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introductions?? uvu by fallowtail

friend made a journal like this and it seems like a neato idea??
so yes! if you're comfortable feel free to introduce yourself!! i love learning about people, and i'm always open to making some new friends ( even though i'm a terrible conversationalist, and tend to be uncomfortable in skype conversations for long periods of time :'( )

i'm faith & i'm 18, a hobby artist due to lack of confidence, whoops. i'm really into pokemon & anime currently!
i love fursuits in photos, but offline i have a bit of a fear of people in costumes which stems from my social anxiety- i don't like not being able to see the person i'm talking to! so i'm not too sure if i'm "a furry" or not, haha.

so! yes, sorry, that was a sort of shitty "about me" but its kinda difficult to describe myself when i'm not too sure if anyone is really interested uvu;;

introductions?? uvu


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    Im Hanna and I'm 16 uvu I do all my art and fursuits as a hobby/side job. I work in retail but I struggle to talk to people so I'm looking for a quieter job like in a game or electronics store instead of a fast paced busy store I'm in now haha. I love going to cons though I don't go to many and I love tacky movies and tv shows. I finally graduate school this year and get my car license !

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      hi!! uwu
      ahh yeah retail involves a lot of talking- although being currently unemployed myself i'm gonna take what i can get, sob u_u;; i hope you find a quieter job, though! the talking to people thing is a huge struggle for me as well, oof.

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        Ahh uwu yeah. I knew it was fast paced when I got the job but it's turned out a lot faster and a bit of a problem more than I thought it would. I took it cause it was the only job at the time but now having nearly 3 years retail experience I'm hoping I can get another job a lot easier

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          ooh yeah you hopefully will be able to! i haven't got any job experience yet (i kept putting it off bc my social anxiety is so bad, sob) so i'm kinda gonna be stuck with whatever i can get at the moment

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    You might already know some of this stuff but I'm Rano, I'm 19 years old and I'm.... not a hobby artist because I occasionally take commissions but I'm not sure I qualify as a freelance artist because that's not my intended main career? So... I dunno unu

    I don't really consider myself a furry, I think some fursuits are cute if they're well-made but I don't ever really intend on getting one? And I don't mind drawing anthros in the slightest but I don't.... really participate in the 'fandom' much... but I have a fursona? shrugs

    I don't think it was a shitty about me, but I totally agree on not being sure how to describe myself- I kinda just went for a similar style to how you did it >n>;;

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      ahh yeah idk if i count as a hobby artist or not bc i take commissions? but i never really.../get/ any so i'm not too sure :'/ haha
      YEAH well-made fursuits are mostly what i'm into, i'm very picky about the kinds that i like /u\

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        Yeah same, on both accounts actually!

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    i'm cami and i'm 15 (turning 16 next month) and i draw as a hobby but i'm usually busy with school so i don't draw as much as i'd like to. right now i'm really into pokemon as well! i'm scared to get a job bc i don't like talking to people and also i can't drive yet;;; (also scared of that wow)
    so yeah i'm kinda lame but you seem pretty cool uvu

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      ahhh yeah i feel you,,, i can drive but i rarely do because i'm so scared of it omg ;A; (also i have...nowhere to go being unemployed so;;; haha)
      oh gosh /)/////(\ thank you seem really cool and sweet too!!

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        aww, thank you!! i would love to be friends if you're up for that ehehe ^///^

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          ah that'd be cool! u//v//u i'm...terrible at making friends omfg dkgjnfdjg but my skype is bajingzang if you'd wanna add me? i'm rarely on but!! /u\ (or my tumblr is fallowtail if you'd prefer that route)

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            lololol so am i, no worries! i'm rarely ever on skype either but i do need more friends on there so i guess i'll add you on both if that's okay? c:

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              ah sure thats fine! uwu just lemme know who you are so i can follow you back haha~

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    I'm Bingo, and I'm far older than everyone here <_<
    I've been a hobby artist for roughly 16 years now, so I barely take it seriously, but I still want to be as good as I can be!~
    I've been a furry for just as long, so I've witnessed an awful lot of changes and growth in that fandom.
    I've known of you since those days long ago from your Echo Fleetfoot blog, and have kept as much track of you as possible ever since, because your personality and art style seems to always give me a smile.

    On the subject of being a hobby artist, what that basically means that one does not pursue art as a profession, or a career. Even if you do take commissions, it's still just a side thing, and not your main line of bread-winning.

    On the subject of "being a furry", that's entirely up to your own perception and self-labelling. Whether you like fursuits or not has nothing to do with it, as suiting is but one part of the whole experience of the fandom. It's never a be-all, and it certainly won't be an end-all. If you enjoy anthropomorphic artwork, if you're a fan of animal-based shows or movies, if you read a lot of transformation stories, if you believe you are akin to a particular animal, if you just love the feel of fur- You can just do one of those things, some of those things, or all of those things and no matter what, you can still count yourself as a furry, if you really want to.
    There is no limitation, and that the fun part. You can be a part of it without being a big part of it
    And anyone out there who tries to tell you that you aren't just because you don't do [one specific thing], then you can politely tell them to shove their opinion in an uncomfortable place, because they are not the ones who define you.
    "Go hard or go home" is a stupid saying, and should not be applied to anything.

    I hope this has been informative.
    Wise Greymuzzle.

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      Hmm, I might expand on that hobby artist thing too:
      As a "hobby artist", that would mean you do it for fun, to de-stress, for enjoyment value only, and do not wish to pursue it as a career, or profession. That in no means stops you from being serious about it, from practising as much as you want in order to be as good as any professional, or from letting other people pay you to draw for them because they enjoy your work.
      The difference between "professional" and "amateur" is that one is a career, and the other is a hobby, respectively.

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      A Wise Greymuzzle

      gah, sorry for all the comments,
      why can't you edit these things??

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      (gosh a long comment this is exciting)
      nothing wrong with bein' older! uvu i think it's really nice seeing adults still on websites like this- it's nice to know not everyone stops doing the stuff they love, you know?
      ahhh i'm not the owner of echo fleetfoot, though! :'( i have no idea who that is, actually...i'm the mod of chocolate swirl uvu;; i'm glad i make you smile, though!! that's always my goal ;v;

      and yeah, i suppose i am a furry! but i don't really like the aspects of being in a fandom, so i'm kinda iffy on labeling myself as one- i don't really like fandom names like whovian so i tend to avoid it uwu;;

      ahh yeah! i'm still not sure on the career thing, but i do always strive to improve!

      thank you for such a long (and advice filled) comment!!

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        Aw, thank you (= That's right. Life is definitely worth being happy for as long as you can! No matter your age, never be afraid to have fun.
        Chocolate Swirl!! Right, yes, I have no idea how I got that confused. But my comment still stands, you are a treasure =3

        Mm, then it's okay to not wear the label, either (= You go with what you're comfortable with.

        You're welcome! If I've helped you to understand yourself a little bit better, then it's all worth it (=

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          yeah! uwu i wish more people kept that idea, it's sad when people feel they have to stop doing things that make them happy because they're "childish" or something similar.
          gosh, thank you! <3