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Gross by CervineTeeth

Today at dinner I got a cup and had some of the boiled water I prepared... It was cold of course but uh.. when I took a drink I started retching after a full sip. Turns out there was some old milk residue or something (moldy oldy milk ) and lets just say i'm afraid to touch any cups in the cabinets now... The water I made is mostly fine though.. I just wish I had some pitchers that were 100 percent clean to put them in ugh...

Now i'm afraid to touch any thing and my medicine gives me chronic dry mouth so.. blegh

I think i'm gonna just stick to canned drinks and glasses (not plastic cups) for a long time or just get disposable cups or something

The tapwater was boiled because the water is so nasty here and no one believes me so I don't get yummy bottled water :/

It also has residue in it but when I boil it it's as clear as the sky is blue



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    I feel traumatized by just reading that. Really gross!
    But, was the moldy milk in just the cup or in the water you prepared?

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      Thankfully only the cup. It was so bad though ugh

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    EUGH oh god.

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      The worst part is I hadn't realized it right away... until I took a big sip x-x

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    I laughed, but only because I've had similar experiences >.>

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      Oh gosh it's happened to me a few times. Like one time I had two cups and one had a couple day old juice and guess which cup I grabbed x-x