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Get to know me meme! by pajuxi

//steals from ali ueheuhe
What's your real name?
My real name is Prudence after the beatles song! (thanks, hippie parents LOL)

How tall are you?
5'7" and a half exact u7u

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
weird bluey green

What's your orientation?
uUUUHHH THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION i would say im more attracted to girls on an emotional level but i guys are more physically appealing??

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Very happily taken by ali euhuhueheue smoochies everywhere

What do you do in your spare time?
hmmm depends on my mood! I do draw a lot, sometimes i play my gamecube or ds or watch TV and sometimes i get in really weird moods where its like IM GONNA BUILD A CHICKEN COOP AND SEW A ROBOT or i just lay in the sun and pet my dog/cats

What's your job or occupation?
going to school forever-//SHOT no um right now i guess it really would be commissions? I babysit on occasion and i recently applied for a job as a summer art camp guide!

What do you like about yourself?
my ability to make my sister laugh so hard that she spits out her drink every single time I try LOL
and i don't know i think im pretty good at cheering up sad friends and stuff! uvu

What do you dislike about yourself?
UUHHH depends on my mood but idk the fact that im lazy/ kinda crap at art/ sorta antisocial sometime gets to me a lot

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
hMMM im not sure, probably how obnoxious i am LOL

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
not sure really fpfpfpt

Do you drink?
On occasion, not recently though

Do you smoke?
nope not for me omfg

What are your major fears?
oh g o d
Being unsuccessful in the future/ not having enough money to live on
Being stuck in a job i hate
Being crappy at art forever
Being alone

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I would really love to do character design for video games, movies, cartoons, etc. or just being a concept artist sounds really fun too! I have a lot to learn though uwu''

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yep and yep!

Who's your best buddy?
I have a lot of those eue<3

What's your favorite dish?
honestly anything with meat p much//DEAD
I really like steak,sushi, BBQ, beef bourguignon, fish tacos, crab legs m mmmm, idk anything meaty really

What's your favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?
I think i am going to have to go pink just because i like how well it goes with other colors, i also like orange, blue and pastelly purples

If you had a super power, what would it be?
To be able to pause/start time on my command but be able to interact with my environment OR to learn anything really really fast

What's your favorite movie?
OH GOD REALLY HARD i think AKIRA would defs be tops because i've seen it at least a million and 6 times, let the right one in is fantastic, so it moonrise kingdom and the emperor's new groove

What's your least favorite food?
Mac n cheese from a box with the squeezy cheese 8(

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Something meaty, probably crazy crazy good sushi u7u

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't drive yet and i don't really care LOL

What is your most disliked bug?
COCKROACHES LOUD SCREAMING grasshoppers are a close second though

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
uuuh probably dickish people and people with shitty arguments for their hateful beliefs that don't involve their lives in any way

What do you dislike in life?

Oh man the crazy pressures of growing up that i wasn't prepared for at all

Get to know me meme!


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    I think it's funny how one of your fears is that you don't want to be bad at art for forever. I think all of your art is beautiful! I would love to be able to have that kind of skill!

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      Waaah thank you so much for all the kind words!! ;A; okay maybe "crappy" wasn't the right word choice LOL but im not where i wanna be and i guess my fear is more just never getting to the level i want to be at uou"

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    ahudihft gosh I feel u so hard on all of these /sobs/ especially orientation- like help- and dislikes about self and dreams- and fav food omggg I'm so hungry for mac n cheese now- I like how it thinks that's spelt wrong and wants me to correct it to "head cheese" I think head cheese makes even less sense /sobs/

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      LIFE IS JUST SO HARD SOMETIMES ROFL DFGDFG i mean idk im with ali and im happy with that so orientation doesn't matter too much to me i just didn't know what to put//dead and omffggg i love mac and cheese when its good LOL (or with bacon mmmmmmmm)

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    I agree wholeheartedly with your pet peeve! Also squeezy cheese? That sounds totally gross o_o XD

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      YEAH JUST REALLY THE WORST THING G O D like i don't mind like??? counterarguments anyone can have an opinion- but you shouldn't be hateful with yours especially when theres nothing backing it up >8(
      OH G O D ITS THE WORST THING I HATE IT and my family makes it all the time like it has to be a million degrees hot or else the cheese..stuff like congeals and just kdfgjhjfg MAKES A FACE

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    Prudence is actually a really cool name! Also I think you'd make a great concept artists you have such colorful ideas! And super power wise I think pausing time would me more useful. You could just pause it and take as much "time" as you needed to learn something after all.

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      I have such a love/hate relationship with my name its ridiculous- on one hand its all cool and unique- on the other hand the elderly/childeren/no one can spell or say my name right and i have forever been haunted by the dear prudence song LOL But waahh thank you so much!! i think it would be a really fun thing to do for a living if i get the skills for it! Also thats true but i still like the idea of the instant gratification of knowledge xD

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        Uh my birthname was a lot like that! It was unusual and everyone thought it was something else like "James" or "Jack" or "Jane" and it was really annoying having to say it about 10 times. And then them being like "ohhh that thing from that THING"! /loud eye roll

        YEAh i mean even if time was still passing by i assume its still pretty boring having to figure it out by yourself.