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Uh hey how about an introduction? by Cootie

Since I never got around to making a 'formal' introduction journal on FA I figured that I should get off to a good start here and follow suit with all these other people writing little journals about themselves! Seems pretty fun anyway~

I'm Cootie! Well, one of my characters is Cootie, anyway. She's cool with me sharing her name though.
The 'real' Cootie is the little spotted cat with big ears that's dominating my icon space most of the time!

Anyway, I'm a 21 year old female college student who is trying not to let school stuff prevent her from improving in the artwork department. I've gone through spells where I don't draw hardly ANYTHING during the school semester, and I'm really going to try and change that, so expect more regular uploads than in the past. Not like that's very difficult to do. :L

Animals are my forte but I'm trying to improve my anthropomorphic and human anatomy as well, as well as work on color theory and digital painting and all that stuff. I also do quite a bit of traditional work in all sorts of different mediums, when I have the chance! Pencils, ink, clay, paint, if I can get access to it I'll most likely give it a shot.

I guess I'm more of a 'casual' member of the furry fandom, I appreciate the creativity of the community and adore all the different characters people can come up with. The skill that goes into fursuit making continues to boggle my mind.

I also have little interest in adult art or in producing it so you probably won't see any of that here. Nothing against it at all though!

If you read all that, thank you and if not the TL;DR is HI I AM COOTIE NICE TO MEET YOU! <3

Uh hey how about an introduction?


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  • Link

    Fursuit making is pretty stunning! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work, we sound like similar casual types as far as the fandom goes. What are you studying right now?

    • Link

      I'm a senior studying Sociology (Criminal Justice)! I'm in need of one extra semester, but I'm due to graduate this December if all goes well!
      Yeah I actually noticed you on DA a couple days ago and I'd say we're pretty similar on the furry front. Cootie is the closest thing I have to a fursona, but really I just like animal characters. xD

      • Link

        That's awesome! I hope it all goes smoothly for you! Hahah sweet, yeah I like having an anthro character but the fandom's a liiiittle creepy hahah.

  • Link

    Yeaaaahh I've discovered that there's something creepy in pretty much any fandom though if you look long enough xD Most of the people I've met so far are really cool though! Also I really like your shark-sona, I don't see a whole lot of those!