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Streaming Schedule by Roki

Just to let folks watching me know I tend to do live streams on Tuesdays, usually around 8 or 9 Central time. If there's enough interest I may also begin streaming on Thursdays around the same time, but that's if there's enough interest in it.

I generally want to do commissions on my stream but if there are no art commissions I have queued then I will do some requests at my discretion (usually the first person who says something).

I use Ustream for my streaming shows, but if anyone has a better suggestion I'm all ears. Ustream runs commercials like most other services and the chat system runs off an IRC client, but the settings for it reset every time I start a new show.

Streaming Schedule


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  • Link

    You should totes stream on Thursday's as well. x3

    I'd suggest Livestream, but I don't know how easy it is to set up a cam.

    It saves all your settings though, so there's that. .-.

    • Link

      Yeah, I've given some consideration to switching over to Livestream...Maybe I'll try out a stream this coming Thursday on Livestream and see how it goes?

      • Link

        I actually like Livestream much more over pretty much all the rest. x3

        • Link

          I'll give it a shot then! X3