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Get to Know Me Meme! by RKSparkster

Hihi everyone! I decided that if I'm gonna use Weasyl more, you should get to know me! <3

What's your real name?
Alexander, though I generally go by Alex except in formal situations.

Names you go by?
IRL, not much more besides Alex, though people online call me Kitty or Kittyboy.

How old are you?

How old do you feel/act?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Dark Brown

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Gay (Though Renamon and a few others can make me straight, hehe.)

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your sparetime?
Read, engage in debates, try to find good and exotic restaurants, visit art museums, etc.

What's your job or occupation?
Interning for a museum organization. Not gonna say more.

What do you like about yourself?
Despite how my internet behavior can be, I generally try to be nice and polite to people IRL. Also, I'm always willing to change my behavior and habits. Furthermore, I feel I am generally open-minded and willing to try new things.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I can be lazy sometimes, and also quick to anger as well as prone to irrationality.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
That I seem to be quite knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics I guess. (BTW, if you want to know how to make the perfect hard-boiled egg, send me a note, kthx.)

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Apatheist. Basically it means that the existence of a higher power isn't much concern to me. I don't care what religion you are as long as you're not a dick. Though I also sort of take elements from Judaism, Christianity, and Buddhism as well when it comes to my practices, having had a bar mitzvah (also, I'm so glad I'm uncut), considering Jesus to be a really righteous man who more people should be like, and meditating and going to Buddhist temples in Chinatown.

Do you drink?
Definitely. And socially.

Do you smoke?
Absolutely not. Though I'll tolerate those who do.

What are your major fears?
Creepy dolls, cockroaches, and heights.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
To get out of my parents' house and eventually find a nice man to marry, possibly adopt a kid.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Hell yeah.

Who's your best buddies?
Online I don't really know. I just talk to a lot of people. But IRL, I have two. Not saying their names though, but I've known them since the 1st grade.

What's your favorite dish?
Barbecue ribs with cornbread, collard greens, salt potatoes with butter, and all the fixings. God, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! <3

What's your favorite drink?
Alcoholic? Gin and Tonic
Non? Mocha with whipped cream

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Ability to manipulate time. Imagine being able to get as much sleep as you needed because you could stop time. Or being able to rewind and redo things you screwed up on. You could go into the future and win every single bet and be able to win at the stock market every single time!

Name 3 of your favorite movies
Paprika, Dodgeball, Star Wars Original Trilogy

Name 3 of your favorite shows
Hey Arnold, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, South Park

What's your least favorite food?
Bull Penis (Someone ordered it for me on a dare for my 21st birthday. You have to be pretty damn drunk to do something like that.)

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't drive. I don't even have a driver's license! (NYC has really good public transportation. Or good in that it actually works. Sort of.)

What pet peeves do you have?
People who don't know when to stop talking.

What do you dislike about life?
The people in power don't give a shit about us.

What do you like about life?
The fact that in general, despite such a crummy political situation, things generally get better.

The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.
---Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Anyway, thanks for reading! ^ w ^ Go spread this journal all over Weasyl! And maybe that other site for people with an Affinity for Fur, hehe.


Get to Know Me Meme!


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