, right >>...) So MAYBE. It might make me like coffee. This I must know. o:

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          Thanks, the ocean is my home, I'm so glad to be closer to it now! The people here seem better too, I'm not nearly as nervous about being assaulted here! Baileys is really really good LOL but I've been a fan of coffee for a long time...WHO KNOWS IT MAY CHANGE YA. XD

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            Oh man, sorry to hear you had that worry! D: That's really horrible. :c

            I must do. Yay for new things! 8D

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    Aww! Good luck on coming out! :c I'll be rooting for you!
    Also that is the best last meal, I wish that could be my every meal.

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      Ah thank ya, my dad may disown me but it's been a few years of me trying to come out and not being able to so I gotta take the dive hahah! YES FEESH ARE THE BEST actually sushi without feesh is still amazing too |D

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        I really hope not. Or that if that does happen in time he comes to realize that he was wrong.

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    At first I was like,"ROBOPART YEAH!!!"
    Then I was like,"Oh"

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    Ahhh man I miss living by the beach. I love the ocean so darn much!

    I'm gunna have to do this, though a lot of my answers are really close to yours. ARE WE BESTIES NOW? (sorry, joking :P)

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      Aw it's been a dream for me to live near the ocean, I'm so glad I do now! Hahah YEY LET'S BE BUTT BUDDIES

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        You lucky little lucky person you! There's always a chance we could move back to Cali eventually, my dad works with electronics and he's always hinting that he could get me a job where he works, and it's in California so win-win!

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          Hah yeah I moved to Florida, I opted to be homeless rather than live in Arizona. Was a couch bum living out of plastic garbage bags for a few months! Really grateful for the help I got to get back on my feet. I hope you can get out to the coast too!