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Thoughts and guidelines for the next couple months. by Azulez

As tends to happen after conventions, short bursts of motivation can kind of kick you off in one direction or another, and if you can manage to maintain momentum, then you can sometimes even managed to get something accomplished.

One thing that I felt worked extremely well last year was lingering on the coast opposite my home for a couple months. The shift in environment, especially headlined by a social and creative event like that, helped jump-start some reflections and new habits. My aim is not for something like that to happen again, but to make something like that happen again.

Most resolutions seem pretty trivial; there are certainly scattered actions I plan to take, such as fleshing out content and profiles. Those are simple one-time type actions. What's more involved to maintain, and what I'd like to shift towards, is getting myself less aligned with real-time media, and more towards the static and somewhat wider.

Something that I realized is that while real time mediums are more fulfilling, and interactive among groups, they're not a good way to really meet people with aligned interests. They do not generate any sort of presence. I guess that's something with which I have been wrestling in and of itself, and it's probably worth of an entire piece on its own. In short, it's simultaneously easier and harder to find people in this world, and while I lack the hubris to really think I have much to offer, I think if I'm going to be running around in this scene at all, I should at least have some projection of my identity out here and available.

Another thought coming off of this is that I notice that I've lacked any sort of goals for the last few years. It's easy at first to have people you want to meet, and things you want to do, but after a while you know enough people that just drifting around is possible, and while a good time may be had, that in itself is a waste. Opportunities surround, but not having concrete examples of desire gives you no frame of reference for what you do.

I think this is also a larger problem within my life. I think I'm at a point where I have no compass. What do I want? It's extended beyond just a social context, but in the general expression of life. It's impossible to feel confident; impossible to even gauge what you're doing, when you don't have a greater sense of what you want to be doing. Creating and nesting these goals is also a larger issue which I would like to expand upon at some point. I believe, though, that doing more writing with the intent of locking down some incarnation of myself should help to provide some structure.

The third intent with which I am left is to utilize this environmental change as a catalyst to push through with some projects which have been languishing. I don't want to talk about them too much here because of limited relevance, and my dislike of vaporware. It's also really easy to talk out over one's head in a public forum. To continue in the spirit of the above, however, I am planning to create a catalog and repository for design documents.

I would be interested in hearing the methodologies of some others whom are particularly prolific with their own works and projects, and I'll probably ask around a little bit. I have a few people in mind already, in fact, but if anyone has insights into techniques for managing several complex projects at once, then by all means I'd like to have a conversation and bounce a few thoughts around.

So that's pretty much what's on my mind for the moment. It's a bit of an experiment, but I think that this might be an okay location to try gardening. Thank you for the read! It was probably really fucking dry, but holy fuck am I exhausted.

Thoughts and guidelines for the next couple months.


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