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Anyone interest in a trade? by RysdanKyu

I ad this thought tonight, and I thought it might be kind of fun.
Here's a little fact about myself (I swear it has to do with the trade!):

I collect postcards. I seriously have a couple hundred postcards. My dad used to travel a lot and every time he went somewhere, he would pick me up a postcard or two. My dad doesn't travel much anymore, and I can't afford to travel as much as he did.

So here's a little idea I had. I would like to do a trade of sorts. But instead of drawing each other a picture and posting it online, why not either draw a little doodle or write some sort of silly message on a postcard?

I dunno. I thought it might be neat, but I really have no idea how many people are interested. xD But I think it would be kind to send something small like that in the mail.

Any takers? c:

Anyone interest in a trade?


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  • Link

    Oooh that sounds like a really cute idea!

    • Link

      If you're interested, just send me a private message so we can swap address~! c:

  • Link

    That does sound like fun! :0

    • Link

      Even though we're in the same state, if you wanna do this just send me a message with your address~! c: