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Ask n' Tell! by DenaliLobita

Was inspired by Rome's journal- ask me a question and tell me something about yourself! :) Also, maybe tell me why you're following me? Sounds like fun "ice breaker"!

Ask n' Tell!


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    Ooh this looks fun! Question is; What or who got you into crafting? Fursuit making?

    As for a little about myself, uh! I have been dying to work with silicone lately, and cast some masks that way.

    Also I'm following you because I love your work and also admire your stand against the bullshit on FA by moving to Weasyl in such a manner.

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      Fursuit making was the first crafty hobby I got into, I think. I got started because as a teenager therian, I felt a bit out of sorts with being human, so I thought wearing a fursuit would help me feel more like a wolf. I didn't want to make my own suit at first since I had no sewing or sculpting experience, but after seeing the high price tag on these costumes*, I realized making it myself was the only way.

      Well, turns out wearing costumes makes me only MORE conscious of my limitations as a human, and with all my senses impaired, to boot. However, the anonymity of wearing a fursuit helped me get over awkward teenager social hang-ups, and I enjoyed the process.

      Now, I just make 'em because I like it and it's my job- I'm really not that interested in wearing them anymore.

      *This was at a time when almost no costume cost over $1300... even a $350 Jax head was way too much for 15-year-old me.

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        ohh sounds very similar to my story. I was a 14 year kid, then-therian coyote who was intent on creating and wearing the perfect fursuit for myrself. I even messaged Mixedcandy and ask if she'd accept 100 dollars for a suit. Yeah I was one of -those- kids.

        And huh! That's interesting, that last bit.

        Thanks for sharing~

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          Then-therian? So you no longer identify as one? If that's prying too much, I apologize.
          That's so funny you asked for a $100 fursuit... in a bad way I guess but it's still funny to think that now you make them too!

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    Other favorite pokemon than Growlithe >:D (a hard question)
    A little about myself: I've been practicing really hard with my art and when I see old pictures I get so embarrassed and hide my face :x
    And I'm watching you cause you're really nice, I love your style, and your fursuits and plush are amazing.

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      Not a hard question at all actually! :D Mandibuzz is my second favorite Pokémon. It hasn't received much attention in merch or anything unfortunately, but it's such a nifty design, and I love using them as walls in combat. :) uses Toxic, Roosts forever

      I get embarrassed at old art too, I suddenly see all these problems and get irrationally irritable I didn't see them before and nobody pointed them out to me. Though it's kind of my personality to share what embarrasses me, so sometimes I'll dig up an old gem and show it to people and laugh about it. xD

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        Oh Mandibuzz is really cool. I wish she got more merch though.
        I too bring up old things and show friends. I have a hidden folder somewhere of my old pokemon paint mouse drawings and those are my sinful pleasure. They are 12 years old :'D And they are just abysmal.

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    Question: What was up with the wolf to bear to wolf thing? Just a phase, or did you identify differently at the time? (Is that the same thing? I don't know!)

    Reason why i'm following you: I'm your secret admirer. ;) Nahh you just have really stunning work and you've got a great personality too. :>

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      Welllll it goes into a lot of internal stuff but basically my fursona is a wolf because I'm a therian and I identify on some level as a wolf, which you may or may not have known already. Around the end of high school and through half of college, I found the whole concept of therianthropy unbelievable despite my past experiences, so I shoved that part of me away. It left me feeling really empty inside. I liked bears a lot (still do), so I changed my fursona's species because of my negative feelings regarding my wolf identity. I also stupidly let myself become influenced by others who said canine characters were "overdone". Blegh!! How horrible.
      Around early 2009 I finally came to terms with myself and accepted that yes, therianthropy is a real thing, and this is how I feel. It felt so right and good and I am now really comfortable with who I am.

      I think identity is fluid, to a degree, but so far anyway, wolf has remained a constant part of me since I was 11ish.

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    I find it interesting that the conversation in your comments is talking about identifying as a therian. I also identified as a therian (I don't know where I stand on that anymore, probably just a spiritual kinship and respect rather than fox as a missing piece of myself) as a kid and into my teenage years. I've been part of this subculture for over a decade now. Of course, it really did start as a therian movement and when the HELL did therian become furry, or where did furry come from at all?

    Did you also sort of just "fall" into the furry category by default from your therian background, or did you deliberately place yourself in the community?

    I'm exceptionally choosy about my watch list (I don't have time to look at everything with a 2 year old on my back all the time, lol) so while I definitely like your work, I also just felt something interesting about you and hit "follow".

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      Oh, interesting question!
      Truth be told I don't remember exactly how it fell into place... I think the therian feelings happened first (around age 11), which lead me to web searches for werewolves. I ended up finding werewolf art on the SCFA/Yerf, which opened my eyes up to furry art.
      I wasn't actively involved in the fandom til I was a teenager though, for the longest time the only furry exposure I had was just watching pro-level artists drawing animal people on Yerf. It was a nice way to ease into it for sure, if I had stumbled upon VCL first, for instance, I would have run screaming and never returned.

      So I guess by identifying as an animal person, it was only natural to join a fandom of animal people, even if it's a roleplay/art thing for most other people.

      Thanks for watchin'!

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        Hey VCL isn't ALL bad... :) Just like 90% off the content! Of course I haven't crossed paths with it in 5 years or more...